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Woot! First day of school is D-O-N-E!


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And it wasn't half bad, considering older has a head cold, our house is still a bit of a mess from the move and our HS room isn't done :D


I am so happy to start up school again!

Way to go!


Two of my three students are done and have been for hours. My third has forgotten every math fact from first grade to third. Joy.


:lol: hilarious. Next week, I'm sure I'll be there.

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If you can do it with those qualifiers, a "regular" day should be easy-peasy! :hurray::hurray::hurray:


We had our first day today as well. 2nd and K are fun.

Highlights were: catching tadpoles at a nearby pond for nature study, our first day drawing the great circles for Geography as in The Core, and Buster's first day of Rigth Start math.

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It's a great feeling! We finished our first day today as well. My K'er kept disappearing into his bedroom, hiding with his brother's DS, and my 2nd grader whined about having to do school. Otherwise, it was a great day. We got everything accomplished that I had planned. After a full day of work (full day for us ended at 1:30 pm), we went out and got ice cream and then picked up some fish. I got each of the kids a Betta as class pets as we're studying Swimming Creatures this year. ;)


Now let's hope that the excitement from today carries over to tomorrow...

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As a first year homeschooler, we have completed 4 half days, with today being our first full day. I have a 7th grader and a 9th grader. It went as planned........I taught, they fussed. :D They share some subjects, but have independant work in others. But, at one time.....during geography, my 9th grader said "this is fun". ;) Hoping they get used to homeschooling......they are not going back to ps!!:)

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