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Don't you hate it when you forget why you bought a certain ingredient?

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Don't you hate it when you cannot remember why you bought a certain ingredient?


I have a packet of thyme here and I don't remember why I bought it.


I have NO chicken left, it is all sitting in freezer bags with other ingredients for the crockpot.




Roast? Split pea soup? Errr...trying to think why else I buy thyme.

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Dontcha just hate it when you have too much time on your hands?




Get it? Get it?! Thyme/time?


I slay me.



This happened to me recently with a package of cupcake mix. I spent hours trying to remember why (and for whom) I was supposed to make cupcakes. :glare:

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Tempeh burgers? Soup? That's usually where my thyme goes.


I have cardamom that I've never used and have no idea what to do with it. I remember buying it and thinking, "Man! This is expensive! Oh well, I need it for ...." <-- that's where the memory gets fuzzy. No idea what I needed it for. It is still sitting in my cabinet, many months later.

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Nothing says "I love you" like filé?! :001_huh::D

I think she was excited to see it, and my grandma used to use it in her gumbo.


Anyway, cardamom is very nice in baked goods -- cakes, cookies, sweet rolls (no need to be limited to just cinnamon anymore!), as well as rice pudding or french toast...

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It's usually the opposite here in that when I reach for an ingredient it is gone because someone has eaten it. Shredded cheese? Gone. Salami slices? Gone. Can of black olives? Gone. Blueberries for cobbler? Gone.



This drives me CRAZY too.


I have a container of Celery Salt in my spice rack. Every time I pull out the chili powder, I see that Celery Salt and wonder why in the world I have it.

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Once you start using cardamom it can become an obsession. I spent years thinking it was icky, then I got some good stuff from Penzeys at Christmas and I haven't looked back.



coffee cake

Scandinavian baking

Indian cooking


People use it in a lot of the same places they use cinnamon.


There's always something in top of the cupboard I'm trying to work around because of an impulse buy:

corn leaves (I think we had that 2-3 years before we made tamales),

dried peppers from Mexico (didn't know what kind they were),

and capers (dh opened them, took a bite, and promptly threw them away).

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I love thyme, especially fresh. I use it in lemon/honey glazed carrots and in chicken noodle soup. Chicken pot pie with puff pastry sounds delicious--worth getting more chicken if at all possible. If you can't get more chicken now, maybe later? Thyme keeps pretty well if packaged properly and kept in the veggie drawer of the fridge.

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Cardamom is good in DIY chai.


Once you start using cardamom it can become an obsession. I spent years thinking it was icky, then I got some good stuff from Penzeys at Christmas and I haven't looked back.



coffee cake

Scandinavian baking

Indian cooking


People use it in a lot of the same places they use cinnamon.


I've used it in spiced cookies.


I think it's used in Indian type dishes.


Thanks! I love Indian food, cookies, and chai, so I will start there and try to use this cardamom finally!

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This drives me CRAZY too.


I have a container of Celery Salt in my spice rack. Every time I pull out the chili powder, I see that Celery Salt and wonder why in the world I have it.


Celery salt is AWESOME on tomato sandwiches. Slice of bread, bit of mayo, fresh in-season tomato, sprinkle with celery salt. I wait all year to eat those. You can also just sprinkle it on plain old sliced tomatoes.


I adore thyme and put it in everything, but it's especially good in glazed carrots, I think.

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I bought not just one, but TWO packs of chopped hazelnuts one holiday season. Those suckers are EXPENSIVE!

And then I couldn't remember why.

Looking back, I THINK I was going to make a fruitcake or something, but at the time, I kept looking at those nuts in the pantry...

Sadly they went bad before I could use them. Wish I still had them to make that dark chocolate nutella-like spread that someone posted the other day.

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