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Teen girls and clothes...

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"shop" or "buy"?? :tongue_smilie:


We *always* cruise Goodwill and the bargain racks at Kohls...but we don't necessarily buy something every time.


Usually we try to buy a few things NEW w/ each change of season...and we supplement throughout the year by shopping Goodwill, etc.

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I don't have a teen girl yet, but when I was a teenager my mom would break the total yearly allotted clothes income (for me) into 4 chunks and I would get the money in installments and be allowed to go shop for clothes with it. My mom gave me guidelines and taught me to be aware of what I 'needed' and what I 'wanted'. If I spent money on something that I didn't need, well more than once I had to wear some pretty ratty stuff until the next batch of money. It gave me the opportunity to learn to handle money and curb shopping impulses.

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when she needs something. People (Aunts, grandparents) often get her clothing for her birthday or Christmas. My dd is going to public high school in Sept. I will make her sort through her clothes to find what fits and what doesn't, then she will decide if what's left is enough. I will probably suggest something if it looks like she only has one pair of long pants or jeans. dd is not big on clothing. She doesn't really like to go shopping, except for shoes and she buys shoes with her own money.

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Every 2-4 weeks. BUT...dd loves to get an item here, and then another later. She doesn't like to do big shopping trips because for her, all the fun is over too fast. LOL She loves to go to a second hand store by our house. They get a lot of Ambercrombie and Holister type brands. She can buy what ever she wants from there (pretty much no limit) so she gets a new-used item every few weeks or so. Sometimes she can find a whole pile of things that fit her, and other times, it is pretty limited. What she doesn't find in a second hand store, we buy it at the mall. Even she struggles to pay $50+ for a pair of brand name jeans when she knows she will be able to find something at the second hand store for under $10.


She dresses really cute and is very picky on what she wears. I am very, very happy to have a girl who likes to get more for her money LOL

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We don't go shopping for clothing usually. We do generally look at all sale racks. If something is a good deal and will be worn we buy it. No huge shopping extravaganzas normally just an item here and there. When we go back to the states she gets a few things to wear there and bring home with her.

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I don't have a teen girl yet, but when I was a teenager my mom would break the total yearly allotted clothes income (for me) into 4 chunks and I would get the money in installments and be allowed to go shop for clothes with it. My mom gave me guidelines and taught me to be aware of what I 'needed' and what I 'wanted'. If I spent money on something that I didn't need, well more than once I had to wear some pretty ratty stuff until the next batch of money. It gave me the opportunity to learn to handle money and curb shopping impulses.

Your Mom was a wise woman.

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DD 12 goes "shopping" with her friends almost every weekend (and a few week days this summer), but she rarely buys anything substantial. She went today with some friends between soccer practices and bought a cute pair of $2 flip-flops. When she needs something specific, I take her. We don't do big shopping trips. DSD 13 is the same way, but shops with friends maybe only once a month?

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Once or twice a year?

When she outgrows stuff and needs new things, and maybe once while we travel and just want to go browse.


Same here, they never 'shop' but when they need new shorts or shirts for dance, new jeans b/c they've outgrown the other ones or a nice dress for a vacation...we go for the 80% off rack, only look for modest well made clothing (so hard to find!!) and my girls have never said they don't like something...they hate shopping, tell me they'll only try on 3 things and that's it! :) Maybe it will change, but I doubt it, we're just pretty practical, my girls are 13 and 14.

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My 13-year-old just discovered the fun of going to the mall with friends.


So, she and I shop when she needs something, whether that is just a couple of times a year, or once a month.


She just had a big growth spurt, and is off to camp in a couple of weeks, so we need to go soon. I still do most of the shopping with her rather than just give her money - so far. At her age I feel she still needs guidance, and we shop well together. She loves going to thrift stores.


But, she'll take a few dollars when she goes to the mall with a friend and checks the sale racks. She found a very cute top at Aeropostale the other day, very reasonable price and while not my favorite style (spaghetti straps) it is OK for her.


(I love that she bought bras that convert to strapless so she doesn't have straps hanging out in the wrong places. We both despise that look.)


But that is far more than you asked.

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My 15yo loves to shop, and she is a great bargain hunter. We go for a big trip for summer and winter, and usually shop the consignment stores first (love Plato's Closet), and then go to the mall to pick up whatever we couldn't find there. She also goes with friends sometimes and usually buys something she found for a great deal. We like to shop whenever we vacation, too. She usually gets a few things then.


My soon to be 13yo is just starting to get into shopping, but won't buy anything unless her big sister says it's cool :001_smile:

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Only when we have no choice, hate shopping.

DD16 is very well endowed and most stores just end up making her cry.

DD11 is a stick figure and it is really hard to find things that fit her height AND her waist.

We don't fit in at the Mall and leave traumatized. Thrift shops we go to once in awhile and new tshirts from ThinkGeek. ;)

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We were just at Good Will and Charlotte Russe yesterday! My 16 yo dd loves to shop. (She has champagne tastes, but we live on a root beer budget. :D)


She has a good eye for bargains, and doesn't mind at all if we hit Good Will, Miracle Hill, Platos Closet, etc. Her best find was a beautiful prom dress for $7 this year. She also shops at consignment sales, Walmart, Target, JCP, Charlotte Russe, and Hot Topic.


Probably at least once a month we are looking at clothes for her. However, sometimes it is just a window shopping trip - on days when I sense she needs the mother/daughter experience more than the purchase. And I'll not deny her that! She'll only be living with us a few more years. I want those memories to count.

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