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Checking The List...

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Trying to get whatever needs done, done for puppy girl.


If you have anything to add, please feel free!



  1. Flight arranged. *check*
  2. Vet appt booked *check*
  3. Food bowl, collar, leash...will be purchased on our way to airport. (Large city, way more selection there than here)
  4. Puppy is arriving in crate, don't need to get one.


Am I forgetting anything?

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Bed for the puppy unless it will always be in the crate to lay down. Even then an extra bed isn't a bad idea. a rubber toy and a soft toy.

Those would be things that would come to mind anyway.

Yeah, I don't bother w/beds, I train my dogs to go into their crates. Frankly, the kids would use the beds rather than the dogs :lol:


*puts toys on the pet store list*

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You mentioned a food bowl, but don't forget food to go in it. :001_smile:

The breeder is sending some, but yeah, I need to get some specifically for large breed puppy. I'm debating switching her over to raw diet though, which is why I didn't put it on the list, trying to figure out if I'm going to go raw or kibble.


We have all laminate/lino, so clean up spray shouldn't be needed. :001_smile:

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I would still do pet enzyme spray so that it really well & truly kills the odor, just in case. We have all tile, but still spray accident spots with the pet enzyme stuff. Just to remove ALL traces.


As far as to-do, I'd do a quick cord check in your home. Are all cords where puppy can't get to them, or where you can easily police her away from them? Can you cover or hide the cords that go to the most important items so puppy doesn't destroy them? If you'll be leashing her to you/having her in the crate this won't be as urgent, but just something to be aware of. I don't know what it is about animals and cords, but it's almost a magnetic attraction....


lastly, convince Wolf to let you name her the name you want. :) And have fun! (and maybe towels to put in the crate for the car ride home in case she's car sick. Obviously you'll take her out to potty before going home, but she might throw up in the car. Be prepared with towels/plastic bags just in case. If the smell is bad, you might stop, bag the used towel, replace with fresh, continue on the drive. Trust me. if it's a non-issue, wonderful; if it is an issue, you'll thank me later.

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Bully sticks (a bull 'part', all natural best tough chewies).


I actually prefer to stay away from most large breed dog kibble formulas. They tend to be too high in protein. Large breeds need more consistent body and muscle growth for bones to form properly. Too much protein makes them grow too quickly. I know there are a million different ways to feed though ;)


I'd go raw. Can't get any better than that. That's what we are back to doing. Their teeth are white, coats look better and their breath doesn't stink. Oh and the best part, no yard cleanup :D. It just turns to dust.

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I would still do pet enzyme spray so that it really well & truly kills the odor, just in case. We have all tile, but still spray accident spots with the pet enzyme stuff. Just to remove ALL traces.


As far as to-do, I'd do a quick cord check in your home. Are all cords where puppy can't get to them, or where you can easily police her away from them? Can you cover or hide the cords that go to the most important items so puppy doesn't destroy them? If you'll be leashing her to you/having her in the crate this won't be as urgent, but just something to be aware of. I don't know what it is about animals and cords, but it's almost a magnetic attraction....


lastly, convince Wolf to let you name her the name you want. :) And have fun! (and maybe towels to put in the crate for the car ride home in case she's car sick. Obviously you'll take her out to potty before going home, but she might throw up in the car. Be prepared with towels/plastic bags just in case. If the smell is bad, you might stop, bag the used towel, replace with fresh, continue on the drive. Trust me. if it's a non-issue, wonderful; if it is an issue, you'll thank me later.



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yeah, bully sticks are on the list. ABsolutely no rawhide in my home, ever.


Great suggestion about the extra towel and bags, thanks!


She will be leashed to me when not in her crate. Wolf is NOT looking forward to a crying puppy in our room. He's threatening to sleep out in the van :lol:

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Bows for her hair. ;)


We got our dog in winter, and our first order of business was a trip to PetSmart for supplies, and a cute pink sweater. LOL

Uh...she's a Bordeaux. Bows aint gonna work, LOL


Here's a link to Bordeaux pics...


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I second a comfy towel. Just put it in her crate as soon as you get her at the airport so her "scent" gets all over it. Then keep it in the crate with her. Last year when we got our golden retriever pup, she was a bit overwhelmed the first few days and the "scent-y" towel helped soothe her and made the crate more of a comfort zone.



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I second a comfy towel. Just put it in her crate as soon as you get her at the airport so her "scent" gets all over it. Then keep it in the crate with her. Last year when we got our golden retriever pup, she was a bit overwhelmed the first few days and the "scent-y" towel helped soothe her and made the crate more of a comfort zone.



She's being shipped w/a towel in her crate, but I'll bring another. :001_smile:

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Extra bags for sick messes(just in case). for accidents and for holding the towels if they get icky.


Myself, I normally do 2 of everything for those extra moments that always seem to happen.


You could also prefreeze a kong with some yogurt or peanut butter in it for the ride home(depending on the ride time).


I do not use any cleaner other than diluted white vinegar and yes I bring some in the car cause accidents happen there as well!


For puppies I like a variety of substances for those teething gums. Orka brand, Kong brand and Nylabones make some great choices now. Bully sticks and antlers are great as well but pricey. Well, pricey if they chew the way my dogs do!


Also do not forget something new and special for Cassie! She needs a special something for allowing the intruder into her home;).


Have fun but your list is pretty good! Of course there will always be something forgotten or something that could have made the trip easier that you slap yourself for afterwards but it sounds like you are pretty set.


If you have access to a cooler, some ice cubes and water would be good as well. Just remember not too much while driving or you will really need those clean up towels!

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Introductions outside of HER area first is how we always introduce newbies. walks together and then leashes attached quiet times in the house. the walks together have always made intros go fine with ours when bringing in fosters or newbies.


Have safe zones set up for calming down spaces(we use a bathroom and a bedroom and garage).


Watch bones/toys for the next few days as sometimes those items can elicit a feeling the need to control.


Remind the children to limit their time on the floor with the puppy for a bit until Cassie has settled some with her.


At both of their ages Cassie should settle fairly quickly with the pup! But if she is anything like my female she will remind me every time the pup has done something wronbg. Wrong in her eyes of course!;)

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Puppy won't be home til after 11 pm. So, I'm thinking of hustling her into our bedroom, and doing intros in the am. Just can't imagine dealing w/dog intros at that hour.

Def. the right idea. wait until the morning so everyone has some rest and can think and react quicker if they hve to.

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Eventually you may look into getting a crib mattress at a garage sale. Those big breeds like to rest their bones comfortably. We usually buy 2 crib mattresses at garage sales and store one in a closet because Ted likes to chew them now and then...:D:D:D

Post pics when she arrives!!!

Edited by Liz CA
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Haven't read other replies but from one who regularly flies in puppies:


Bigger crate. Puppy will grow at an alarming rate and will not fit in her shipping crate for long. Since you're going to the big city, maybe pick one up while there, unless you can find one up your way.


To take with you to airport:


Wet towels. Before you leave home, wet a couple of hand towels or rags, wring them out and put them in ziploc bags. Easy clean-up if pup emerges from crate less than fresh-as-a-daisy. I usually use rags and just toss them out right then and there. Baby wipes are cute and all, but unless you're welcoming home a tiny chihuahua puppy, not really practical. Big beefy puppies need big beefy clean-up.


A bowl and a couple of bottles of water. Pup will most likely have spilled her water in her crate and be THIRSTY. If you've got a clean bowl and some water ready to go it really helps ease her thirst.


Some food-- and I don't suggest large-breed puppy food for big mastiffs. Too much protein. Just puppy version of whatever kibble you're feeding is fine. Important to limit protein in these big pups to avoid things like pano and keep them from growing too fast. (Pano may happen anyway, but I don't feed large breed food and I"ve never had a pup with pano. Not saying it can't happen, but I"ve had good luck with that method.) The breeder probably didn't feed the pup for a while before the flight so they had less of a chance of vomiting or soiling in the crate. She might be hungry.


I just asked dh what I should tell you to bring and he said, "Lots of love!" Awww...he's such a sweet guy. For our last puppy we drove 7 hours to Toronto as a family and the next morning dh got on a flight in Toronto at 7 am, flew to Vancouver BC, taxied to the freight terminal, waited for puppy Ky to come down on a puddle jumper from north of Powell River, taxied back to the airport, loaded puppy Ky back into a passenger jet and flew back to Molly and I bursting with excitement in Toronto. All in the space of 12 hours! They both made it just fine, and here's a picture of dh, Molly and 9.5 week old Ky at the Toronto airport:


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Thanks, Astrid, Liz Pettech!


We're going to be looking into exchanging the crate for a bigger one asap. I think she bought it at Costco, and they have no prob w/exchanging for any reason, so yeah, I had a bigger crate on the mental list...just if I can get any credit for the crate I've already pd for, I'd like to, yanno?


If limiting protein is a good idea, what about raw?

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