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What's the earliest one of your dc have potty trained?

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I'm curious b/c dd, who is 13 months, is VERY aware of when she poops. After the deed is done, she'll usually let me know that she needs changing:001_smile:.


It's also pretty obvious to me when she's pooping b/c she stops what she's doing and gets really quiet.


Sooo, I was going to buy her a little potty chair and see what happens. The worst that'll happen is we'll put it away for a bit. I've read somewhere that you can usually train a toddler, if you catch them before they're two. After that, the window usually closes for awhile. I don't know, I've never had a child potty trained before 2.5 yrs old.


Anyway...when's the earliest any of your dc have trained?


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dd2 did at 17 months. She was like your dd and I got a chair and thought I'd see what happened. We just took that chair to whatever room we went and she ended up spending a lot of time naked last summer, it seems I raise heathen children who like to be naked, I did get her into clothes before winter though :) She's 2.5 now and still trained. She trained during night a few months later and has only had maybe 3 nightime accidents since then.

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My earliest was my fourth child, a boy, who potty-trained at 2 years, 3 months. He was completely potty-trained, night and day dry, in exactly two weeks. I always tell him he gets the gold-star for potty-training in our family :)


13 months seems awfully young but each kid is different. I know that my third child, probably could have been trained at about 15 mos. He was much like you're describing your daughter - very aware and fascinated. At the time, I didn't do it because I was babysitting a 9 month old everyday and just didn't want to deal with it at that time. I kicked myself when I had trouble training him at almost 3.


I'd say go for it and if it doesn't work, well, what have you lost. You'll just try again later. I will say that the best potty chair I've ever used is the little fisher price froggie :)

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All three of mine were day trained, night trained, car trained..everything by no later than their 2nd birthday. Usually between 18 and 22 months. Dd1 showed interest earlier but wasn't quite ready. We held off for another 2 months with her and she was good to go.

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I put my kids on the potties when they were 9mos and 12mos, and they would usually go. After that, my eldest almost never had a poopy diaper. They were completely diaper free (day and night) at 17mos and 19mos. Very few accidents.


I might have tried earlier, but I adopted my kids and took custody at 9mos and 12mos (and neither walked until almost 15mos). The first sit on the potty was an experiment - one I'm very glad I tried.


We used Baby Bjorn Little Potties, which my kids loved from the first moment.


I'm very much a believer that you can avoid a lot of the drama if you have them on the potty as a matter of course well before they approach the "terrible twos."

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Ds17 was night dry before a year old. He was completely potty trained around 22mths. It only took a day or so to potty train him, and a week or so with prompting and then he was done. He only had one accident after he was potty trained and it was in the line of a checkout stand.



DD13 was under 2 but barely. She still had nap accidents if we didn't have her potty before hand. Otherwise, she was done by 2yo.


DD5 was over 3. It was really, really hard for me to have an older kid in diapers but her therapist says it is common to potty train late with her conditions.

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Interesting everyone! Yeah, I figure there's nothing lost if we just try. If it gets frustrating, I will just stop and try again in a couple of months. I certainly won't let it stess me out :). I just figure, shoot, if I don't have to wash poopy diapers, huge plus! The funny thing is...she LOVES sitting on little "stools". For ex: the booster seat on the floor, the lego bucket (with lid on), steps, anything that's at that short level where she can just squat down a bit and sit ;).

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I definitely think earlier training is better based on my experience with my kids. My last several have been done by two but we start earlier. We just make it part of their life and no pressure. Try catching her right on waking in am and from naps.

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I had "1" child out of 6 that actually asked to be put on the potty at 15 months..and was night-dry by 2yo. The rest were day-trained somewhere in their twos, but some weren't able to stay dry at night until beyond 10+. I don't think it's always about how it's managed. We have a family history of enuresis and ADHD....that makes for late bloomers and wetters. :)

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my eldest was about 16 months. He took of his diaper and that was that. Now, I did have to move a little potty around the house so it was in the same room as him or he would pee on the floor. But, he was dry all night from the get go.


My youngest wasn't as young, but he was out of diapers before 2.


Both my boys had a real aversion to clothing and I think that helped. They were naked all the time. I didn't complain because they saved me a lot of money in diaper service, lol.


It was their idea, not mine. I didn't care when the diapers went away. It was their thing to learn and they were in control.


Now....they each nursed for.ever. didn't eat solid food until 2 and didn't sleep through the night until 4. So, I got one thing easy and other things took more work, lol.


You win some, you lose some.

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My oldest dd was 14months when she very obviously wanted to (played with big potty, asked to go, used little potty when I'd let her, etc). I refused thinking it was too early, fighting her a few months before relenting. She was day and night time trained immediately.


My oldest ds was 20 months. Took less than a week (after the first day was over 90%).


My youngest foster kiddo is now 13mo and we've been joking for almost a month about potty training her as she seems so ready in some ways! Of course, walking is probably a helpful skill unless I want to do all the work.


I *really* believe in early training. Almost every child can train by 2½ if given a fair shake at it. And it is easier to do before they get headstrong about it. OF course, any parent who is going to get frustrated about it ought to just wait it out.

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The earliest any of mine have potty-trained is right at 2.5 years. The latest is just over 3 years (that was my oldest child). When they are around 2, they start sitting on the potty here and there (like before a bath, for example) but I don't push it at all. At some point after 2.5, we get rid of the diapers for daytime and use cloth training pants (one ds wanted to go straight to underwear, and he did fine).


Although earlier training would be nice in some ways, it sure is a lot easier when they are old enough to get their pants up and down by themselves! Not that I haven't considered training my current toddler a bit earlier than his siblings. He is 20 months. At this point I'm planning on at least 10 more months of diapers, but if he seems really ready earlier, plans could change!

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My youngest at 9 months had issues with dirty diapers and holding bms until she was painfully constipated and curled into a little ball screaming whenever she went. The doctor gave her something that made her go all day long which also made her scream because her diaper was dirty all the time and we kept messing with the dosage trying to get it right with very little luck. One day when she was 11 months old, I sat her in front of me on the potty and she went. From then on, she did all her bms on the potty. I think she liked sitting there with me reading books to her.


When it got warm that summer, I let her run around with a dress and nothing underneath because there was no way she was going to get herself dirty or wet (those sensory issues). We kept a little potty near her play area and she went in it when she had to. She was fully potty trained, even at night, by 15 months old and never had an accident. I guess there are a couple advantages to sensory issues.

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I was potty trained night and day at 9 months, but I was already walking.

My second ds potty trained at 18 months night and day. He was kind of like yours and I just took off his pants and showed him where the potty was (had to be in whichever room he was in). When we went out or had company the pants went back on and the diaper too. It only took two weeks. I think kids that age can be taught to use the potty. It's the pulling up and down of pants and letting mommy know part that is more difficult for them. For all my kids I am really into poop in the potty. The pee part takes a bit longer to master. At least that's how it works for my family. 13 month ds never poops in his pants, but is not potty trained. I'm trained to run and grab the potty when I see him make "that" face. :)

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DD was 2 year and 3 months (that was everything day, nap, and night)but she could have been early if we hadn't made her stop since we were moving from Georgia to Michigan all though during the move when we stopped we did have her get out and use the potty if she wanted to. I think the whole move I changed maybe 3 diapers because we were in areas on 75 where there wasn't any restareas or exits with decent bathrooms. (she did really good if we would have known that we wouldn't have slowed her down while still in Georgia)

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Both my boys were 2.5 and did it quickly on their own and were totally out of diapers (night and day). YDS tried for a long time actually because he wanted to be like his brother, but while he could force the urine out if he was on the potty since before he was one, he wasn't able to stop himself from urinating every 15 minutes or so until he was 2.5.

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With dd1, we practiced elimination communication, and by 10 months, she was about 90% reliable to go in the potty. She was taking herself to the potty 100% by about 20 months.

Dd2, I didn't do EC, and never really did ANYthing, besides show her a little potty. She completely trained herself in a day or so by 22 months.

Dd3 is 20 months now, and loves to sit on the potty, though she hasn't actually peed on it lol. She does let me know she is wet or dirty though, so that's the first step.


With all three, I was in no rush and had no intention of training them early. They just figured it out when they were ready. :)

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My dd started signaling for pee at about 5 months (on her own; I had heard of elimination communication but had to go actually research after I figured out what dd was doing). She was what I described as 50% trained by 12 months. Basically what this meant was she would always go if I put her on the potty, but she was dry only about half the time. I don't remember when she fully poo-trained... sometime before 18 months I would say. She still needed training pants for frequent-ish pee accidents, though... we didn't switch her to underwear until sometime between 2.5 and 3.


We were very relaxed about it, it was just her awareness and interest (and us following that lead) that got her there. In retrospect I don't care about the pee training... not having to change stinky diapers was SO helpful. But be aware that she may resist going #2 on public toilets AND refuse to mess her diaper once she's trained to a certain extent... which can lead to a very uncomfortable baby when you're out of the house a lot or on vacation. Maybe that's normal with kids who train later, too? I don't know, I've only trained one so far... ds is interested in the potty but doesn't understand what to do yet.

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Both were before 18 months. I can't remember how much before.


Eldest would tell me when he had to poop between ages 3 to 8 months and I would hold him over the toilet and he would go. No poopy diapers to wash. (Yahooo)


Same here, sometime before 18 months. I remember distinctly being faced with a choice at Target. Ds told me had to go and I was sort of grossed out about putting him on a seat in a public restroom. Then I thought about what a great opportunity it was to reinforce his own desire not to use his diaper and what a bad message I would send if I didn't take him to the rest room. He was so little, but we managed in the restroom. Voila, he was potty trained! He really disliked having a dirty diaper.


Both Dc were potty trained earlier than most. Now, as far as walking goes, that's a different story. Both walked much later than most.

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For public restrooms, I bought little fold-up tot toilet seats that fitted in a small diaper bag. My kids were using them from a very young age; youngest would have been less than 1yo, probably.


I'm glad we started early, but truth be told, it was a pretty labor-intensive process, especially when we were out shopping. (As a single mom, I took the girls everywhere except for work. Christmas shopping with them is probably what inspired me to embrace online shopping!) Having to give the girls the opportunity to pee every half hour or so while on an hours-long trip is not exactly relaxing. (Because although there were plenty of times they "could" wait for hours, there were other times when someone had to pee frequently.) On the positive side, it was 8 months from start to finish with both girls (simultaneously) and I defnintely saved a ton on diapers. And never had to smell poo at inappropriate times and places. And never dealt with diaper rash. A pretty good deal on balance.

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My ds2 was completely potty trained and dry all night by 17 months. Even as an infant he would be dry many nights, so I think he was just naturally ready much earlier than some kids.


Ds1 was potty trained before he was 2--but I can't remember exactly how old he was. A little older than ds2.


Ds3 is almost there and he is 23 months. He's a little less "mature" than his older brothers were at his age, though. :)


I am a true believer in early potty learning. All my boys were on the Baby Bjorn Little Potty as soon as they were big enough to sit unassisted, and without being too gross, changing a poo diaper past the age of 12 months has been a rare thing at our house. They all developed a strong preference for the potty for #2s very early on.

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Completely trained at 20 months - Took only a week. I probably could have trained her months earlier, but it seemed inconvenient with the holidays. (If only I knew)


Don't ask for any tips though... She told me when she was ready. I had nothing to do with making it happen.

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I really believe earlier is better. It's much easier to encourage a 1-year-old to sit on the potty than it is to take a 2-year old who's used to not doing that. My 1-year-olds always followed me everywhere. It was perfect timing!


My youngest was fully potty independent (aside from me assisting with bottom wiping) by 18 months. She began sitting on the potty whenever I went around 6 months. By the time she could walk, she was 95% poop potty trained.

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