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Large, red, hot, hard spot that pop up over night. What could it be?

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My hubby woke up this morning with this lump. It was not there when he went to bed last night. It is not near any open wounds and there are any spots that look like bites of any kind. He says that it mostly hurts if he bumps it. It looks like it is slightly larger than it was when I looked at it this morning so I drew a circle around it. Any idea what this could be?

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My husband had a red bump on his forehead once and it turned out to be shingles.



There is medicine for shingles (even though it is caused by a virus), but he has to go get it right away. You don't want it to spread to his eye if it is shingles.

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I would be surprised if it wasn't MRSA, that gets HUGE and fast. I hope it isn't, that is kind of a booger to deal with, especially if you have to worry about transmitting it to other family members. I've seen several of the bumps though and there is little mistaking it.

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Didn't your dh have a stent or stents put in? I would also wonder about a blood clot, depending upon where it is.


I hope you update soon. :grouphug::grouphug: Bless your heart!! You have been through so much with him!


He did but this lump is not in his extremities nor has it moved. My gut feeling since he was in the hospital for a week is MRSA but on the other hand I really don't want even consider the possibility. :(

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MRSA is scary but it can be managed :grouphug: If you find this is what he has and want more info on managing it, I will be happy to PM with you. I don't have MRSA, but have dealt with it, so I have a lot of info. The story itself is sad and some of the people wouldn't want it spread on the web though so I don't post it ever.

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He did but this lump is not in his extremities nor has it moved. My gut feeling since he was in the hospital for a week is MRSA but on the other hand I really don't want even consider the possibility. :(


That is a good possibility. Are you going to take him in? I'm so sorry. I am sure you just want to close your eyes and make it go away. :grouphug:

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He did but this lump is not in his extremities nor has it moved.
It is my understanding that a blood clot can occur anywhere in the body.

You do NOT want it to move, as that... well, that is what we dealt with with my parent and it was horrific.

A week in the hospital - especially if not up and moving much - means a blood clot could have formed.

My parent was in the hospital and didn't tell the doctors or nurses that a hard, red bump had formed. It moved, which is never a good thing for a clot as they only have three places to go and none of them are good outcomes.

Have you called your husband's doctor? Please do so. I could still throttle my parent for not asking the doctors sooner.

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Sebaceous cysts that get infected are similiar to what you described.


This was my first thought, as well.


4Hisglory, in your experience, did doctors suggest removing the cyst? My dermatologist sent me to a plastic surgeon, who put me on antibiotic and scheduled surgery. But by the surgery date, the antibiotic had done its thing and he cancelled surgery. I thought that was pretty unusual. There is still a small mass there, but not nearly as big as before and not infected at all. Will it just stay that way or disappear or what?

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I sent you a pm.


This was my first thought, as well.


4Hisglory, in your experience, did doctors suggest removing the cyst? My dermatologist sent me to a plastic surgeon, who put me on antibiotic and scheduled surgery. But by the surgery date, the antibiotic had done its thing and he cancelled surgery. I thought that was pretty unusual. There is still a small mass there, but not nearly as big as before and not infected at all. Will it just stay that way or disappear or what?

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KH, I sent you a couple of PMs but I can't tell if they went through, my screen does something funny when I send. LMK if you didn't get anything. And please let us know what he finds out, I have my fingers crossed it's something non-serious and easily treated.

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KH, I sent you a couple of PMs but I can't tell if they went through, my screen does something funny when I send. LMK if you didn't get anything. And please let us know what he finds out, I have my fingers crossed it's something non-serious and easily treated.


I did get the PMs. He has an appt. to see the dr. so hopefully we will know something soon. I always thought that staph or MRSA had to be passed by an open infection. I didn't know that it could be passed otherwise and then just cause an infection at some random location.

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Sounds like a boil to me. I had a huge one once, and it was very painful. Had to get it drained. :ack2: Not pleasant for me or the doctor, let me tell you. But it was a huge, red, painful lump under the skin. So get it checked out, but don't panic.

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I did get the PMs. He has an appt. to see the dr. so hopefully we will know something soon. I always thought that staph or MRSA had to be passed by an open infection. I didn't know that it could be passed otherwise and then just cause an infection at some random location.


I do think that is the most common way. I have a child who seems to have low immunity though, and I myself have battled candida and was told not to take strong meds (vancomycin being very strong) so I don't fool around. I did get some information that it was being spread in hospitals via things like stethoscopes but I don't know if they meant to say post surgical patients who had incisions. I'd rather not find out the hard way, kwim? I'm pretty sure the person in question had maybe a bug bite or knick that they then shared a washcloth with the person with MRSA and it entered that way. Lots of that going on in that house.

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Odd sidetrack...but I had a boil when I was a kid. They tried everything at home, and were going to take me to the doctor. My aunt said she wanted to try something that worked for her as a kid. She brought over a strip of raw bacon, and put it on the boil. She covered it with gauze, and we left it on overnight. In the morning, it had completely drained the boil. Gross, but cheaper than a doctor visit, lol.


My mum used onion on me once :D I don't think it do anything I think it was close to bursting anyway.

She use to say that boils are a result of something in the blood that onions can clear out. When we would start getting boils, she would cook a lot of onion for a few weeks.

I had lots of boils when I was a child, I still have scars from some of them.

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