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Quick, make-ahead breakfast ideas?

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Any quick make ahead breakfast ideas? I'd really like to get my mornings started earlier and maybe even exercise in the morning. My problem is that I'm never hungry in the a.m. but if I don't eat I have no energy to exercise. I thought if I had a quick, make ahead breakfast ..... but what??


Recipes would be great, too! Thanks!

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things we do:


i start my day with a banana, which i eat while the coffee brews. then i make/defrost one of:


instant oatmeal in the microwave (1 minute)

healthy muffins (carrot, zucchini)

oatmeal squares (made with yoghurt and i add chocolate chips)

frozen french toast sticks (we make ahead and freeze)

any variety of egg (5-15 minutes)

cheese dream (melted cheese on multi-grain bread)




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I have tea every morning which is needed to be functional, but I need to eat or it irritates my stomach. I'm usually too tired to cook much of anything. I have an electric tea kettle so I've been making a lot of instant oatmeal since I can make it with the same water that's heated for my tea. Once it started getting hot I needed something new.


I made these strawberry muffins that are made with oatmeal and greek yogurt. I've made them twice now and they are very good.


I've basically been looking for ideas on Pinterest. There are all kinds of prepare ahead eggs, granola bars, etc. In a pinch, I just nuke a scrambled egg.

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This book is full of cute ideas for breakfasts under 7 minutes.


One of the best things I learned is to precook bacon and freeze it.


We also make breakfast burritos in huge batches. They are just cooked scrambled eggs and chopped up sausage, put in a tortilla with 1/2 a slice of cheese, rolled and wrapped with foil, then freeze. When you want one, unwrap, and pop it in the microwave for about 2 minutes.

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I keep our freezer stocked with homemade muffins for my DS to eat in the morning. I bake 3-4 different recipes at a time, then freeze everything in individual serving sizes so I can pull out and just keep a few days worth in the fridge.

Lately, I have been using Pinterest for muffin ideas... I also love King Arthur Flour website for recipes. I generally change out the flour to healthier ones and decrease the sugar.


My go-to quick breakfast is a cheese stick.

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Crock pot oatmeal with fruit in it- lots of different recipes online


This- I made a batch and froze it. I take some out of the freezer and put in the fridge the night before, then warm it in the oven in the morning.


For the kids, I make a bunch of pancakes on a weekend day, and freeze them in small batches.


I also make mini quiches in muffin tins. Use baking cups or they stick to the pan horribly. They can also be frozen and reheated.

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Any quick make ahead breakfast ideas? I'd really like to get my mornings started earlier and maybe even exercise in the morning. My problem is that I'm never hungry in the a.m. but if I don't eat I have no energy to exercise. I thought if I had a quick, make ahead breakfast ..... but what??


Recipes would be great, too! Thanks!


Slice cheese and make cheese toast in the morning. I like extra sharp on whole wheat, but other cheeses melt better. Or just make cinnamon or plain buttered toast in the morning... no make ahead necessary. I've been wanting to freeze up some French toast for this sometimes, too.


Wash/cut up a variety of fruits... strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes, oranges, melons, Cameo apples (which won't brown overnight). Some fruits that we like we do wait to cut up in the morning... pears, peaches, nectarines, grapefruit, bananas, kiwi, other varieties of apple... but I can have these washed and set out with a knife for quick prep in the morning. If I had a 13yo I'd get him to help. :D (And the 9yo, too? Certainly she could do the banana.)


If you like, make whipped cream ahead to go with the fruit. (Sometimes I need more fat with my breakfasts to make them stick with me. I like mine very lightly sweetened since the fruit is already so sweet.) Or yogurt if you don't want the fat.


Or cook up a bunch of bacon and freeze it... it will microwave up in less than a minute and will make a simple breakfast of toast and fruit feel special.

Edited by cottonmama
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I like to make something the night before for breakfast, since I'm NOT a morning person.


My family likes banana muffins. Plain for us old folks, :tongue_smilie:, but I add chocolate chips to some for the kids.


Dh likes a yogurt parfait. The night before, I put some yogurt in a glass, then add some frozen blueberries on top. I put this in the fridge overnight, so that the berries thaw. Then in the morning, just add some granola, and you're all set.


Sometimes, when I have time, I cook up a big batch of homemade waffles, french toast, or pancakes. I put some in the fridge, some in the freezer. Super easy to heat up in the morning. Dh and Zee like blueberry pancakes, and all the kids like chocolate chip pancakes. I prefer to make french toast, becase I like getting protien into them in the morning.


A cheap way to make a bunch of french toast:


Around here, some grocery stores put a dozen eggs on sale for $1 sometimes. I get an extra dozen or two. Then, our Krogers sells fresh made huge loaves of Italian bread for $1 as well. Take it home, slice it up, and you've got excelent french toast bread. 2 1/2 dozen eggs plus two loaves of that bread makes a TON of french toast. I add a bit of milk (not too much, since I want the french toast to be heavy on protien), some cinnamon, and some vanilla. That's it. So for less than $5, I can get days and days worth of breakfasts. Well, they do add powdered sugar or syrup. But you get the idea. And everyone LOVES it.


It's a bit of work, but worth it. I really can't bring myself to buy frozen waffles/pancakes/french toast ever anymore, given how cheap it is to make a huge homemade batch.

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I always wait to eat until after my run or I will paint the road with food.. but I always eat a chobani yogurt, a handful of almonds,and a banana...then I casually sip on a cup of coffee while doing the kids studies, etc.


I drink a bit of OJ or grapefruit juice before I exercise. I can't eat anything or it'll come back up.

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We love the refrigerator oatmeal, too. We usually make the blueberry kind and I recently found a blueberry muesli at Trader Joe's and replace the plain oats and frozen berries with that sometimes.


My kids beg for these quinoa cups http://iowagirleats.com/2012/02/16/mini-ham-cheese-quinoa-cups/. I usually replace the zucchini with broccoli and the ham with bacon. Oh, and we prefer them with swiss cheese. I can't stand washing muffin pans so I just roll them into balls and cook them on a greased cookie sheet. Then, I cool them on a wire rack. They freeze pretty well, too.

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We love the refrigerator oatmeal, too. We usually make the blueberry kind and I recently found a blueberry muesli at Trader Joe's and replace the plain oats and frozen berries with that sometimes.


My kids beg for these quinoa cups http://iowagirleats.com/2012/02/16/mini-ham-cheese-quinoa-cups/. I usually replace the zucchini with broccoli and the ham with bacon. Oh, and we prefer them with swiss cheese. I can't stand washing muffin pans so I just roll them into balls and cook them on a greased cookie sheet. Then, I cool them on a wire rack. They freeze pretty well, too.


Oh, wow. Those look so good, and gluten-free, too!

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Some of our favorites:


Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

Best Breakfast Cookies

Granola (I will sometimes make parfaits the night before - granola and Greek yogurt layered in a glass) Otherwise, we just have a big bowl of granola with milk.

Morning Glory Muffins

Pressed Breakfast Burritos I usually triple this recipe and freeze them individually. Then heat them up as desired.

Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Muffins

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My kids beg for these quinoa cups http://iowagirleats.com/2012/02/16/mini-ham-cheese-quinoa-cups/. I usually replace the zucchini with broccoli and the ham with bacon. Oh, and we prefer them with swiss cheese. I can't stand washing muffin pans so I just roll them into balls and cook them on a greased cookie sheet. Then, I cool them on a wire rack. They freeze pretty well, too.


I made these this morning with the zucchini, ham, and colby cheese, and everyone, dh included (who usually dislikes quinoa) loved them! I want to try making them with bacon and broccoli too.


We all like these. You can make them up the night before and they keep for a couple of days.




Got all the stuff for these today too (including gf oats). We're looking forward to them! Starting with the raspberry vanilla recipe.

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