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What was the youngest you left your child with someone else?

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I know it sounds horrible of me - don't bash too much!


I was wondering if it would be okay to leave my youngest with a very trusted, very dear neighbor for a couple hours (here in our home) while I took our older son out for a bit. I was laid up for the last couple weeks of pregnancy, I'm not supposed to take the new babe out for 4-6 weeks, and our 3 year old is noticing that our 11 year old daughter is going out and doing things (invited on summer outings to VBS with friends, amusement parks, the pool, etc) and he's rather... stuck in the house with no end in sight for a couple months; it's too hot for him to play much outside (mid to upper 90's and he asks to come in after a couple minutes). I feel so bad for him, otherwise I wouldn't consider it. I was *thinking* that maybe next week I could take him to his favorite place (Barnes and Noble) while his sister is with friends at the fun park and Dad is at work.... but I'm not sure it would be wise considering our newborn will only be a couple weeks old by then.

It could just be my overly sentimental brain on percocet right now talking too... :tongue_smilie:My older son looks rather miserable every time Sissy leaves the house and he keeps asking to go "see the choo-choo" (at Barnes and Noble).

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I left DS2 with grandma and grandpa at a little less than 2 weeks old so I could go see Harry Potter 7 ;) I was so nervous but in the end it was just so nice to get out and do something normal and relaxing with just my husband! Especially since we got very little sleep before and after that for a little while. He had fun snuggling and eating, grandma got her cuddly grandson time, and all was well. We tested out a bottle with him 2 days before just to make sure he'd take it and he did okay so I knew he wouldn't be hungry. I usually introduce a bottle around 2-3 weeks anyway just so my kids know how to drink from one anyway.

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My son was just a few weeks old - and I had to return to work so he began staying with a friend at her home. My daughter was only a couple of weeks out of the hospital when I left her overnight with another friend so I could take a long planned weekend trip with my dh.

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I left dd with grandma at 5 days old for about an hour - I had to go take a test in one of my college classes :D


Is there any particular reason babe needs to stay in for 4-6 weeks? Dd was out and about at just a few days old - mama needed to pick up classwork.

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My son was just a few weeks old - and I had to return to work so he began staying with a friend at her home. My daughter was only a couple of weeks out of the hospital when I left her overnight with another friend so I could take a long planned weekend trip with my dh.

So I don't sound terrible lol my dd has not stayed away from us since...

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I think it's fine to leave a baby whenever you are comfortable leaving the baby. I usually don't stray far since new babies eat constantly and I don't like pumping or formula, but if you don't have qualms about that you can leave a bottle or stay in quick getting home distance if you need to.


Alternately, is there someone the three year old could go have a play date with? I had multiple people take my three year old for mornings and afternoons after having the new baby. It was fabulous!

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My son was just a few weeks old - and I had to return to work so he began staying with a friend at her home. My daughter was only a couple of weeks out of the hospital when I left her overnight with another friend so I could take a long planned weekend trip with my dh.

So I don't sound terrible lol my dd has not stayed away from us since...

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I don't see anything wrong with an hour or two as soon as you're comfortable being out and about chasing a 3 year old. I wasn't supposed to be lifting the baby carrier, nor did I want to drag my mom and my other 3 dc along when I had an appointment about a week after my c-sec, so I left them all home. It was impetus for the midwife's office to get me in and out quickly knowing that I had to get back to such a new baby, but I also took a few more minutes to pick up a smoothie on my way home.

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I left ds with my parents at 5 days old so dh and I could go get dinner. Of course, he was still in the hospital with severe jaundice at that point and they all conspired against me to get me to leave for an hour to clear my head, so I don't know if that counts. After that, I think it was around 6 weeks when I started back part time at work.

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5 days old, but I had to go back to the hospital because of excess bleeding.


Other than that, I think I left him with my mom at 2 months. I don't remember with ds2, but probably about the same.


If you just take your older son to B&N for a little while, I think it will be okay to leave the baby with the neighbor.


Agree with the bolded. He would appreciate a little mommy-n-me time, and baby will be fine for an hour. Congratulations! :grouphug:

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Are you nursing? If so I'd wait, or just bring the baby. I don't abide by the "dont take them out for a month" thing. Life goes on. I put them in a sling, up against my body, where other people can't touch or breathe on them, and do my thing. My mother was horrified, but I explained that we needed groceries or we wouldn't eat, lol. heck. I took my dd to her check up at the pediatrician 1 day after our homebirth, and stopped and ate at Wendy's on the way home! I didn't let anyone near her, and she was fine.


I would just be scared to offer a bottle that soon. I think she'd also be exposed to just as many, if not more, germs being handled by a friend than if you held her yourself and took her with you.


If you really can't handle that idea, how about having a friend take your son out to do some fun stuff? That would honestly be my preference anyway. Get a cool sitter to take him to the movies, or the playground, or whatever. That would be fun for him and give you a chance to just sit with the baby and get some rest.

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I think if it's someone you trust very much, like a very close friend or family, there's nothing wrong with a couple hours away from the baby.


I never had anyone nearby that I trusted that much when my daughter was an infant, but I wish I did. Sometimes you (and the other kids) just need time to yourselves, and that's okay.

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I went out to a black tie event when my fifth baby was 3 weeks old. I was nursing, brought the pump, didn't get around to pumping and nearly exploded out of the strapless dress - it got much tighter as the night went on, LOL (at least it wasn't falling down?). But, it all went well. Baby was fine.


I'd rather leave the baby for an hour or two with a sitter than bring baby to a place where there are lots of little kids.

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I had a neighbor drop off her sleeping newborn (2-3 weeks old?? Anyway quite little) at my house morning and afternoon while she took her preschooler to school for a few days. She had to take him in, and the weather was very cold. The baby just slept in his little car seat carrier doodad for 40 min. It was very uneventful.


I would never in a million years have trusted her with my kid, though! Ha

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I left DS2 with grandma and grandpa at a little less than 2 weeks old so I could go see Harry Potter 7 ;) I was so nervous but in the end it was just so nice to get out and do something normal and relaxing with just my husband! Especially since we got very little sleep before and after that for a little while. He had fun snuggling and eating, grandma got her cuddly grandson time, and all was well. We tested out a bottle with him 2 days before just to make sure he'd take it and he did okay so I knew he wouldn't be hungry. I usually introduce a bottle around 2-3 weeks anyway just so my kids know how to drink from one anyway.


HP 4 came out the day after Astro was born. :tongue_smilie: I was SO jealous that I couldn't go see it right then!

I think we left him when he was around 2 weeks old to go see it. :)

I think Link was a month old, for us to go see The Passion of the Christ. I can't remember with Pinkalicious - she was over a month old, because she was that old when she came home. :D

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Why are you not supposed to take the baby out for 4-6 weeks? If the baby is healthy, I don't see a need to leave him home. We went home when DS was 3 days old. At 4 days, my mom drove us to the pharmacy and at 5 days we went out to eat for my sister's last day visiting. He never got sick and I did jot own a sling or anything at that time. He sat in his infant carrier while we ate :)


If he has a health issue for which you are supposed to keep him in for a few weeks to limit exposure, I would not leave him with a sitter. I would find a friend to take the three year old out.

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