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Went and saw Brave NO SPOILERS

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I just thought that the story line was mundane and predictable? I don't want to go too much into it, but it was sort of along the lines of another movie I had seen (sorry I just don't want to spoil any of it so not going to get specific) so I felt like I had seen the movie before. It just doesn't have that classic feel that so many Disney movies have and I thought while there were many things that made me laugh, there were also some tacky moments(IMO) that could have been left out.


I will say I loved listening to the Scottish accents and dialect.

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I just thought that the story line was mundane and predictable? I don't want to go too much into it, but it was sort of along the lines of another movie I had seen (sorry I just don't want to spoil any of it so not going to get specific) so I felt like I had seen the movie before. It just doesn't have that classic feel that so many Disney movies have and I thought while there were many things that made me laugh, there were also some tacky moments(IMO) that could have been left out.


I will say I loved listening to the Scottish accents and dialect.




Was greatly disappointed. I found myself getting drowsy twice during this movie. That never happens. Boring and predictable.

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I really liked it! I really liked the dynamics between the mom and daughter. Neither were perfect; both made mistakes. They learned (the hard way) to work it out.


I'm not sure what other movie it resembles...maybe I haven't seen that one?

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I took my girls today. The story line wasn't fabulous, but I liked it anyway. The movie was very scary in parts though. I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone with kids under the age of 7, unless they are very tough, or very oblivious. A couple times my 4 and 6yo were quite terrified. At one point there was a little girl next to us, who was maybe 7yo, who was sobbing on her mother during a scary part. :(

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...I could see a lot of my teen girls (16 and 18) in the main character...


Toward the beginning of the movie, my dh leans over and says that dd12 must really like Merida cause they both like horses, birds, and are excellent mountain climbers. :lol:

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I was disappointed. Anyone else?

Haven't seen it yet, but our big paper's critic gave the Abe Lincoln vampire movie a better review. He said Brave was more like a Disney princess movie than Pixar.

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I took my girls today. The story line wasn't fabulous, but I liked it anyway. The movie was very scary in parts though. I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone with kids under the age of 7, unless they are very tough, or very oblivious. A couple times my 4 and 6yo were quite terrified. At one point there was a little girl next to us, who was maybe 7yo, who was sobbing on her mother during a scary part. :(


Thanks for the warning. My dds are very sensitive so we'll skip it for now.

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I took my girls today. The story line wasn't fabulous, but I liked it anyway. The movie was very scary in parts though. I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone with kids under the age of 7, unless they are very tough, or very oblivious. A couple times my 4 and 6yo were quite terrified. At one point there was a little girl next to us, who was maybe 7yo, who was sobbing on her mother during a scary part. :(


I totally forgot to mention that my 8 year old sat on my lap with her face buried in my shoulder shaking and sobbing through one of the scenes.

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I totally forgot to mention that my 8 year old sat on my lap with her face buried in my shoulder shaking and sobbing through one of the scenes.



Why do they make movies like this and then target them at kids?! It's so upsetting! :mad: I have sensitive kids too. The last thing I'd want to do is pay $$ for something that leaves them sobbing.

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We love Pixar and will see it. Ebert's review (3 stars) made it sound similar to the plots of The Little Mermaid and also Brother Bear in a different setting. (Highlight if you want to see the titles. I didn't think of it as much of a spoiler, but others might.)

Edited by WordGirl
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My husband and daughter (17) loved it. In fact, my husband saw it twice in the same day (once during a work event and then again with us the same evening).


My son (14) thought it was fine.


I thought it was absolutely gorgeous, visually. And the score is wonderful. I liked Merida as a character, and I wasn't especially bothered by the formulaic quality of the plot (although I did notice a certain similarity to another Disney film that is distinctly not a favorite of mine).


My biggest "complaint" has to do with the over-arching message or plot. As I see it, Merida (it can be argued for understandable reasons) makes a choice that puts her mother through a horrific experience and puts her father in a situation in which he almost kills her mother. She's "sorry," and when all is said and done, she gets exactly what she wanted when the film started.


My family is quick to point out that Merida's mother is, in fact, "wrong." But, maybe because I'm the only mom in the house, I'm still troubled a bit by the message a young film-goer might take away from this one.


It wouldn't stop me from taking a young child. In many ways, I think Merida is a great role model, certainly a different take on what it means to be a "princess." I'd just want to have a nice talk with the kid about Merida's choices and the consequences thereof once the credits roll.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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We love Pixar and will see it. Ebert's review (3 stars) made it sound similar to the plots of **** in a different setting. (Highlight if you want to see the titles. I didn't think of it as much of a spoiler, but others might.)



The second one was EXACTLY what I thought of.

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I took my girls today. The story line wasn't fabulous, but I liked it anyway. The movie was very scary in parts though. I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone with kids under the age of 7, unless they are very tough, or very oblivious. A couple times my 4 and 6yo were quite terrified. At one point there was a little girl next to us, who was maybe 7yo, who was sobbing on her mother during a scary part. :(


I actually thought it wasn't anywhere near as scary as most of the other Pixar movies. It was pretty tame. No one nearly fell to their death off a hot air balloon or anything. And it wasn't anywhere near the tearjerker that most Pixar movies are either, though I got a little misty at a couple of points. But my 7 yos also watch Doctor Who, so my meter may be different from others'.


We saw it this afternoon so I'm still thinking about it... I want a spoilery discussion though. Maybe I'll start another thread full of spoilers.

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Dd and I went to see it this afternoon. We both really liked it!! The scenery and details were amazing! I couldn't stop watching her hair. Nothing at all like old-style animation.

For me, it was very intensely emotional. I wish I would have thought to bring kleenex.;) The theater was pretty much full, and towards the end, it was totally quiet except for sniffles and sobs. For some reason, Pixar movies seem to do this to me. I couldn't stop crying after the incinerator scene in Toy Story III. I'm just a wuss.:D

I'm glad that we went to see it, and I may even buy it when it comes out on blueray.

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