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If you are GF and heading to a pizza party

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what do you take for yourself to eat. (small extended family gathering, NOT my family, we just are invited.)


I thought of a salad to share but not sure that will be enough to fill me up.


Do you just take a little container of food to eat yourself?


Long story short.....there is a family member of theirs who makes a HUGE deal about not eating their food and it has become a sore spot so I don't want to be as discrete as possible and not draw attention to the fact that I am not eating the pizza.


When I have wheat it is not pretty. This isn't a choice......I need to stay off of wheat. I think it is an intolerance rather than celiac, but I don't know for sure.



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GF pizza can be awesome, although that could tick them off more. You could just eat beforehand and not eat anything there(or perhaps there will be some safe food?). I've done both before depending on how lazy I'm feeling, timing etc.

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When my kids go to a pizza party I send them with their own pizza.


I don't think it makes a difference what you take with you just eat it without fuss or bringing attention to yourself. If anyone asks you just quietly explain you have to follow a strict diet due to medical reasons and then change the subject by complimenting something like, "I love the landscaping I noticed in the yard."

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The party starts at 3pm with swimming and then food at 6pm, so that makes it rather hard to eat beforehand.


I don't think I will go to the trouble of making my own pizza as I am not a big pizza eater anyway.


I honestly don't think this would be an issue if it weren't for this one family member who goes on and on about how horribly they are eating and how they should only eat organic, etc.....she does it WHILE they are eating.



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what do you take for yourself to eat. (small extended family gathering, NOT my family, we just are invited.)


I thought of a salad to share but not sure that will be enough to fill me up.


Do you just take a little container of food to eat yourself?


Long story short.....there is a family member of theirs who makes a HUGE deal about not eating their food and it has become a sore spot so I don't want to be as discrete as possible and not draw attention to the fact that I am not eating the pizza.


When I have wheat it is not pretty. This isn't a choice......I need to stay off of wheat. I think it is an intolerance rather than celiac, but I don't know for sure.




Make a meal-in-a-salad salad! Layer it with your fav. veggies, hard boiled egg, meat(s), and fill your plate! And eat it sloowwwly.


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The party starts at 3pm with swimming and then food at 6pm, so that makes it rather hard to eat beforehand.


I don't think I will go to the trouble of making my own pizza as I am not a big pizza eater anyway.


I honestly don't think this would be an issue if it weren't for this one family member who goes on and on about how horribly they are eating and how they should only eat organic, etc.....she does it WHILE they are eating.




Bring something safe that you like to eat. You have to eat differently to be healthy. The person making a big deal about you not eating what is served is a jerk. Why would they want you to be sick?


Here's a comeback if you need it: If they say "oh, a little won't hurt you." Reply, that they wouldn't serve you a "little bit" of rat poison, would they? Eating wheat for you is like eating rat poison. It makes your body very sick.

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I honestly don't think this would be an issue if it weren't for this one family member who goes on and on about how horribly they are eating and how they should only eat organic, etc.....she does it WHILE they are eating.




Totally different situation. That person is making a personal choice, and is trying to push others into making the same choice. You are not. You have a medical reason for not eating a particular ingredient...gluten. You are not telling anyone else that they have to stop eating gluten. You are doing what is needed to keep yourself healthy.


Not the same thing as the other person at all.


Take your own food, make no apologies, and don't even bring it up unless you're asked. At that point simply explain and leave it at that.


I personally don't care one whit if I offend someone. My health is too important.


The book The G-Free Diet is a good book that has some great suggestions on how to handle parties and such.

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You also might want to call the venue and see what they have. There's one here which offers GF menu options, and in talking to the manager, apparently what they actually do is have the cooking school in the same complex make pizzas that meet various needs and have them ready to assemble as needed. Since one thing the cooking school teaches is how to adapt recipes, it's a good project for them, and it means that if you let the restaurant know in advance, they really CAN have almost anything (and they always have the GF pizza crust dough and the like available).


I think a lot more restaurants and venues are starting to recognize that there are substantial numbers of people on restricted diets like GFCF and attempting to accommodate that need.

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My son is gf and I would send a small frozen gf pizza with him and ask the hostess ahead of time if it would be all right to pop it in her oven. I've also cooked pizzas ahead of time and then just had him reheat them in the microwave.




ETA: I noticed you don't like pizza and there is going to be a big time lag between arrival and the meal. In that case, I'd just make a salad or something else you want and explain that it is a health issue. You could make a comment on how delicious the pizza looks to make it clear that you are not rejecting their food on the basis of anything other than health issues.

Edited by LisaTheresa
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Ok, my friend just called (her sister is the one having the party) and I asked her how to handle it. She said it would not be a problem at all.....just don't sit in the corner glaring and telling them that what they are eating (pizza) is crap. :lol: I guess this family member is quite the joy! ;)


I also said I would bring a large green salad.


Whew. I was worried but I think it will be ok.



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I've learned with pushy people to get pushy right back. I can't tell you how many times that well-meaning friends and relatives have tried to get my daughter to eat gluten. They tell her, "Come on, everyone breaks their diets on Thanksgiving!" or "Just a small amount won't hurt you" or "I'm allergic to things like that too, but this casserole never causes me any problems" or "Yes, it's gluten free, I only crushed a few saltine crackers in it to help the sauce thicken". And sometimes they get her something to eat and put it right beside their gluten food and we have to tell them that if it touches gluten, she can't eat it. (She's highly sensitive). If they even use the same spoon to stir a pot of gluten noodles and one that's gluten-free, she gets sick.


I'm nice, friendly, complimentary of everything I see, but my daughter's not eating it. I'll bring my own stuff and occasionally, if there is literally nothing for her to eat (having been assured ahead of time that there will be plenty for her to eat), neither my husband nor myself will eat anything either. (This may sound silly, but it's hard to eat when your child is hungry and watching everyone eat food that she cannot have). At this point, we host all holiday meals that are entirely gluten free and invite both of our families. We don't do "food" holidays at other people's houses. (Sorry, off soapbox now) :)


It's nice that you want to be gentle around the host's feelings but you shouldn't have to do that. Take whatever you want, tell her nicely that you cannot eat gluten at this time for medical reasons and change the subject.


ETA - Just saw your last post. :) Glad everything will work out okay.

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I'd bring a big green salad to share and a main dish for yourself. Something simple like chicken can be stored easily and you don't have to reheat if oven access is a problem.


And yeah, don't make rude comments about what others are eating. Hope they extend you the same courtesy. :-D

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The party starts at 3pm with swimming and then food at 6pm, so that makes it rather hard to eat beforehand.


I don't think I will go to the trouble of making my own pizza as I am not a big pizza eater anyway.


I honestly don't think this would be an issue if it weren't for this one family member who goes on and on about how horribly they are eating and how they should only eat organic, etc.....she does it WHILE they are eating.




You can make a substantial salad. Just say it's for health reasons, pizza doesn't agree with you, or doctor's orders, whatever. If they get pushy, "say I'm DYING to eat your pizza but I CAN'T."




Don't make your decisions based on what one rude person does. I personaly believe artificial sweeteners are horrible, but I just don;t drink them- I never say a word about it unless asked directly.


Do you like hard boiled eggs? Those are easily portable, and add some great protein to a salad. Just bring a small cooler with whatever you're going to eat in it, and a dish to share if needed... pick what you can from the shared foods, and unpack your meal, and enjoy!

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are they making the pizza or ordering them? can you take a GF pizza for yourself? (mention it to the hostess before hand so she understands. any decent person would understand you are trying to fit in while accomodating your needs and not take offense.) Where I live there are three different stores that sell GF pizza/pizza crusts.


or even some GF bread you can throw some pizza sauce and cheese on.


oh - domino's is now carrying GF pizza.


eta: don't worry about the melodramatic family member - melodrama is purely for audience response.

Edited by gardenmom5
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what do you take for yourself to eat. (small extended family gathering, NOT my family, we just are invited.)


I thought of a salad to share but not sure that will be enough to fill me up.


Do you just take a little container of food to eat yourself?


Long story short.....there is a family member of theirs who makes a HUGE deal about not eating their food and it has become a sore spot so I don't want to be as discrete as possible and not draw attention to the fact that I am not eating the pizza.


When I have wheat it is not pretty. This isn't a choice......I need to stay off of wheat. I think it is an intolerance rather than celiac, but I don't know for sure.




Well your question is not really about what you do if you're GF and heading to a pizza party, but what do you do if you have food allergies, sensitivities, etc. and are guests of people who are going to take it as an insult when you don't eat their food.


I guess you have some choices: Take the issue on straightforwardly (probably the best choice if you get invited to be with this family a lot and will be choosing to go.). In this case, take something that you and others can eat--maybe fruit salad or watermelon . Eat your main meal before you get there, and enter into the conflict prepared with what you will say. Keep repeating yourself if need be. Draw a line in the sand if need be. The point is that you know the trouble-maker. Decide ahead of time what you will do.


If this is a rare invite, and not worth the confrontation, then you will need to be more sneaky about it. Still no guarantee that the issue won't get brought up, though. You'll need to eat beforehand, or say no thank you to the invitation, or only show up after the pizza is eaten. Take some dessert that you can eat with you in the latter case and share with all. Or you could go and get a slice of pizza and mangle it on your plate like kids do when they want to look like they've eaten something. Or get your kids or dh to pass you their crusts.

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I usually make deviled eggs, a vegetable platter and a gf pasta dish.

I have to be GF for health reasons as well and I have found that most people are understanding.


With people who don't know me well, I simply say "I have a food allergy but didn't want it to stop me from enjoying your party/celebrating with you."


Have fun. It sounds like everything will be fine.

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My son and I both have food intolerances and I take our own food pretty much everywhere we go. For pizza parties I will usually make us a pizza and take it (I've even taken it to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party!) I try to make whatever they are having so my son doesn't feel left out. If it was just me, I wouldn't care, but as a child he likes to eat what others are.


People do make comments about our "healthy food" like we are doing it for a diet or something. Like I'm trying to put my 5 year old on a diet. :glare: Or they will try a cupcake I made and tell me how it tastes just like a cupcake! Go figure it still has a ton of sugar in it lol.

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I would bring a good salad for yourself (not for everyone, or they might interpret that as your pushing your food on others since theirs wasn't good enough?), or I might pick up a frozen GF pizza. (I'm pretty sure I've seen those!)

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