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Please pray for my dh, who has been called on to fight a forest fire...

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Dh and several other ranchers in our community have been called on to fight a forest fire tonight. They are not trained fire fighters. This has been a drought year for us. The fire flared up today, and it is a very fast moving fire, driven by dry, hot winds. This is a small community and everyone helps wherever they can. There are many crews fighting the fire, but they felt they needed to call on the ranchers of the community to serve as night crew. They will be given safety gear, and a quick training on the how to's of fire fighting, then sent out to fight the fire. While I am thankful for ALL the men and women risking their lives to fight this fire, I am especially concerned for these ranchers who have not been formally trained. I would truly appreciate your prayers.

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Praying. I didn't notice at first that you have moved away from NE and was surprised to hear about a forest fire in that state;o) (They had to hand-plant their forest in that great state!)


I pray that the fire is contained or put out and that all are safe.

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Update: Dh is still not home. I called dispatch, and was told that the night went well and the crews held the lines! Yay for the ranchers! The fire has burned about 2000 acres, but NO structures. Thank God. The night crew has been relieved. Then they will attend a briefing, and hopefully be able to come home. They're expecting air crews from Omaha and Rapid City today. I have not heard a containment %. I can see the fire just blazing away from our house. It is in very rough terrain. I'm sure they'll be fighting it for many days. I'm expecting dh to be on night crew for the next few days. I will know more when he gets home. Thank you to all of you who prayed. Please keep all firefighters in mind. Resources are stretched thin with fires here, and in Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.

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We're nowhere near the Ft. Collins/High Park fire, but our Scout troop was and my sister is. The pictures she sent from her front yard today are scary!


Glad to hear you are not there. You came to mind when I saw the blaze on the evening news last night.

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Yet another update. Dh is home, safe and sound. It was a long night. The state has taken over the fire, which hopefully means no more local night crews. But we will know in a few hours if dh will be called back out tonight. Right now he is answering the unending questions from our dc. :)

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Ann and SJ, Thanks for checking back! Dh fought for three straight night shifts. On the evening of the third night, dc and I had to leave, as two of our dc are asthmatic, and the wind had shifted the smoke directly over our area. Dd especially, was having trouble breathing. But the wind was also a blessing in disguise, as it was favorable for the established fire lines. So the firefighters really got things under control that night. The winds also brought blessed rain the next day, and that completely put the fire out!! Hurray! It could have been so much worse. 5000 acres burned, but NO structures were lost, and no-one was injured. The professional fire fighters took on the more dangerous jobs, and did a great job of keeping the ranchers in supportive positions (maintaining fire lines) and out of harm's way. So we are very thankful. And all is "back to normal" for us. There are so many fires going in other states, though. The firefighters there, and the victims of the fires, are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

Again, thanks for checking on us. :)

With warm regards, Jackie

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