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Have you ever heard of this? Opinions?

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My son is working in a retail establishment. He has a quite elderly, mean man who comes in and yells at people and at the products. For example, he was screaming at my son because he could not buy a 2 pack of a certain kind of pens since they only came in a ten pack and that ten pack cost $1.00. He wasn't upset about the price- he thought he should pay about a dollar but he didn't like it that it was a ten pack, not a two pack. Then, yesterday, he went to the bathroom and smeared f>>>> all over the place. He came out stinking and still yelling.


My dh thinks he is probably suffering from dementia. My son says he has heard of elderly people coming into retail bathrooms and doing this sort of thing if they are angry. I suggested calling the police. I am horrified that this man drives at all. Regardless if he is demented or mentally ill, I don't think anyone behaving like this should be driving.


Has anyone heard of this kind of behavior before? I only heard about these kind of things in prison by inmates, not in stores.

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My son is working in a retail establishment. He has a quite elderly, mean man who comes in and yells at people and at the products. For example, he was screaming at my son because he could not buy a 2 pack of a certain kind of pens since they only came in a ten pack and that ten pack cost $1.00. He wasn't upset about the price- he thought he should pay about a dollar but he didn't like it that it was a ten pack, not a two pack. Then, yesterday, he went to the bathroom and smeared f>>>> all over the place. He came out stinking and still yelling.


My dh thinks he is probably suffering from dementia. My son says he has heard of elderly people coming into retail bathrooms and doing this sort of thing if they are angry. I suggested calling the police. I am horrified that this man drives at all. Regardless if he is demented or mentally ill, I don't think anyone behaving like this should be driving.


Has anyone heard of this kind of behavior before? I only heard about these kind of things in prison by inmates, not in stores.


I have heard this before and from what my neighbor tells me it is happening more and more. Just disgusting IMO.

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My son is working in a retail establishment. He has a quite elderly, mean man who comes in and yells at people and at the products. For example, he was screaming at my son because he could not buy a 2 pack of a certain kind of pens since they only came in a ten pack and that ten pack cost $1.00. He wasn't upset about the price- he thought he should pay about a dollar but he didn't like it that it was a ten pack, not a two pack. Then, yesterday, he went to the bathroom and smeared f>>>> all over the place. He came out stinking and still yelling.


My dh thinks he is probably suffering from dementia. My son says he has heard of elderly people coming into retail bathrooms and doing this sort of thing if they are angry. I suggested calling the police. I am horrified that this man drives at all. Regardless if he is demented or mentally ill, I don't think anyone behaving like this should be driving.


Has anyone heard of this kind of behavior before? I only heard about these kind of things in prison by inmates, not in stores.


I would contact adult social services. He clearly needs help. Police would be appropriate if it happens again; I'd ask them to get him a medical work-up and refer him to social services. Strange behavior ("altered mental status") can be from dementia, or about a bazillion other things.

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I have heard of it. I had an elderly man scream at me when I was a cashier. He was screaming that he thought he should get a discount on a bruised green pepper. I offered to get him a new one but told him we didn't offer discounts for damaged vegetables and he went erratic. They called the police and he was taken into custody. Not sure of the outcome but it didn't happen again. I was only 16 and it was frightening. Sorry your son is dealing with it old age is really hard for some people.

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I would contact adult social services. He clearly needs help. Police would be appropriate if it happens again; I'd ask them to get him a medical work-up and refer him to social services. Strange behavior ("altered mental status") can be from dementia, or about a bazillion other things.



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She terrorized a number of the local businesses near her assisted living for some time. The hair salon where she used to go actually had a restraining order against her, and would call the police if she showed up there. I don't know what all happened leading up to that, but I know that it was really bad and that the owner felt like her staff was being endangered because the owner tracked me down and told me. My worst nightmare for some time was that Mom would hurt somebody and end up in jail. Adult Protective Services and DMV had both been involved prior to this, but she continued to wander and cause problems until she was locked up per the instructions of the relative in charge. There was nothing more that I personally could do.


The reality is that unless someone is taking responsibility for them, the only thing that you can do is call the police when someone like this shows up and gets angry. Unfortunately dementia and violence can indeed go together, and I wouldn't take it lightly.

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He's going round the bend and needs help. This could be something quite treatable. Smearing is common in the world of mental illness. People are all worked up over the terrible thoughts in their minds, and cannot believe something so loud and persistent in their brain is not being heeded by everyone else. The smearing demonstrates helplessness. (Some people do smear just to be a pain in the neck.)


Does he have family? And no, he shouldn't drive. His judgement is off. The police can take him in for an eval, and if there isn't something medically wrong (like low B12 or the agitated hypothyroid of the elderly), the ER will call "those people" to come talk to him.


I am reminded of a patient who was banned from every store in her neighborhood for aggressively correcting everyone. She loved it near the mental hospital because everyone was "so nice" in the stores. We could not convince her they seemed "nice" because she was forced to take meds to get trips to the store. Sweet and smart on meds, she was screaming and arrested off of them.

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When I was in college, I opened a little shop and had my sister, age 8, working there after school. This guy - maybe in his 50s - used to come in and be an a$$ about everything. One day my sister told him she was not allowed to discount a price and he called her a b--ch. Obviously not in his right mind. He was informed that he was not welcome there any more. Not too long after that, I heard he committed suicide.

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I would contact adult social services. He clearly needs help. Police would be appropriate if it happens again; I'd ask them to get him a medical work-up and refer him to social services. Strange behavior ("altered mental status") can be from dementia, or about a bazillion other things.


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It certainly does sound like a form of dementia. Either the authorities or a family member (if one can be located) should be contacted.


I have no idea what it has to do with driving.:confused:




My impression was that since Chris thinks he has dementia, she also feels that it's dangerous for him to be driving. I could be wrong, but that's how I read it.

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I am going to look up the number of adult services and give my son it.


And yes, I am worried that someone who seems to not be in his right mind is driving. It also makes me think that he is living alone and either he has no family or the family is away and doesn't know how bad he has gotten.


Thanks Joanne, for the link to sundowners information. I think that is what another one of his customers has.

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