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DS4 said he "ate" a 200mg ibuprofen tablet...then said he was kidding. Help?

Guest inoubliable

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Poison control is super nice. We have called them before when our oldest swallowed miscellaneous things (and once she put sudafed in her mouth). They can tell you whether you may need to go to the hospital or whether the amount possibly ingested wouldn't be a problem. Truly, they are really nice.

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Glad you called poison control! A dosage like that isn't uncommon after a child has surgery or a broken limb, so don't sweat it too much. I had the exact same thing happen to my son once with liquid tylenol and called poison control (they rock!). He had to climb a high dresser and get through a child proof cap to get at it. Good times! :tongue_smilie: 8 years later, none the worse for wear!

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Ibuprofen is ok if you take more than recommended. Tylenol is NOT. If your child ingests too much acetaminophen, call poison control or go to the ER immediately.


Poison Control told me specifically that liquid tylenol is much harder to OD on than the pill form since it's bottled at a low dosage already. My son drank the better part of a bottle of it and they said it was fine (said he might show stomach upset, but never did) and he had no ill effects. I definitely recommend poison control for definitive answers on this stuff and better safe than sorry on visiting the ER.


This definitely brings me back to my days of chasing around a high energy little boy! :tongue_smilie:

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I have called cousin control for my son eating an imitrex; and dd eating one of my mom's petrol la that fell on the floor, a Styrofoam peanut my mom left on the floor, a few Advil that she managed to open the childproof lid on after climbing the counter to get it, and a sudafed she got off of a 5 foot tall chest!!! We never had to go to the hospital.


She is fine ;) but she is my trouble child. Poison control is wonderful!

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I know this is a couple hours later, but are you sure he only ate one? This would be my only concern as he obviously can get into the container.


I was wondering that too. My kids will say they only ate one m &m or one chip or whatever trying to see if they will get in trouble before admitting to eating more than that until they are about 6 or so.

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I know this is a couple hours later, but are you sure he only ate one? This would be my only concern as he obviously can get into the container.


I was wondering the same thing.


I hope you'll keep a close eye on him to make sure he's OK.


Personally, I think those pills taste disgusting, so unless he knows how to swallow pills without chewing them, I'm hoping he would have stopped after taking only one.

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I was wondering the same thing.


I hope you'll keep a close eye on him to make sure he's OK.


Personally, I think those pills taste disgusting, so unless he knows how to swallow pills without chewing them, I'm hoping he would have stopped after taking only one.


My dd put 5 sudafed in her mouth after punching them ALL out of the packaging! When we found the mess, I was missing two. DH had taken one a few days before and she swalloed one....many were missing the outer nasty coating! She spit them out because they were gross. She did the same with Advil. I am so glad those meds taste bad!

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We had to call Poison Control 3 times in one month! First, dh thought I had dd (2 yrs ish). I thought he did. Anyway, I walk into the kitchen to find her mixing a cleaner cocktail of kitchen and bathroom CONCENTRATED cleaners :willy_nilly:. She had it on her chin, mouth etc. I didn't know how much she had ingested. I don't know how she figured out to bypass the child safety locks. Thank the Lord. We had recently switched to cleaners from a natural mail order company. Poison Control said she would have loose stools and nothing more. Then 2 weeks later, I had just set down the wrinkle release spray I was using. I turned to pick up a shirt. The bottle was gone when I turned back. The little minx was under the table and had sprayed into her face. ARRGH. I called the PCC, again same company of cleaners, she was fine. One week later my grandmother came to stay. Dd got into her suitcase. Found a bottle of pills. She brought me a half chewed one and told me it was yucky. Again we called. She was lucky and needed no further intervention. But I thought for sure that CPS would be at my door the next day. They weren't of course. Still I felt like the worst mommy ever. I'm glad we made it through that month.


:grouphug: to the op.

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Another vote for poison control.


I just said to someone the other day that my favorite thing about poison control is how nonjudgmental they are.


:iagree: And they're totally calm. And a nurse answers their phones (here, at least), so there's no waiting for a call back. They are very helpful.

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I have called cousin control for my son eating an imitrex; and dd eating one of my mom's petrol la that fell on the floor, a Styrofoam peanut my mom left on the floor, a few Advil that she managed to open the childproof lid on after climbing the counter to get it, and a sudafed she got off of a 5 foot tall chest!!! We never had to go to the hospital.


She is fine ;) but she is my trouble child. Poison control is wonderful!


When I was two I pushed a chair to the counter, climbed up and scaled a cabinet and took out a bottle of aspirin and munched some down. By the time my parents woke up that morning I was drowsy and the doctor came by to check me (yes, house calls were real!). I remember my mom keeping me awake until the danger was past.

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We had recently switched to cleaners from a natural mail order company.


Even so, always read the labels carefully when you first get those cleaners. I thought I had an all-natural cleaner, one that wouldn't be at all dangerous, and I'd been using it for years. When I bought a new bottle of the concentrate, I reread the label. Yikes! Permanant eye damage if sprayed into the eyes. I do still use it, but only when the dc aren't around, and they all know they aren't allowed to touch it.

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Poison Control told me specifically that liquid tylenol is much harder to OD on than the pill form since it's bottled at a low dosage already. My son drank the better part of a bottle of it and they said it was fine (said he might show stomach upset, but never did) and he had no ill effects. I definitely recommend poison control for definitive answers on this stuff and better safe than sorry on visiting the ER.


This definitely brings me back to my days of chasing around a high energy little boy! :tongue_smilie:


Yes, I was referring to adult tablets or capsules, since that's what the OP's son ingested. My bad, I should have been more clear. But yes, I completely agree...ALWAYS call poison control, even if you're not sure if anything has been swallowed. They are fabulous at what they do.

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and I'm okay with that! (Is that so wrong? It's been a loooong day...)


Poison Control was super nice and said he'd taken about twice what the normal dose would be (he's about 40#) and that he'll likely get sleepy within an hour and maybe have some stomach ache but he'll be just fine.


Thanks everyone!

I called Poison Control 3 times for DS before he was 3 years old.


One of those times was because I knew for sure he had sucked on an ibuprofen and possibly ate a whole one. They told me he would have needed to eat 11 of them before he would have needed to go to the E.R.

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Call poison control

1800 222 1222

:iagree: he'll probably be fine, but they're the ones that know best.


1dd ate most of a bottle of children's chewable tylenol when she was not quite three. (at least I'd had an idea of how much was in the bottle.) poison control didn't think it was even worth giving her ipacac. she got VERY wired, then crashed and slept for several hours. after I chewed her out for eating the tylenol, she refused to eat chewables ever again. when she was 12, I told her she had to start swallowing pills as the liquid didn't work for her anymore.

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and I'm okay with that! (Is that so wrong? It's been a loooong day...)


Poison Control was super nice and said he'd taken about twice what the normal dose would be (he's about 40#) and that he'll likely get sleepy within an hour and maybe have some stomach ache but he'll be just fine.


Thanks everyone!



Oh good! Thanks for the update!

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I'm so glad he's OK! And although I'm sorry you had such a scare, maybe it will be a good thing in the long run, because now you're aware that he knows how to open the bottles and that you'll have to keep things out of his reach from now on. This one scare may have prevented a future tragedy.

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We had to call Poison Control 3 times in one month! First, dh thought I had dd (2 yrs ish). I thought he did. Anyway, I walk into the kitchen to find her mixing a cleaner cocktail of kitchen and bathroom CONCENTRATED cleaners :willy_nilly:. She had it on her chin, mouth etc. I didn't know how much she had ingested. I don't know how she figured out to bypass the child safety locks. Thank the Lord. We had recently switched to cleaners from a natural mail order company. Poison Control said she would have loose stools and nothing more. Then 2 weeks later, I had just set down the wrinkle release spray I was using. I turned to pick up a shirt. The bottle was gone when I turned back. The little minx was under the table and had sprayed into her face. ARRGH. I called the PCC, again same company of cleaners, she was fine. One week later my grandmother came to stay. Dd got into her suitcase. Found a bottle of pills. She brought me a half chewed one and told me it was yucky. Again we called. She was lucky and needed no further intervention. But I thought for sure that CPS would be at my door the next day. They weren't of course. Still I felt like the worst mommy ever. I'm glad we made it through that month.


:grouphug: to the op.


Wow, I thought I was the only mom who needed poison control on speed dial. We did the three times in one month thing, too. Of course, it was always the same kid. However, in our case it wasn't pills, it was all the pretty little berries growing around the yard of our new house. Apparently the previous owners didn't have kids who were foragers. Unfortunately we had a Jr. Survivorman in training.


OP, I'm glad you're little on is well. It's scary, isn't it?

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