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Do your kids share bedrooms?

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I've broached the topic of switching to olders and youngers, as the 11 year old and the 7 year old are in really messy phases right now. The olders, who will be 13 and 14 this summer, decided that they'd rather stay with their same gender sibling than share with each other (fair enough), so things stand. Almost-13 has actually gotten messier lately, which is one reason why her taking over one of the other bedrooms is off the table. We currently have a bed in there for out of town guests (doesn't happen often), shelves with craft supplies (mostly hers), and younger ds's desk, because he prefers to have a space to go off by himself (interesting to me, because he is the one who MUST share a room -- when his brother leaves for more than one night, he bunks in with his sisters on their floor), while the others prefer working in common areas.


This is what happens in our house as well :)



We've done differently through the years. My two oldest (opposite genders) shared on and off all their childhoods, including two years ago. So we *really* aren't worried about it.


Right now, my little boys share a room and the baby is in with us. The girls and older boy each have their own rooms. It isn't very reasonable for everyone to have their own bedrooms as we'd have to have a six bedroom home (which I see available *very* rarely). Who knows what we'll do over time. The huge age differences makes it the toughest. The girls don't care so maybe one day they can be together, but the older boy does care.


Yes. This has never bothered us either.

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My boys share a room. Before that my oldest 2 shared a room. My oldest loves sharing a room. The kicker is they don't even have to share one in our present house. Sharing a room is fine. They'll probably share a room w/ their spouse for the rest of their life.

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We have three rooms and three kids. Right now ds2 is in with dh and I, and dd7 and dd4 share, and we have an extra bedroom for guests (mostly my dad) and for collecting junk.;)


OUr plan this summer is to move ds2 in with the two girls. The room is a good size and I think he would rather be there than alone. I suspect that eventually dd7 may move into the small bedroom alone, and then later again it will switch and the girls will share and ds will have the small room to himself.

Edited by Bluegoat
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Three kids, 4 bedrooms. But one bedroom is really small, less than 10 by 10 and one bedroom is really big, 12 by 18. The small rom is dh's office with a big chair for the kids (more on that). Then the girls share the big room. DS has his own that he gives up when we have guests.


Big chair - middle dd had been complaining that she doesn't get alone time since she shares with her sister. So we found a nice recliner used and bought it for her. It goes in the office and so she has a space. But now it tends to go to whichever kid gets there first. But middle dd can kick the other 2 out if she needs her space.

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Um, ya. You could say they did:)



We have 4 boys in one room(ages 15,12,10 and 4) and 3 girls in another(ages 13,6,2) with another baby girl due in the fall. So it will be 4 and 4, BUT the girls room is much smaller. We are still trying to figure out how exactly they are all going to fit.:lol:


I tell myself it is character building for them AND me since naptime/bedtime can be a struggle.

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We have four bedrooms for six of us. DH and I share a room. Dd15 and dd13 share a room. Dd7 and ds10 have their own rooms but usually sleep in one of their rooms together.


In our last house we had six bedrooms. All the dc had their own rooms. Usually they shared by choice.

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We have 3 bedrooms. DH & I share a room, ds has his own room, and both dd's share a room.


I shared a room almost my entire childhood with either one or two of my sisters almost all the time. The only time I got my own room was so much fun! I also remember lying in bed at night feeling like the room was WAY too big for just me and begged my sister to have sleep overs in my room. :lol:

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I have a girl and three boys. The girl has her own room. The three boys are in one room. My husband and I have one room and then my parents have one room. We are squished.


I'll tell you about squished . Lol...We have a 4 bedroom home and 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. Our boys are 19 months apart so they've always shared a room but now my BIL, his wife and their 2 boys and a girl have moved in so right now we are in tight...I mean tight quarters. Their two boys are in one room. They sleep in one room with their DD. Or boys share one room. And the last room belongs to my husband and I and our DD. Whew that was a mouthful!!! Lol


Once they move out the boys will still share a room and DD will have her own room and the 4th bedroom will be our schoolroom until DSs decide they'd rather have some privacy. At that point our playroom will function as the schoolroom.

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We have 4 bedrooms and currently 6 kids. Three girls are in one room and the three boys in another. My husband and I share one. The last is both a room for a baby and a guest room. We just moved our youngest in with his brothers. When our new baby arrives he or she will be in our room for a long while, but eventually will go upstairs to the room with the crib.

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Oldest special needs dd has her own room. Youngest two share and love it. They're all girls; if youngest had been a boy, the oldest two would have shared. My dds love sharing a room and I'm sure they would want to be together even if we had more bedrooms.

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We have 2 bedrooms. One for DH and I, one for all three kids. DH built a bunkbed for the boys and DD sleeps in a crib. It's kind of rough dealing with the transition as they wake each other up. But they do start learning to sleep through it.

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We have 3 bedrooms and 6 people so everyone shares.


Bedroom #1 parents

Bedroom #2 14yo dd & 9yodd

Bedroom #3 18yo dd & 7yo ds


ds will have his own room in the Fall when dd goes off to college.


Before ds needed a bed all three girls slept in one room & had their "stuff" in the other. They complained all the time about wanting their own rooms. One dd needed a new mattress and it would take two weeks for it to arrive (special order) so my oldest slept on the spare bed in the playroom. They all started out in their own beds but sometime in the night both younger girls would go and get in bed with the oldest. They want separate areas for all their things, but they don't like to sleep alone :)


Amber in SJ

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We have three bedrooms and two kids the same gender 18 months apart. They could share a room I suppose but the thought makes me cringe. I already listen to enough fighting. :p It's one reason (though certain not the only) that I am done having kids.

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Before we renovated, we had a 2bedroom house for 5 of us. Our three girls (10, 9 and 7) shared a very small bedroom (6' x 9'), while dh & I had the only other bedroom. After renovating they got their own room each.


I know many families that have 2 children per bedroom even into their teens.

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no, my kids each have their own room - but i only have 2 kids, so it's easy here, lol. they do like to sleep with each other a couple of times a week though. so cute! growing up i shared a room until my oldest sister went to college. it was no big deal & i really liked it! :)

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We've always had the kids share rooms. At our most crowded we had two adults and ten kids in a four bedroom house. That worked like this:


Adults and dd (newborn) in #1

three boys in #2

DSD with her newborn and dd in #3

Three dd's in #4


We didn't plan that! We had to take our adopted daughter's half-siblings in, and the girl was expecting! It worked out just fine. The biggest problem was that there was only one bathroom.....


Now we live in a three bedroom single-wide mobile home with six full time people and two sometime people. This works like this:


Adults in #1

Adult dd27 and her son age 2 in #2

dd8 and ds5 in #3


Bedroom #3 has bunkbeds and can accomodate dd12 and ds16 when they are here. We also often have dgs4 and dgd2 overnight and they fit in there as well. Recently to make more room I moved all the dressers from #3 to our room. This way no one can pull out all of the clothes and throw them around the room, I can fold and put away most everything in one place, and there is more room in #3.

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7 Bedroom house and we have 8 people. Sounds perfect but it actually works out like this:


Bedroom 1 - Master

Bedroom 2 - Baby

Bedroom 3 - Oldest boy (who never sleeps in it)

Bedroom 4 - Oldest daughter

Bedroom 5 - Office

Bedroom 6 - Third oldest child (who never sleeps in it)

Bedroom 7 - Four of our six kids sleep here of their own choice. They prefer to be together. Two sets of bunks in this room. Ages 11, 9, 7, and 5.

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We have two bedrooms. So we're in one and the boys are in one. Right now the 5yo just started sleeping in a twin bed, which is the bottom bed of bunks. The 2yo will transition out of the crib into the toddler car bed in the next couple of weeks. So their room is pretty crowded right now. But hopefully they'll both be ready for bunks within the year, and then their room will be fine.

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14DD is in her own room

13DS, 11DS, 9DS, and 7 DS in a room with triple bunks and a trundle.

5DD and 3DD have a bedroom but sleep in a twin bed in my room

baby sleeps with me.

The kids love sharing and even though we have an extra room(filled with books and weightlifting gear) they don't want to be split up.

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We had 6 kids in a 3 bdrm house until last year. My 2 oldest dd's shared a small room, and ds & younger 2 dd's shared a small room, and youngest ds shared the room with dh & I. Needless to say we were squished (and older ds really needed a space away from his little sisters. So, dh has spent this last year adding onto our home and it has been wonderful (stressful, and we are ready to be findisher, but the space is great!). We now have 5 bedrooms (and baby #7 is on the way! Guess we thought we had to fill up all this new space we have now :D). Anyway, dd16, dd14, & ds12 all have their own rooms, and dd9, dd5, & ds2 all share a large bedroom (although ds2 spends more time on a fold out kiddie couch in our room than in his own right now). The new baby will spend the first 6 months or longer in our room, then we'll see where he/she will fit best.

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Of course my children share bedrooms...unless a nine bedroom house miraculously drops out of the sky ;)


We've done it differently depending upon the set up of each house and number of children to bedrooms. In this house, we have three bedrooms split between the kids. The three boys share the third floor. Two of the girls share the back room and two share the middle room (even though there is room for all of them in the back bedroom, this is how they prefer it. Baby is still in with us but will move to the back bedroom eventually. DH and I have the smallest bedroom in front. This is also my sewing room.

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We have 5 bedrooms and 2 kids. They used to have their own rooms, but recently begged relentlessly to move in together, so now they share a bedroom. Our new arrangement is:


Bedroom 1: DH's and my room

Bedroom 2: Schoolroom

Bedroom 3: Boys' room

Bedroom 4: DH's office

Bedroom 5: Guest room

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they currently share because we have three children and a three bedroom house. we are building a four bedroom and both have stated adamently that they still want to share. makes me happy!

they are boys, ages 7.5 and almost 5.

our little girl has a room, but she still cosleeps! she'll have her own room when she's ready to move into it.

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