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if you own a keurig

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How often do you use it?

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

How long have you had it or how long did it last?


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from?

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1. Every single day. Multiple times a day :)

2. Regular tap water

3. Two years and it's still going strong!

4. "Donut Shop" and we buy it in bulk from Amazon and have it automatically shipped to us each month.


I adore my Keurig and have recommended them for all of my family members who now all have one and love them, too :).

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How often do you use it?



What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

tap water, no filter


How long have you had it or how long did it last?

I have no idea - 2 years?


What's you favorite coffee flavor?

Currently - Van Houtte Raspberry Chocolate Truffle with Chocolate Raspberry creamer - all on ice. Insane.


Where do you buy your k-cups from?

WalMart, Amazon, and if I'm lucky TJ Maxx (they have great deals if you can catch them right)

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How often do you use it?

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

How long have you had it or how long did it last?


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from?


1. Not very often, especially now that it's summer.


2. Filtered water


3. Less than a year.


4. I like frufru coffee. :001_smile: So, Hazelnut is a favorite; and I bought something at Christmas that was tasty...hmmm...I forget. I usually pick mine up at the grocery store, sometimes at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

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How often do you use it?

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

How long have you had it or how long did it last?


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from?


1. Everyday

2. Tap water, but we have a filter that goes in the Keurig tank

3. We've had it two years.

4. Dh drinks Starbucks French Roast (bulk from BJs), and I drink Tazo Zen Green Tea (expensive from local grocery store).

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Love the Keurig! I am the only coffee drinker in the house, so it's better to make one cup at a time. I use it twice in the morning. If I have company in the afternoon, we might use it for tea.

I use filtered water in it.

I had my first Keurig for a little more than two years before it had problems.

I never sent it back, but a friend of mine had the same problems and they replaced hers with a new one, so save your receipt.

*In case your wondering what went wrong...it started only filling 1/2 a cup. It kept saying to descale which I did. Lots, that descale message would start showing up every two weeks! and back to half cup fillings.

I love the Keurig so much that I bought another one.


I've had this last one for about 6 mos.

I like The Coffee People-Kona (dark) & donut shop

Caribou Coffee-Daybreak and Caribou blend

I purchase these at CoffeeforLess.com and they have coupons all the time.

The last time I was at Sam's Club, they had K-cups by the case, so I picked up Donut House and I like that, too.

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How often do you use it?

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

How long have you had it or how long did it last?


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from?


1. everyday many, many times a day

2. regular tap

3. i've had it about 5 months

4. Emeril's big easy bold amazon.com shipped monthly :)

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How often do you use it?

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

How long have you had it or how long did it last?


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from?


1. Multiple times a day by all family members, both for coffee and for hot water for tea.

2. Bottled distilled water - we started out with tap water but we have much less scale with distilled. We go through 3-4 gallons a week. (!)

3. Bought it at Costco last Thanksgiving.

4. Donut House/Starbucks Verona bought in bulk at Costco.

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How often do you use it? We use it pretty much every day unless I'm making coffee for several people who all want the same kind, and then I just make it in a traditional coffeemaker. We also use our Cuisinart Keuring for making tea, hot chocolate, hot cider, and for hot water for instant oatmeal, etc.


What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water? We use tap water--but we live in a rural area and have a well--and we have a whole-house filtration system also.


How long have you had it or how long did it last? I got my Cuisinart Keurig for Christmas.


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from? My favorite flavor of coffee is hazelnut, but I don't buy K-Cups very often because they are too expensive. We use Ekobrew refillable filters and fill them with our own fresh-ground coffee. We buy coffee beans in bulk and grind it ourselves just before brewing.


I have to say that I have enjoyed using the machine, but I don't love it. If it broke, I'm not sure I would want to replace it. We have a great coffeemaker, and for heating water, we love our Hot Shot.

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I don't own one, but will share my friends story.,


Keurig was used daily with filtered water from their fridge.

They have a well.


After returning 4 Keurigs because they broke, they are giving up.


Apparently well water can not be filtered enough and they would have had to buy water and that was a deal breaker for them.


One other firend owns one and used it daily with tap water. She has gone thru several as well.


I personally like the coffee we buy from a local brewer and will never have a Keurig.

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How often do you use it?

Every day


What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?



How long have you had it or how long did it last?

2 years


What's you favorite coffee flavor?

We like dark coffee. We usually get Green Mountain Dark Magic or Sumatran Reserve.


Where do you buy your k-cups from?

The grocery store or Walmart or Target

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Every day! I usually only use it 1-3 times a day (1 definitely for a cup of coffee in the am, sometimes a 2nd cup mid-am, sometimes tea at night) but my dh uses it a gazillion... lol!


We use super-filtered tap water; our water from the well isn't very good, so it is all filtered coming out of the well to make it "ok" and then there is an RO filter on the kitchen sink to make it "definitely drinkable" - that is the water we use, but it isn't special for the Keurig/Cuisnart.


I buy Caribou from Sams Club in bulk right now. When I first started with this machine, I was a flavored coffee drinker and I spent AGES testing flavors trying to find the one I liked best... only to find that I actually was totally happy with regular coffee with just creamer & stevia in it (not even flavored creamer!) as long as the coffee was good. :)


We've had our since before Thanksgiving last year, but I can't remember exacty when I got it. So far it has only had one problem, and that was one that I knew was potentially going to be a problem (based on reviews) when I bought it. Once in a blue moon, it will short your cup of coffee (ask for 8oz, get 4oz for instance) & keep doing it until fixed; reviews indicated that this was a pump problem & required replacing pump, but further research found a different & much more reasonable fix. First, I rarely take off the water reservoir - instead, I just keep a container of water next to it (big machine) and fill it up from the top. That seems to keep the problem at bay for the most part. Second, on the rare occasions that it does short a cup I immediately "burp the keurig". Seriously!! It is hilarious, but COMPLETELY works! I just unplug it & let the water cool off, take off the reservoir & drip catcher, turn it over the sink and give it a few solid thwacks on the bum with my hand. When I set it all back up it works perfectly. :D You need to do it right away - otherwise you may truly burn the pump out without enough water.

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How often do you use it?

Couple times a week. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but since I'm trying to cut back on soda, I've started on coffee. I drink one cup of coffee instead of 4 Diet Mountain Dew Code Reds. ;)

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

I use the filtered water from my fridge.


How long have you had it or how long did it last?

Only had it about 3-4 months, it's doing fine. :001_smile:

What's you favorite coffee flavor?

My fave coffee is Folger's Gourmet Selection Caramel Drizzle. Yummm....

Or I use Newman's Own Extra Bold

Other drinks we like- my son likes Cafe Express Hot Cocoa, I like Twining's English Breakfast Tea

And I've started drinking Celestrial's sleepytime herbal tea for bed.


Where do you buy your k-cups from?

I've bought them from Sam's, WalMart, Target or our local grocery store, King Soopers. Best deals are from Sam's but best selection has been from WalMart.

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Oh, I almost forgot!! Bed Bath & Beyond has EXCELLENT selection (and will generally order almost anything for you). They also send almost-constant coupons in to be used on 1 item in the store, so I've taken to using those for "fancy" kcups (my dh LOVES the Starbucks ones). I can get a reasonable deal if I get it 20% off.

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1. We use ours multiple times a day. I have quit drinking coffee, but we use it for hot water for tea and I use the ice tea cups.


2. Regular tap water.


3. I have had mine for 18 months and still going strong.


4. I think my favorite is the french vanilla coffee, but have been using it for black iced tea.


5. I buy my cups at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Wal-Mart.

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We have had ours about a year and use it daily, more in the winter when hot chocolate is wanted. The keurig is good for us because we drink a variety of things - if we had to brew a pot of one thing, we'd never come to terms!


One likes fully loaded Caribou, two need decaf, a couple drink hot tea and we all need a chai or cocoa fix now and then. I buy kcups for the Caribou and for the decafs during busy seasons, and use the ekobrew for less hectic days and for a favorite local coffee that doesn't come in kcups. FWIW, I do not buy kcups for cocoa or chai or tea; I buy Trader Joe's and we just use hot water from the keurig. For one, I think the taste is better, and two, things that do not contain sugar and/or powdered milk are less likely to clog the machine.


I use tap water and have had no issues thus far. I suppose it's time to descale it, though!


One thing I like about the k is that it helps me moderate my own coffee drinking. I used to make half to 3/4 a pot daily because I was the only coffee drinker and that's the least I could brew and have it taste good. So of course I would then drink the whole batch. I didn't need that much!


I get kcups at WalMart, JCP and Bed Bath & Beyond, usually with coupons. I have never bought in bulk but have heard the prices are better that way.

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DH got his for his birthday, which was about a week ago. He uses his Keurig daily, sometimes multiple times per day, which is about the same as he used his prior coffee maker. From the sample pack of K-Cups that was included, he liked the Caribou coffee the most. Since we have well/hard water, he uses bottled water to brew with. (The gallon jugs that go on sale at Walgreens.) He uses this to brew his regular coffee.



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Ours probably gets used about 20-30 times a day. We just bought a new one after having the Cuisinart one for about 2 years. This is probably our 4th one in our home, and we've had one for years now. Our older model is being used in one of our offices. We used tap water at home, bottled water at the office. Our current faves are:

Green Mountain Half Caff, Double Black Diamond, Dark Magic


Wolfgang Puck Sorrento


Starbucks Caffe Verona


Van Houtte Mexico


Barrista Prima Coffeehouse - all (this is everyone's ultimate fave)


Hot Apple Cider (my son and I love this)


I mainly use it for hot water, but we have some heavy coffee drinkers in the family.


I think dh has been buying from Coffee Whiz. I'll have to check with him. He orders large quantities at a time. I currently have about 30 boxes of kcups, mostly the 24pk. I guess he is afraid of ever running out.:001_smile: We have the filter but nobody wants to take the time to fill it. It has been used twice. If he doesn't use kcups he uses a coffee press.

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How often do you use it?

What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?

How long have you had it or how long did it last?


What's you favorite coffee flavor? Where do you buy your k-cups from?



I use it everyday multiple times a day.


I fill it with bottled water our tap water is gross.


I have had mine since March.


I buy my Kcups where I can find the best deal. My faves are Breakfast blend and donut shoppe brand.

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1. Every single day. Multiple times a day :)

2. Regular tap water

3. Two years and it's still going strong!

4. "Donut Shop" and we buy it in bulk from Amazon and have it automatically shipped to us each month.


I adore my Keurig and have recommended them for all of my family members who now all have one and love them, too :).


This. Exactly.


Does this mean we can be friends?

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1.Usually once a day

2.filtered water from my frig

3.I've used a Keurig for about a year and a half. My first one quit working properly at less than a year old, but customer service promptly replaced it for me.

4.Dunkin Doughnuts (but expensive and only available at DD stores), Every Wolfgang Puck flavor I've tried, Van Houtte's House Blend. I usually buy online whereever is inexpensive: amazon, keurig.com, coffeforless.com.

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