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Last night......*this* was in our porch!

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It was stormy, and the power went out. After an hour, oldest dd wanted to run out and get her phone charger she had left in her car. She opens the door and we hear, "Oh my God! Quick! Ew....ew......gross! HURRY!!!!!!" We run over with a flashlight.......and there it was... :eek: :ack2::svengo:...on our screen door, inside the porch. Dh got an empty coffee container and trapped it. I just took the picture now (about 14 hours after capture) and it's still alive. :svengo: I can't bring myself to look too closely at it....but I do know it has stripes on its long legs. :svengo: I have lived up north here for 44 years and this is the.first.time.ever I have seen a spider this big here. Please do.not mention about it having laid eggs.....because believe me, I have thought of that already. If I should ever see one of these inside my house..........I *will* die, no question about it. :crying:

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You poor thing. :grouphug:


I had to identify a spider once that DD had gotten too close to and I thought might be a brown recluse. It was dead. I carried it (without touching it) to the computer and tried to identify it. I couldn't, because I was crying so hard. :svengo: I finally had to make DH do it. For some reason, he couldn't understand why I was sobbing over a spider... :glare:

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We just bought a house out in the country on the lake and I am seeing the biggest spiders ever....it freaks me out. I guess you really can take the girl out of the city but never the city out of the girl. We have already killed 2 snakes and I am sure the entire country side heard me scream ;)

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Awww. It's a cute wolf spider. Don't worry, wolf spiders are really good mommies, they carry their young on their backs, so if you don't see any (and they'd be obvious) you are safe from invasion.


Yeah, and don't ever swat at them, the babies scatter everywhere. Ask me how I know.

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We have big hairy Tarantualas EVERYWHERE right now! There was one on the front door last night, my dh came rushing in as I was about to open the door saying, "DON"T OPEN THE DOOR!" Door opens inward and the Tarantula would have been right by my head. :tongue_smilie:


I am trying to acclimate. :glare:

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Awww. It's a cute wolf spider. Don't worry, wolf spiders are really good mommies, they carry their young on their backs, so if you don't see any (and they'd be obvious) you are safe from invasion.

I've never heard of a wolf spider. So....it sounds like they are harmless then. This is a major, major relief. But......I still better never see one inside my house (maybe it laid eggs and they just haven't hatched yet :001_huh: ).


You poor thing. :grouphug:


I had to identify a spider once that DD had gotten too close to and I thought might be a brown recluse. It was dead. I carried it (without touching it) to the computer and tried to identify it. I couldn't, because I was crying so hard. :svengo: I finally had to make DH do it. For some reason, he couldn't understand why I was sobbing over a spider... :glare:

Were you crying because you are afraid of spiders....or because it was dead?


Aaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!! (insert scream here)














I would have had a heart attack on the spot. :ack2:






I'm sorry. I'm sure you won't see this message because we won't dare open this up again.


Thats so cool! I get all excited when we find wolf spiders. Though DH wont get near them. :D


So, another confirmation on it being a wolf spider.


We have big hairy Tarantualas EVERYWHERE right now! There was one on the front door last night, my dh came rushing in as I was about to open the door saying, "DON"T OPEN THE DOOR!" Door opens inward and the Tarantula would have been right by my head. :tongue_smilie:


I am trying to acclimate. :glare:


Wow....you are brave. I don't think I could ever live where there are tarantulas.

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We have hundreds of those here and they are nothing compared to the brown recluses and black widows!!


You have black widows in southern IL? I would have thought they'd be farther south. We are in northern WI and I believe there are brown recluse here, but I'm not sure I have ever seen one (and I better not!). I don't think we have black widows. If they are up here please don't tell me.

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This sounds really dumb- but, I HATE spiders, so....


I started naming them. Silly names. And then I talk to them.

And.... it makes them less scary. Because Gus would *never* jump on my head. He is a good little spider who lives in the corner!


So..... What's his name?? :lol:

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DD11 caught a wolf spider last year and we waited for her babies to be born, afterwards I insisted they move outside.


Here is Henriettia with her babies before we sent them outside




Here she is after the transfer and many fell off in the process.




BTW she was named Henrietta because my children asked my 76yo neighbor for a name and she game the name of her MIL--:D

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Wolf spiders are actually beneficial spiders. I don't enjoy seeing them in my house because they can be so big, and I'm not a huge spider fan. I'd rather see one of those vs. a brown recluse or black widow though. Those scare me!

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Were you crying because you are afraid of spiders....or because it was dead?


Oh definitely because I'm scared of them!


We have black widows and brown recluses here, which I'm sure doesn't help things. We had a black widow make a nest in our mailbox one year. She crawled all over our mail. It was traumatic. I still can't get the mail in the warm months without shuddering. :svengo:


And just a few days ago we were on a walk around the neighborhood when DD found a black widow. She was so excited to see a spider and was getting really close to it so she could show it to us. :svengo: Thank goodness DH was there to dispose of it.

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You have black widows in southern IL? I would have thought they'd be farther south. We are in northern WI and I believe there are brown recluse here, but I'm not sure I have ever seen one (and I better not!). I don't think we have black widows. If they are up here please don't tell me.


Yep sure do...my dh has found them outside at night with a flashlight around the foundation of the house....he has a friend who has taken them as pets (SHUDDER) ewwwwwwwwwwwwww I will post a picture next time we find one, they are kind of cool to look at!

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Ok, I totally do not mind spiders, even big ones like this one or a tarantula, but the picture of the mom carrying the babies just COMPLETELY squicks me out. :ack2: I am sure it's one of those weird phobias like the honeycombs etc, but either way, eeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!!!

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So.....perhaps we got the male and the female and that's it. Right??? Because it sounds like the female carries the eggs on her back too (I thought maybe she laid them somewhere). Are we even 100% certain this is a wolf spider?? My oldest dd is in a panic about the whole thing. I'm trying to remain calm.......don't know if I'm succeeding...



Yep sure do...my dh has found them outside at night with a flashlight around the foundation of the house....he has a friend who has taken them as pets (SHUDDER) ewwwwwwwwwwwwww I will post a picture next time we find one, they are kind of cool to look at!


Oh goodie. I can't wait. :001_rolleyes:



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It was stormy, and the power went out. After an hour, oldest dd wanted to run out and get her phone charger she had left in her car. She opens the door and we hear, "Oh my God! Quick! Ew....ew......gross! HURRY!!!!!!" We run over with a flashlight.......and there it was... :eek: :ack2::svengo:...on our screen door, inside the porch. Dh got an empty coffee container and trapped it. I just took the picture now (about 14 hours after capture) and it's still alive. :svengo: I can't bring myself to look too closely at it....but I do know it has stripes on its long legs. :svengo: I have lived up north here for 44 years and this is the.first.time.ever I have seen a spider this big here. Please do.not mention about it having laid eggs.....because believe me, I have thought of that already. If I should ever see one of these inside my house..........I *will* die, no question about it. :crying:


I was with you right up to the point where you said it's still alive 14 hours later. Not in this household. ANYTHING with more than 4 legs found in our house is promptly disposed of. :svengo:

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I can sympathize. We have wolf spiders EVERYWHERE. I find them in the house at least once a day. Usually they're on the small side but occasionally there will be a huge one. They terrify me (even though I know they're not poisonous).


We also have a lot of black widows - they like to hang out in the garage and in the back yard. There are brown recluses around here, too, but I haven't seen many of those (thank goodness).


I don't know if I could live around tarantulas. :svengo:


Oh gosh....I was hoping they didn't like to come inside. :svengo:

Would you confirm from the picture that this is a wolf spider?

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I was with you right up to the point where you said it's still alive 14 hours later. Not in this household. ANYTHING with more than 4 legs found in our house is promptly disposed of. :svengo:


Well, I think we were wanting to keep the thing intact (not necessarily alive) so it could be identified.

Gosh, everytime I have to type about it I actually get the shivers.

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I have a long-term relationship with a couple of those guys. They like to make big, funnel shaped webs in my windows so they can back up through the narrow end into the the sash cord channel. We go round and round over that territory, lol.

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:crying: We just found another one in our porch......even bigger!! Oh my goodness......I just know they're gonna get in here. I have boxes in the porch I needed to go through. Not now. :willy_nilly: :crying:


Um... Hate to tell you, but if those are cardboard boxes, you won't get rid of the spiders til you get rid of the boxes.


So, gloves, sleeves, legs covered, and armed with a cannister vac to suck em up as you encounter them, get thee to sorting!

Edited by AuntieM
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DD11 caught a wolf spider last year and we waited for her babies to be born, afterwards I insisted they move outside.


Here is Henriettia with her babies before we sent them outside




Here she is after the transfer and many fell off in the process.




BTW she was named Henrietta because my children asked my 76yo neighbor for a name and she game the name of her MIL--:D


I hate spiders unless they are in front of my camera. Nice photos.

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I'm pretty sure the picture you posted is of a wolf spider. We're just on the Canadian side of the Minnesota/Ontario border and that's what our wolf spiders look like. Yeah - they're big and usually make me jump when I see one but they're not at all harmful and they're very good hunters. I'd much rather deal with a few of those than the awful, awful clouds of black flies and no-see-ums we have right now - bleh.


And to share a little Canadian gem...

The Blackfly Song :001_smile:

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Um... Hate to tell you, but if those are cardboard boxes, you won't get rid of the spiders til you get rid of the boxes.


So, gloves, sleeves, legs covered, and armed with a cannister vac to suck em up as you encounter them, get thee to sorting!


Thank you for telling me. Because of your advice, I told dh that we need to get everything out of the porch...we can't keep all that stuff piled up in there. I'm hoping he and ds can take charge of that tomorrow so I don't have to do much of it. Once the porch is cleared out.....is there anything we can spray in there or something to keep them away??

I'm pretty sure the picture you posted is of a wolf spider. We're just on the Canadian side of the Minnesota/Ontario border and that's what our wolf spiders look like. Yeah - they're big and usually make me jump when I see one but they're not at all harmful and they're very good hunters. I'd much rather deal with a few of those than the awful, awful clouds of black flies and no-see-ums we have right now - bleh.


And to share a little Canadian gem...

The Blackfly Song :001_smile:


The no-see-ums especially love my dd....poor thing can't barely play outside without become a feast for them. But......I think the spiders are worse.

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When we first moved in the house we currently live in their were giant spiders. I can't remember specifically what kind they were but we looked it up and they were harmless. But it didn't make me feel better about seeing them. One built a web by our driveway and didn't even move when we drove the car right next to it. There were several giant ones building webs on our front hedges and I actually stopped using the front door for a while:001_huh:


We tried to get our yard service to get ride of them but they guy was too scared:lol:


Then Hurricane Ike came and after that we haven't seen any of them again.

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I SO did not want to know that large spiders like that live here in Wisconsin. :svengo:


Last year during our annual camping trip in the Northwoods there was a rather large spider dwelling in the bathroom closest to our site. I refused to use that bathroom again the entire time we were there. I walked a very long way in the middle of the night, just because I couldn't DARE encounter that monster spider again. *shudder*

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