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Do you have any foods you refuse to eat because of taste or texture?

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I have a dear friend who cracks me up. She is from the Hills of TN and a wonderful Christian mother, but her boys use their allowance money for "beer and cigarettes!"


There is a little country store that sells bottled root beer and candy cigarettes and her kids just love going there for their "beer and cigarettes." And no, neither parent actually drinks or smokes....it is just a family joke with them.





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overly processed lunch meats (ham and turkey)

corned beef hash

Vienna sausages


rice pudding

macaroni salad if it has too much mayo

American cheese unless it's on a burger


I love black licorice flavor, but not the texture of traditional licorice (red or black). So I eat black licorice flavored jelly beans and gum drops, but not licorice sticks.

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Okra. I've never been able to figure out why anybody ever thought that stuff was edible in the first place. You might as well eat a live slug. Even the name of that nastiness sounds like someone gagging.


My husband likes to say that any food can be improved with one or more of the following additions: hot sauce, cheese, chocolate, BBQ sauce. When someone challenged him to improve okra, he responded. "You are falsely presuming that okra is food. I challenge that assertion.":lol:

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Oatmeal! I hate oatmeal.


Pea soup I can't even smell without getting ill.


Both of those things I was forced to eat a lot as a kid, and often would puke from them and be forced to eat more. Both taste disgusting, are slimy, and smell bad.


Making oatcakes yesterday was out of sheer desperation. 2 of mykids love oatmeal, 1 tolerates it and 1 hates it as much as me. THe oatcakes make it more palatable for the 2 of us that hate it, but only just.

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Rawish egg whites, like in undercooked scrambled eggs.

Banana chips - gross taste, too. I like bananas in other forms.

Mushy cooked frozen carrots or broccoli.

Gristle on meat, or big chunks of meat I have to really chew. Ugh.


I love milk/pudding skin.

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As soon as I saw the title, I knew my answer--liver.


Coconut - combination of taste and texture.


Tapioca--mostly for texture.




besides liver? brussels sprouts.


:iagree: to all of the above. And the pudding skin, and the beets, and asparagus.


Actually, I can't believe I got through this entire thread. I don't feel so well now.

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Eggs. I will only eat egg white, the yolk is revolting. I also don't like egg white just on its own so it has to be covered in something. I don't mind egg in things like cakes.


Avocados taste revolting/disgusting texture.


Honey-I hate the stuff.

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Egg Nog (ewww - too thick! :ack2:)

Runny Eggs

Meat Fat and Gristle

Raw Tomatoes

Onions (Cooked or Raw)


Tapioca :ack2:



Overripe Bananas

Dark Meat and/or Chicken/Turkey Skin

Cream of Wheat

Baby Octupus :ack2:

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Water chestnuts. Ugh. The texture sets my teeth on edge.


Weird offal - liver and kidney are fine but I don't fancy tripe.


Soggy meat fat and meat gristle.


Not keen on grapefruit or over ripe bananas but I would eat them if I was given them.


Never tried okra, grits, or black pudding....


This thread has made me feel hungry!


Emma x

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