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I tried to help my neighbors by putting their vans in my garage sale to sell them and did they appreciate all my hard work? No. They screamed at me that they wanted to KEEP their OWN vans and to mind my own business!


Then they had the nerve to get upset when I tried to make their front yard look nice. All I did was pull up the newly planted and just growing grass!


My whole block is nothing but trouble!


Ugh! :grouphug: How rude of them. Geeze too bad they couldn't see what a great neighbor you were being to them.



OMG I moved out of my old neighborhood last night, I couldn't handle the crazies anymore and I don't think this new block is much better. We believe in free range parenting, and letting the kids do what they want as long as there is no blood or broken bones. This woman next door keeps staring at my kids, keeping her's away from mine and acting like they have the plague. I heard her talking to the old geezers next door about tresspassing signs to keep the kids off the playground equipment next door. But the kids are minors so I dare them to make the police do anything. I can see her through the window right now typing away on the computer. I bet she is talking about us. That's what happened in the old neighborhood, people kept talking about us online.


Can you believe she doens't even send her kids to school, no wonder her kids don't know how to play like mine do.

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I don't think it was a joke. I think he was a homeless guy - which we normally would never laugh at but his skirt really was a surprise. Ds whispered to me, "It's not even a utili-kilt!"


And THAT just made me choke on my morning coffee :lol:

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Yep! I didn't realise till a few years ago (after age 30) what "I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree" meant :blushing: And here I would sing it out loud in the car with kids. I think things like that just went over my head as a teen (I was pretty innocent...friends had to explain a lot of things to me).


And here I love my hippie music :D (I used to think "one toke over the line" was "one toe over the line")


Puff the Magic Dragon is still about growing up and a child's imagination though, not drugs!


:lol::lol::lol: I know one of the songs was by Heart but I can't remember which. The other was Hotel California. There were many others. apparently I was also quite innocent.

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Since everyone seems to be disagreeing with me I'm going to add EVEN more information throughout this thread so you'll see that I'm right even though you guys keep telling me I'm wrong. :glare: Why don't you people agree with me? I'm obviously right, just agree with me. Because I'm right. You guys are mean.


I trimmed my neighbor's hedge for her a while back, and she still doesn't appreciate my efforts!


:lol::lol::lol: I had forgotten about that debacle.

Edited by aggieamy
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:lol::lol::lol: I know one of the songs was by Heart but I can't remember which. The other was Hotel California. There were many others. apparently I was also quite innocent.


Hotel California, where you can check out anytime you like...not quite like the library check out system. :lol::lol:

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Oh yes, they are serious social freaks. The girl doesn't even bother to dress in style and she is at LEAST nine and doesn't wear ANY make-up. And I swear the poor kids don't know anything about what music is popular these days. I even heard a rumor that their creepy parents won't even let them watch regular tv all the time like normal people. Maybe I should call Children's Services........


Stop pointing your video surveillance into my windows!!! Freak! :lol:

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Took me a moment *blush*...I got stuck on swellmomma stepping out for a toke :lol:


My first thought when I started reading the thread, was oh, no! I have fallen for the internet persona. I like "talking" with swellmomma, and obviously, she is nuts! Then, I though maybe someone had hacked her account (younger brother or something) Then, I got to the cat and breathed a sigh of relief:D


Hey, I can one-up you there. We saw a man yesterday dressed "normally" on his top half, but on his bottom (I kid you not) he was wearing a pink frilly skirt and pink bobbie socks. We all had to bite our lips while he walked past us to keep from laughing! (This guy was rather a tough looking guy - I didn't want him to beat us up!)

Oh, my!


And THAT just made me choke on my morning coffee :lol:


Luckily I have finished my coffee:001_smile:


ok I am totally confused, were the mentioned threads by trolls? What am I missing? Could someone enlighten me, PM me if you want.


Me too. I know some of these threads, but what troll thread did I miss. Can someone PM me.


My neighbors are all so boring and normal. Strangest thing on our road is sweet. The retired couple across the street from me teach country two step lessons, and the will open their garage door and dance together in the evening.

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THEN I had to confront the woman from down the block. THat broad thought it was okay to be looking at my husband. Seriously, what if he liked her golf cart and ran away with her in it. I had to make sure she knew darn well that I saw what she did and that it will not be tolerated.

Did this one get deleted? I can't find it. Was trying to see who posted that.

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Did this one get deleted? I can't find it. Was trying to see who posted that.


Yes, pretty quickly too. It never got mean or hostile though. It was started by CarolfromIL.

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Yep! I didn't realise till a few years ago (after age 30) what "I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree" meant :blushing: And here I would sing it out loud in the car with kids. I think things like that just went over my head as a teen (I was pretty innocent...friends had to explain a lot of things to me).


And here I love my hippie music :D (I used to think "one toke over the line" was "one toe over the line")


Puff the Magic Dragon is still about growing up and a child's imagination though, not drugs!


I think I'm a decade behind you, but I was 30 when I realized what Only The Good Die Young is about. :001_huh:

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I trimmed my neighbor's hedge for her a while back, and she still doesn't appreciate my efforts!


:lol: I was wondering if that one was going to come up. One of the best threads ever.


:lol: It took me a bit to figure out Swellmomma hadn't lost it!


Yeah, I got stuck on "toke" too. I thought her autocorrect had taken over and I was trying to figure out what she meant.

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