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What is your least favorite piece of housework?

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I can't stand sheets. I hate folding them (which is why they take up permanant residence in the laundry baskets). I hate changing them. I do like how crisp and good they are once they are on, but I can't STAND to do it! :ack2: I'm supposed to be doing it right now, and I got started, but seemed to feel compelled to ask this question, here, instead.


I also hate cleaning the toilets.


Both of these things take all of 2-3 minutes to complete and are not difficult, so I don't understand my aversion to doing them. For the record, I do actually do them, though.


:leaving: << This is me...going to finish changing the sheets now...right now...well, after I get a glass of water...and call my mom...and send the kids to bed...and add up receipts for the taxes...and bake some scones...

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Sheets are supposed to be folded? Who knew! I missed the memo on that.


Is it in the handbook? Maybe I do need to invest in the Revised Edition. :lol:


Best thing I got out of the handbook:




Two nights ago ds9 changed the sheets and mattress pads on two beds.


Dd7 enjoys cleaning the toilet and bathroom.


Ds4.75 wants to swirl the toilets but I'm afraid of the mess.




But please don't come over since I have CHAOS right now (can't have anyone over syndrome).

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I hate putting away laundry. Thank heavens my kids are old enough to put their own away now. Last time dh was deployed a friend witnessed my laundry room. Which was actually a bedroom piled knee-high with clean laundry waiting to be folded and put away. She took pity on me (because she's the most wonderful person I've ever met) and came and got ALL of my laundry and had it washed and folded for me and brought back to my house. It sat in the baskets for weeks waiting to be put away. I wouldn't let her come over to my house because I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even get THAT done. She's volunteered to have my laundry done for me this time while dh is gone. Can you say, SPOILED!

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Yes!!! That is absolutely mine as well. Finding places for things, and putting everything in its place. HATE IT!


I also really procrastinate with changing the sheets on the beds. I don't know why that one bothers me so much.


My favorite hands down has to be folding laundry. Any job you can do while sitting on your bed and watching afternoon tv guilt-free, now that's my kind of job! :)



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I get down on my knees all day, with little ones to diaper and change and hug and kiss and pick up after and bathe, but.... I really hate to scrub the tub out. You know, really get in there with the gritty cleanser and clean all that gunk off -- :ack2:. Yuck.


Before I had a C-section with my oldest, and then another one with the twins, I didn't really mind cleaning out the tub. I think I just associate doing this job with pain, since for months after each C-section, cleaning the tub was physically painful to do. My husband used to say that he would do it, but then I would wait... and wait... and wait... until things were GROWING on the tub. Yuck. So, that only made it worse, when I would eventually get to the point where I couldn't put my children in there one more time without cleaning it, so I'd end up cleaning the tub myself anyway. Now I just do it all the time, without even expecting anyone ELSE around here -- Ahem! -- to notice that it needs to be done.


Maybe that's why it bothers me. Part of me thinks, I get cut open to have your children, the least you could do is clean this stinky tub. I try not to think that, really, I do, but the thought sort of IS there, KWIM? So, tub.

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I hate unloading the dishwasher. I don't mind loading it though. If the kids loaded the dishwasher they wouldn't rinse them anyway and I'd have to rewash them. But I despise emptying that dishwasher. I have no idea why. I'd probably hate washing the dishes by hand more if I had to. I've delegated the job to the kids as well others. Guess which job they both hate doing--yep, unloading the dishwasher:001_rolleyes: They would rather clean up dog poo than unload that dishwasher.

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vacuuming the hardwood floors. the dust just collects around every table leg and behind every door. i can never get close enough to the furniture without banging it. corners are impossible. and i know that the dust will be back in just a few days. also, the floors are not in the greatest shape, so it is not very rewarding when I get them all cleaned up either.

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I hate unloading the dishwasher. I don't mind loading it though. If the kids loaded the dishwasher they wouldn't rinse them anyway and I'd have to rewash them. But I despise emptying that dishwasher. I have no idea why. I'd probably hate washing the dishes by hand more if I had to. I've delegated the job to the kids as well others. Guess which job they both hate doing--yep, unloading the dishwasher:001_rolleyes: They would rather clean up dog poo than unload that dishwasher.



:iagree: I whine about this chore all the time. I'm glad I'm not the only one. My husband can't understand why I don't mind cleaning toilets but moan every time I have to unload the dishwasher. Don't mind loading it, just unloading. I delegated the flatwear removal to my son and as soon as I trust him with my plates, he can have that job too. :D

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Hey I agree with Doran here! I'm not sure I love any part of housework!


However, I'd have to say the worst is definitely scrubbing the tub and mopping floors. Mopping has to do with not having a good mop for so long so I would do it on hands and knees and I have a HUGE area to mop. Can you say knees cracking after we're done?! As for the tub, I don't like the gritty cleanser and then it's really hard to get the cleanser rinsed off.

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I guess I'd have to say I hate to dust.


But wait, even more -- I hate to clean the fridge.





Or is that, clean the toilet?







Mopping around the toilet?







Or perhaps cleaning out the litter box when dd is gone...









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I hate cleaning the bathroom. I struck a deal with DH, I do he taxes (which are easy) and he cleans the bathrooms when he's not out to sea. Unfortunately though I've still got to do them when he's gone. I don't dust much which I used to hate but my dd has become a dusting freak and loves to just go get the swiffer duster and have at the house. I'm not going to complain she can have it LOL

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I like most housecleaning once I am in the mood. It's just getting in the mood! I love getting a room really clean.

When I want to.


The bit that I find the most of a challenge is changing sheets (so I don't do it much :) ) and then all that dusting and vacuuming behind furniture. Today we shifted furniture and I had to vacuum. Ick. But it's done and now it feels good.

I like the feeling of having done good cleaning jobs. But I need Flylady to kick my butt into doing them regularly rather than just when the mood hits me.

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Floors of any kind, vaccuming, sweeping, mopping. I have kids do quite a bit of vaccuming and sweeping. I have a roomba and we have frequent spot mopping parties.



OOOHHH, I'm with you! I have all hardwood floors and they are the worst, they show every little bit of dirt. On the other hand though, I think about the fact that if I had carpet, all that dirt would be getting down in it and I just wouldn't see it, yuck! Guess I'll stick with the dirt I can see.:lol:

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Cleaning tubs.

Cleaning toilets is no barrel of laughs.




Cooking. (The smoke alarm going off when I'm cooking gives me a raging headache. LOL.) Dh does much of the cooking & I clean the kitchen. I have no problem cleaning any kitchen mess, as long as he does the cooking. Fortunately, he's not one of the super-messy cook types, lol. (Though we did have a glass pot and a glass bowl explode/break all over the kitchen 2 different times. Now that was some work to clean up!) I actually don't mind cleaning up the kitchen after dinner because dh & the kids usually have their together time then & I get 'meditation' time while cleaning the kitchen. It's oddly soothing.

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vacuuming the hardwood floors. the dust just collects around every table leg and behind every door. i can never get close enough to the furniture without banging it. corners are impossible. and i know that the dust will be back in just a few days. also, the floors are not in the greatest shape, so it is not very rewarding when I get them all cleaned up either.


This isn't my *absolute* least fave, but I know of what you speak;) - I have hardwood in the living room and it's not in very good shape either so no matter how much time I devote to making it clean (and yep, the dust - and CAT HAIR), it never really looks great. Just sorta...clean but blah. Hard to work up any enthusiasm to clean it when it looks blaaaaah after.


absolute least fave = washing dishes.

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