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What, besides twins, would cause me to measure big?

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A fibroid. I consistently measured 8 weeks ahead with mine. My fibroid weighed 3 lbs (had to be removed during csection in an emergency bleeding situation. That is unusual btw and turned out fine! )

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Enlarged uterus from multiple pregnancies.




If it makes you feel any better, I'm pregnant with #8 - and it's only one baby. No excess fluid.

No fibroids.

I measured 16 weeks when I was only 8 weeks. Now I'm 15 weeks and only measuring 16-18 weeks, but the baby is growing right on schedule. :)

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My fundal height was off in my third pregnancy. I was measuring 5-6 wks ahead. I had an early US for dating (around 9w), and it showed a singleton. Then at one of my first official prenatal appts, my MW thought she heard a 2nd heartbeat. We bumped up my 18-22w US to 17w, and there was still only a singleton. I think by 20-22 weeks or so things evened out and I measured pretty normally after that. My uterus was just really excited and after two previous pregnancies, bigger than normal.


Are you talking fundal height or measurement of baby on US? eta: Reread OP and it sounds like you mean fundal height. In that case, I'm betting it is just because it is your 6th pregnancy. As PPs said, it can be excess fluid and so forth, but I think it is probable that it is just because you've had a lot of pregnancies.

Edited by Momof3littles
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"measuring big" as in fundal height? That's really more of a guesstimate anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it. Tape measure placed incorrectly, more amniotic fluid than average, baby sticking his/her bum straight out...

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I'm pg with #6, almost 12 weeks. There is no doubt about my dates. I go for a sonogram in the morning to find out why I am measuring about 5weeks ahead. Any other reason that you guys know of that would cause someone to measure big? I'm sure all is fine. Just a little nervous.


I can't believe they are even making it an issue at 12 weeks. :001_huh:

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I measured large with my second. My midwife measured at every appointment and after a few consistently large measurements (3-4 weeks ahead) she sent me for an extra ultrasound just to rule anything out. They didn't find anything. Basically it was a combination of me being short (less vertical space for the baby), a baby that was slightly above average size (but still within normal range), and above average amniotic fluid (at the top range of normal). If it's not multiples, I doubt it means much.

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I always measured too big, so with my 5th pregnancy I thought nothing of him saying I was once again measuring too big. I thought I could be off a month anyway.


We went in for an US at what I thought was somewhere between 16 and 18 weeks. We also took our 2 oldest with us for the first time (they were 8 and 6 and sooo excited). I was talking to the technician--he was asking me how many kids we had and I told him 4. So I was looking at him and not the monitor and he said, "Well now you have 6". I remember clearly thinking, "He doesn't know how to count." :lol:


When I did look up, there were 2 perfectly round heads (looking at them from the top), and two sacks. And I was only 12 weeks.


It took bribery to get the kids to not tell their friends immediately when we got home ;).

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I'm pg with #6, almost 12 weeks. There is no doubt about my dates. I go for a sonogram in the morning to find out why I am measuring about 5weeks ahead. Any other reason that you guys know of that would cause someone to measure big? I'm sure all is fine. Just a little nervous.


:toetap05: inquiring minds want to know..... :)

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Thanks for asking!


Alas, there is only one baby in here. I guess I just have a roomy uterus...lol.


We are both relieved and disappointed at the same time. Baby measured right on target, and was very wiggly and cute.


My due date will be right around Thanksgiving.:001_huh:

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Thanks for asking!


Alas, there is only one baby in here. I guess I just have a roomy uterus...lol.


We are both relieved and disappointed at the same time. Baby measured right on target, and was very wiggly and cute.


My due date will be right around Thanksgiving.:001_huh:


I'm glad all was well.:)

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I measured almost twice the normal size with dd2. They thought we were having twins until we had the ultrasound, but as it turns out there was just a TON of fluid in my womb. Totally flooded the room :D Oh, and she turned out to be about 9 pounds.


I had the same issue, just a lot of amniotic fluid. I remember feeling like I was going to pop near the end of the pregnancy. Sue enough my water broke at home, and it just gushed and gushed. The baby was over 9lbs.

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Thanks for asking!


Alas, there is only one baby in here. I guess I just have a roomy uterus...lol.


We are both relieved and disappointed at the same time. Baby measured right on target, and was very wiggly and cute.


My due date will be right around Thanksgiving.:001_huh:


Don't they say everything is bigger in Texas?

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Don't they say everything is bigger in Texas?


Teeheehee :D


When I read the title, my first thought was "cake and doughnuts?" That's what made me big! But alas, you were talking fundal measurements. I measured one week smaller, but gained an obscene amount of weight with Baby #4. Cake and doughnuts, like I said.


Glad everything looks good with Baby!

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I was so round with one of mine I had to borrow XL maternity clothing (usually only wear a med-lg) - the stand-up shower (one w/o a tub) was getting tight:smilielol5:. I was surprised the next baby after that one I didn't need to wear maturnity clothes until I was about 16 weeks and both babies were average size.

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