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What does a heart attack feel like and is there any way to know . . .

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if you have had one after the fact without going to a dr. Awhile ago I had severe pain/pressure in my upper chest all the way through to my back and radiating to my right shoulder. It lasted about 5 minutes and then disappated. There was a wave of nausea but it has passed as well. I feel better now and I will make an appointment with my dr for a check up but is there any way to know if this was something I should be concerned about now? My hubby is not home and even if he was the best he could manage is to get me to go to a walk in clinic. I am not an ER kind of gal. I waited three days to go in with my kidney stones. I am not calling an ambulance especially now that I feel fine. This has happened to me a couple of times in the past and I never had any additional problems. I have had one heart work up already due to family history and high blood pressure and it was fine. My blood pressure is pretty good right now as well and only goes up if I am in pain. I am drinking some carbonated beverage because I have found if I have gas bubbles that will help. So I am just looking for info or personal experiences. Thanks.

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A heart attack doesn't dissipate in five minutes, so if you're back to feeling as you did before the episode, it's not likely a heart attack. It does sound like it might have been costochondritis; it's an inflammation between the ribs with the pain located in the chest, and can radiate (often does) around the rib cage, and into the back where your ribs are too. The pain can be sharp and increases with breathing, movement or touch, but can go away pretty quickly, come and go, or stick around for a while, with the pain mistaken for a heart attack. The pain can also go back and forth between dull and sharp, with weeks in between episodes.


Honestly, I would, if it were me, get in to see a doctor IF there were any other symptoms which might indicate there is something more to it though....heart attacks aren't just pain in the chest, but a host of other symptoms, sometimes presenting for days and weeks ahead of a heart attack - shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, pain in your jaw, fatigue and/or episodes of profuse sweating without exertion.

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I have just been through this with a loved one. Pain can come and go with a heart attack, or at least it did in our case. You have a risk factor for heart disease, so you should treat this as serious and get it checked. If it is a heart attack, there is medicine that should be given in as soon as 12 hours that can help prevent permanent tissue damage. If I was you, I would go to ER for a blood draw to measure certain enzyme levels.


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Honestly, I would, if it were me, get in to see a doctor IF there were any other symptoms which might indicate there is something more to it though....heart attacks aren't just pain in the chest, but a host of other symptoms, sometimes presenting for days and weeks ahead of a heart attack - shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, pain in your jaw, fatigue and/or episodes of profuse sweating without exertion.


I think I will make an appointment. I have had all of the above and the chest pain did not sound like you described. :glare: Given my family history, I would rather be safe than sorry.

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I have just been through this with a loved one. Pain can come and go with a heart attack, or at least it did in our case. You have a risk factor for heart disease, so you should treat this as serious and get it checked. If it is a heart attack, there is medicine that should be given in as soon as 12 hours that can help prevent permanent tissue damage. If I was you, I would go to ER for a blood draw to measure certain enzyme levels.



I let my dr. know and ask about the enzyme test.

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Not to go through my whole saga, but

heart attacks feel different for different people,

women do not present classic symptoms, and

in our case, the doctor sent dh to ER anyways, so we shouldn't have waited until morning.


I really hope it is something like indigestion, but please take care of yourself.

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Please remember that women rarely have the same typical symptoms of a heart attack as men. For many, *many* women the first sign of heart disease &/or MI is death. Truly. And, yes, a heart attack can present as transient or even no chest pain or pressure, especially in women.


To answer your question the only definitive way to check for an MI is via cardiac enzymes. Sometimes a 12-lead EKG will show evidence of a prior heart attack. I know you said you don't like ERs; I can only urge you to seek emergency care at a hospital capable of stat caths. At the very least they'll run your enzymes and serial 12-leads. Your life is worth it.

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It sounds like my symptoms for reflux. I wouldn't overly worry, but I'd go in asap and get things tested: enzymes to see if there is damage, cholesterol to see if you are a candidate for heart attack.


It is not reflux. I am familiar with that. I have also had plursey (sp?) and it isn't that either. My cholesterol is good but family history is bad. I think I will just call my dr. tomorrow and get a check up and ask about enzymes.

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Please remember that women rarely have the same typical symptoms of a heart attack as men. For many, *many* women the first sign of heart disease &/or MI is death. Truly. And, yes, a heart attack can present as transient or even no chest pain or pressure, especially in women.


I know. My mom died of her first (as far as we know) heart attack at age 60. She had her cell phone in her hand at the time and didn't have the time to call anyone. That's the only reason I worry at all. She was severely overweight and had very high blood pressure though and I do not. My brother on the other hand has had several heart attacks but he has Wilson something syndrome and I do not. If I am still feeling weird when hubby gets home (a few hours at most) I will let him know.

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It is not reflux. I am familiar with that. I have also had plursey (sp?) and it isn't that either. My cholesterol is good but family history is bad. I think I will just call my dr. tomorrow and get a check up and ask about enzymes.

If you cholesterol is good chances are there isn't a blockage and so probably not a heart attack. It could have just been a bit of angina.


Let us know what the doc says tomorrow. :grouphug:

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It is not reflux. I am familiar with that. I have also had plursey (sp?) and it isn't that either. My cholesterol is good but family history is bad. I think I will just call my dr. tomorrow and get a check up and ask about enzymes.


You can certainly go in to your doc tomorrow. Just know that time is muscle. *If* you are/did have a cardiac event you could ultimately hinder your recovery (i.e., have damaged or infarcted muscle which causes problems down the line). Also, many family docs/internists/GPs don't have the equipment needed to run cardiac enzymes.

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Ifou have never had chest pains before, you should be checked out ASAP. Everyone should be seen the first time they have chest pains.


Last year, I nagged my df all weekend to go in because he was having chest pains he'd never had before. By the time he went on Monday, he'd had the heart attack. Thank God he lived (and apparently worked right through it.) It could have ended so differently. He had a triple bypass and is fine now.

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Wow. I believe those "symptoms" are a red flag, especially with family history.


There are cardiac issues on my Dad's side. Serious ones. Open heart surgery to replace a valve. Before that angina and coronary heart attacks. Still, I've had the same questions as you.


Women in our age category can have heart issues.


Keep us posted.


PS....I think it's wise you are going in to the doctor. Certainly have them run blood work and perform a check up.

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My gallbladder attack felt like a heart attack. I cant believe that I talked myself out of going to the ER while it was happening. It did last only a few minutes and then it was gone. Terrified me. I also suffer from gas in my upper chest behind my left shoulder. It is scary.


If I am correct...women can feel "ill" maybe flu like, with mild or sharp chest pains, feeling of doom, shortness of breath...but many of these mimic a panic attack. I imagine that is why women dont seek help.


I hope you are feeling better and it was nothing! Since you have a family history ...I would get checked yearly just to be safe! I go yearly and it is fast and easy. My cardiologist reassures me all is well and my heart is doing good but you never know. Sometimes things just happen without warning. Better to be safe and you know you are being monitored then ignore it and have real problems. I would imagine you could call up a cardiologist and get right in.

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Given the symptoms you describe, I'd go to the doctor. And if it happens again, please get emergency medical help right away. They can prevent damage (or at least more damage) to the heart muscle if you get treatment within an hour of the onset of symptoms. I mean, aside from preventing death.


I really hope it was nothing.

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i'd love to see you point to the area where the pain is. you write "upper chest area", but that is not real specific. Pain that radiates to the right side starting from the front is usually gall bladder. google where the gall bladder is on the body and see if that is the area where the pain is coming from. sometimes the attack will subside, but if it's a big one, you won't be able to sleep tonight. you also have to think about it rupturing which could cause alot of other problems. if you go to er tonite, i bet they'll do an ultrasound on you and look for stones (yes, they will call someone in to do it), AND they can give you pain meds to get over the hump. eating spicey, fatty foods can really trigger an episode. good luck and please don't take any chances. that's why the er's are open 24/7, for times like this. ;)

Angel R.N.

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