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If you own or have owned an Ergo carrier, will you give me your input please?

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My little girl is almost 7 months old. Up until now I've used a sling everywhere we went. She's getting bigger and heavier and the sling is starting to feel uncomfortable. So I'm considering getting an Ergo baby carrier. I'm just wondering if it's worth it at this point? If you had one how long did you use it age/weight wise and it was still comfortable? Oh, and of course she's my last baby otherwise I wouldn't have reservations.

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I used my Ergo until my boy was 3.5 yrs old, though he's small for his age, so he probably weighed....I don't know, 25 pounds? 30 pounds? It was still comfortable, and I only quit using it when he was reliably walking all the time. I mean, he was obviously walking by age 3, but you know, long outings and such I would take the carrier and use it when he got tired, etc. Or if I needed him close and not running off, I'd use it then, too. Basically we used that instead of a stroller, and for just as long.


He was also able to nurse in it, no problem.


That said, I think I got mine used; is that an option for you?

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I got one once my daughter was a year old to use while hiking. I tried more than once to use the thing but could never figure out how to get my child into it. I watched their video, read their instructions. The straps just twisted around each other incessantly and I could never get my daughter on my back, even when my husband tried to help me. When I did manage to get her on my back, she was down so low I had to be half bent-over to keep my balance, which is not comfortable at all. That stupid contraption makes me steam just thinking about it.


I know people rave about the Ergo (I have a friend who thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread). My recommendation would be to buy one from someone who can help you put it on and get your child in it or try on a friends and have that friend help you with yours once you purchase your own.

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I used mine heavily with my 3rd child, especially as a homeschooler. He's just over 2 now, and I still use it when we go to stores, etc. because it is easier for me most of the time than dealing with a stroller or trying to otherwise contain him.


I used my ergo a lot from 9-18 months or so while we homeschooled. He was contained, he was safe, he was usually reasonably happy. Otherwise he was constantly climbing or getting into things, even with babyproofing. Having him on my back at least allowed me to focus on my other two kids a bit better.


We were at the mall briefly last night and DS2 was walking in the store, and it was a total pain. I have to run out to a different store today and he'll be in the ergo on my back, because then I know he's not going to take off or otherwise get into trouble ;)

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I personally preferred my Mei Tai to my ergo...as the ergo dug into my pelvis. If you are asking should you get one of those style carriers and is it worth it? I would say YES! I used mine forever. Mei Tai is super easy to use...just tie on your waist and swing baby onto your back or hips. Best item I had of all my baby items. I still carried my sling for emergency use but the mei tai (or ergo) will release all that back pain or neck pain that the sling causes with a heavier child.


I think I used mine past 4. My dd liked to be carried. She did ask to get down and run around...then she would be back up on my back for 20 min...then back on the floor running. My dd was about 17 lbs. when I switched. Mine was also my last baby.


Personally, I would wish I would have just invested in the one I wanted instead of trying to buy the cheapest or used. I know I got my money's worth out of it and I actually am keeping mine. Ive used it with my friends babies.

Edited by mchel210
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Totally worth it! I carried my now-5-year-old in it easily until he was 3 and only quit then because I gave the Ergo to a friend who needed it more (my now-3-year-old never liked to be worn much). I got it when Fritz was 1 and I could put Ani and Cameron in it comfortably (they are almost 5 and 6 1/2 years older) if I had wanted to (only did for fun). http://www.duklings.net/2007/08/29/got-our-ergo/ I even wore Fritz in the Ergo through my pregnancy with Adrian. It was super comfortable.

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I switched from a Baby K'Tan to an Ergo when my little one was nearing a year. Love them both.


We've used the heck out of the Ergo! Even if I stopped using it tomorrow, I'd feel like I'd gotten my $$'s worth out of it. Schooling, shopping, walking, field trips...


(Of course the fact that I got it used greatly reduces my $$$-to-value ratio, although knowing now how much I've used it I might've spent more and gone for cute.)


I find it very easy to get baby into and out of -- as long as NO ONE tries to help me! I have my system, it's quick and easy and works well until someone tries to hand me a strap, then I get all confused.


She's nearing two now and I don't know how much we'll continue using it as she gets older (it's still comfortable for me to wear her but she's getting less content and more independent) but I'm very glad we've had it over the last year.

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I agree with a PP that while a structured carrier might be a great idea, depending on the size of your baby, an ergo may not be the best bet. I found the ergo to have a short rise...by the time my ds was 2, if he fell asleep in the ergo, his head was hanging about because the carrier did not come up high enough. However, I have BIG kids.


My hands-down favorite carrier is always a toddler size, even for my 7 month old (he's 23lbs). A beco. toddlerhawk or other toddler sized carrier might be better and last longer.


Hope you find what you're looking for. Hanging out at thebabywearer.com might be helpful.

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When I bought my Ergo, it came with a "hood" in case the child fell asleep in it. It kept the child's head from being unsecured.


That's the problem we ran into. Yes, there's a hood, but when the carrier only comes halfway up his back the hood isn't good for much. Fastening it on the last snap and having it still tight isn't ideal.


The Ergo is one of the shortest on the market at 13". The extra 3" other carriers can give makes a big difference in how long you can use it and get your money's worth out of it. I know I need to buy a new carrier but I've been putting it off - we've got a year left here in a place that isn't stroller friendly and I'd rather find something used if I can.

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Have you tried it on? I have friends who loved it and used it for average sized 4yr olds! I tried it with my youngest, however, and the Ergo does not fit me. I'm glad I found out before I bought it. I used a mai tai instead that was more adjustable (and prettier).

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I just used mine last weekend with my 7 1/2 year old (52 pounds). We went on a 4 mile hike and she hopped on my back in the ergo around the 3 mile mark. It's the easiest way to give a big kid a piggy back ride for any distance.

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I have an Ergo! I need to start using it again. We don't use it over the winter. but we use it daily to get to/from the car and up the stairs. It keeps my hands free and my toddler safe.


That being said... I do have difficulty getting it on. I feel like my DD is not really "secure" in it- and she is only 18lbs. My DS is only 28lbs so technically he could fit in there but for the life of me I can't get him to get in there. If I try, he starts freaking out because he feels like he is going to fall. So, we might switch it to something else by teh end of the season if I feel like it's not working out. but, I've got to try!

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I purchased mine when my son was 1.5 yrs old. I still thought it was worth it... I knew that he was my last, and figured that instead of just wishing... I would do it!! :) I had worn him in a sling till that point (I wore my daughter till she was around 2.5 quite often, and she was pretty heavy) I loved it! In fact, for some reason I have kept it. I keep thinking "grandchildren" :) (But NOT too soon!! :))

Patapum Toddler Carrier I found the carrier that I linked to the left, maybe after I purchased the Ergo? There are advantages to it, as they have an infant size and a "toddler size"... (for toddler they just have to be sitting up well, from what I read.)

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I still use my Ergo sometimes with the (fairly heavy) 2-year-old--I'd use it more except he walks just fine now! I plan on hanging on to it until I reach the 40-lb weight limit.


I've seen a few cool people I respect use the Deuter carriers as well.


Good luck.

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My 2.5 year old still fits comfortably in ours. I even put my 4 year old in it(when she was 3 and it worked fine. They are both pretty light. My older two kids were much larger at those ages but I didn't own it then. I bought mine used so it has been worth it to me.

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I wore my oldest in the Ergo until she was around 3.5. DD2 doesn't use it at all. She wants to get into everything, and being worn isn't conducive to that. A looooooooong time ago, they used to have a picture of a grown woman in an Ergo on someone's back. I don't know if that picture is still around.

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If you decide to buy one, I have one to sell. I used it very little, so it's still very nice. It's black and tan.


Peopl rave about them. I can't really give appropriate feedback. I have scoliosis and once she got to be about 15 lbs it hurt my back to use it. (which was about the same time she fit comfotably in it.) That said, it was better than just carrying her and it came in handy when we were on vacation and needed to take the bus. I'm just not built to be a baby carrying mom.

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