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Miscarriage Help- Please!! Cytotec ?s and others

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The hive is the best.I can't tell you how the support is helping me. She did prescribe perkiset but that is a narcotic and I can't take it.. :(

What can I expect if I miscarry naturally?

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My m/cs have all been natural so all I have are hugs. Can you talk to your doc to get something you can take?

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Can you anyone share what I can expect to go thru miscarrying at home?


Oh Rebecca, so sorry for your loss. :grouphug: Your heart must be so incredibly heavy between the loss, the concern for your twins, & the not knowing what to do. :grouphug:


My natural miscarriage was hard, but mostly on the heart. It was filled, aside from that, with painful cramping & typical cycle "stuff", but nothing major as some have mentioned. Clearly this, like cycles, can effect each person so differently.

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For those of you who had the D and C...did you have general anesthesia?


I did have general anesthesia. Afterwards, I was normal other than emotionally.


A miscarriage at home for me is a slightly more crampy heavy period. I have horrid cramps and unusually heavy flow normally, so it really wasn't that different. I wonder if your doctor is prescribing medication because you do not seem to be miscarrying on your own. You have been bleeding for 11 days. For me, it was over within the timeframe of a regular period.

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:grouphug: I am so sorry.


I have miscarried at home twice, but I did not know either of them was going to happen.


#1 was at 10ish weeks. I felt sore in my lower back and then when I got up (I was in the car driving) and walked through the door, I just gushed blood everywhere. The bleeding lasted about 1/2 hour with a slight cramp every time a new gush was going to happen. I was a little shell-shocked, so I nursed my 18mo old, went to work and tried to be normal about 45 mins after it started.


#2 was at 15.5 weeks and I actually felt the amniotic sac break after having some back pain. That one went on for about an hour with the same slight cramp and gushing. I took 2 Tylenol for that.


I have never taken cytotec so I cannot comment on it.

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I was given the Cytotec at 13 wks. The contractions were very painful! I could not handle them and ended up in the ER where they did a D&C. The hospital was surprised that my doctor prescribed Cytotec when I was 13 wks. It might be different for you since you are not that far along. I do want to warn you that it felt like giving full on birth without meds.

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:crying: I had a natural miscariage at home. I had known for a few days it was coming. I was 10 weeks along. It was way worse than a bad period, I bled heavily for over an hour and the cramping was tough. I went to the er after dh got home and they did an ultrasound and saw that I didn't need a d and c, but recommended a followup ultrasound with my regular doc. I didn't have any medications to cause the miscariage and I forget what meds I had after going to the er, but they were only for pain I think.


I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug: praying for you.

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The hive is the best.I can't tell you how the support is helping me. She did prescribe perkiset but that is a narcotic and I can't take it.. :(

What can I expect if I miscarry naturally?


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. :grouphug:


I've had 2 miscarriages @ 7weeks and 9weeks. For me, I preferred the at home/natural route because it gave me time to try and grieve/work through/process what happened- and I strongly prefer the least intervention possible on all fronts (I declined a d & c)


To answer your questions, both were very heavy bleeding & cramping- the 2nd/ further along one, more so. As PP's have mentioned, its like a very heavy period. My first m/c was my first pregnancy, so I was an emotional wreck. But it was short in duration, and bluntly, I ended up getting pregnant w/ DD 2 weeks later. Not dr's recommendation or even my hope/choice, but it happened and was a full term, successful pg.


The 2nd m/c was a different go round- I was soaking a pad every hour and feeling woozy from blood loss and we were concerned. I went in for another check in/ultrasound and they said while it was very heavy bleeding, it was w/in the realm of normal (think about bleeding after delivery and how that is 'ok') and to lie down/take it easy, stay hydrated and call back if it didn't decrease. Eventually it slowed. TMI ahead- I did pass a large clot/tissue/presumably the baby at one point, & that was emotionally very difficult, as you can imagine- but I was prepared for it since I was further along.


Again, I'm so sorry you're going thru this. Know that you're not alone in your grief. :grouphug:

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