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Did you leave your house the week before your due date?

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OOOOOH! I am starting to fume just remembering those times. When I was pregnant with my first, he was 11 days late. My contract at work ended 4 weeks before my due date and they didn't renew it. So, I was one lonely mamma-to-be and relished any chance to get out and talk to real live humans other than the Pakistani quik-e-mart owner. One man tried to refuse to let me into his store to because he was terrified that I would have the baby in his store. If I wasn't so annoyed, I would have peed my pants laughing at the ridiculous notion. I didn't go on to have that baby for 2 more weeks. Hmmmfff ... do nothing, indeed.


When I was in my 8th month with my second, after getting a ticket for "improper lane usage" for trying to get around a huge back up so that I could get to work and not have an accident, the police officer would not let me get out of my car to use the washroom at the gas station nearby and made me sit for 20 minutes while he wrote up my ticket. Yeah - I was a danger to society with my big belly and small bladder. When I got to work, I was fuming mad. The man in the elevator was shocked to see me so pregnant at work, asking if I was due any day. "Nope - 2 more months." "Surely it must be twins." "Nope - only one. You trying to tell me I'm fat? This is what pregnant woman look like. No, we don't go on home confinement so as to not offend the public with our large girths. We are real people who don't need to be shuttered away ... " We both got off the elevator and I stormed off to the bathroom. I turned around to see this man head toward the executive wing. I then realized that I had just told off the vice president of the company.


:lol: Great story!

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I worked right up and past due date. Left work Friday afternoon, had baby Saturday AM. For subsequent babies...I was always out .....walking, shopping, anything to move things along. Confinement is a weird idea to me these days. I know it was practiced in history.



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I'm 36wks pregnant and I went to be grocery store yesterday out of pure necessity and thought I was going to die. However I have been feeling rather crummy this last trimester. My entire body aches and I am constantly out of breath. I think I'm carrying a 14lb baby with his feet in my lungs!

Edited by melissad2
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Oh my gosh, I was at the playground with my ds during a heat wave 10 days overdue with my dd. She was born, I went home, and the next day I went to a MOPS meeting. And they all freaked out. In fact many said I should come back in a month. :001_huh::lol:


Do your thing. Maybe not give your due date out or you will continue to get advice :tongue_smilie:

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Honestly, only if I had to with my first child. I was in so much pain and could barely walk in pretty much my whole 3rd trimester with her. However, I did attend the wedding of very dear friends when I was 8 days overdue and still 4 days from delivering. We didn't stay terribly long at the reception though.

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My first kid was born 16 days after her due date. If I'd stayed home beginning a week before the due date, that would be 23 days in confinement. Cuh-razy! (I mean, I wouldn't have minded if someone did all my errands and grocery shopping for three weeks before the baby came, but no one offered!)

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I certainly did, but people seemed surprised. One woman in restaurant said "I can't believe you're out" after learning my due date was yesterday. "Well I'm sure not going to COOK!" was my response. :D


Amen to that!


With my first, I worked right up until he was born. I commuted on a train into the city and for the last month or so, the conductor would ask me each morning if I was going to have the baby on his train. I'd laugh and tell him "not today" but by the last week I'd answer "hope not!" and he'd just sigh and shake his head. The train would take me to a main terminal and then I'd switch to the inner city transit for several more miles to get to work. You'd be amazed at how often on the transit people would NOT give up their seats for the huge pregnant lady! They'd just sit there and stare as I held the strap and swayed. :lol:


We also went to a Rangers baseball game within a week or so of my due date and people gave me a very wide berth as we walked in the stadium, as if they thought I'd break my water on their shoes!


With my second I was on bed rest from 32-37 weeks and then he didn't end up being born until 4 days before his due date. :glare: SO I spent those last several weeks doing as many errands as possible thinking the baby was coming any day. By the end I was determined to walk that baby out!


With the next few babies, I was a SAHM with toddlers, so of course I worked right up until delivery. I have long early labors, so while in labor with my fourth, I sent my husband on to work and went about my business with the kids. I called him to come home around 3pm and the baby was born at 8:30. Confinement sounds nice in theory I guess, but you'd definitely have to have a group of maids and nannies to tend to the house and children!

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My baby is due Saturday. I've been running errands all week getting ready for Easter and the baby. Without fail, when people ask when I'm due and I tell them Saturday, they follow it up with, "I can't believe you're doing XYZ so close to your due date." Things like taking my son to TKD (I don't participate, I just watch), shopping for fancy stuff like toilet paper and milk, crazy stuff like that. Sure, I don't feel at the top of my game but does the rest of the world just sit around with their feet up?? Very strange.


I was still up and around on my due date for two kids. In fact I was pulling an extra duty day in the Navy reserve on my actual due date for one kid. The guys in the office were surprised when I came back from lunch. I guess they thought that since it was my due date, I'd be having the baby that day.


(We won't discuss how I ended up stuck in the floor to ceiling security turnstyle when someone tried to exit the other side as I was entering and it locked up. Picture one of the turnstyles at the zoo and the 9 month pregnant lady stuck inside. Not pretty.)


But then I was also out at libraries and museums a couple days after giving birth. With the baby. That got me chided too.

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With DS7, I was out and about the day he was due, a few hours before my weekly OB appointment that day. Yup, heard from a couple of people they thought I was nuts being out doing things the day I was due....I wasn't in labor, so why stay home? At the OB appointment I was sent over to the hospital since my fluid levels were low, induced and still waited and waited - when that didn't work, I had a c-section two days later.


With DS1, I was out and about the day I was scheduled for my c-section (three days before his due date) and again, some thought I was nuts to be out and about and actually doing things. Again, I wasn't in labor, so why stay home, my surgery wasn't until late in the morning and I felt fine!

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Yes, a week before I delivered I was out and about, though for the most part, at one week before the due date I'd already have delivered.


With my fifth pregnancy, one week before my due date, I took the kids to swim lessons in the middle of the day, and she was born just after dinnertime ;).

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With 1st pregnancy I was at a 4th of July BBQ (house on a historic horse track that runs races 4th of July week). At the party, I had to use the rest room and my water partially broke. When I came out, I must of had a face on because there were immediately several women around bombarding me with questions and advice. Some how word got out quick and some guy outside was talking to my husband, realized my husband was the guy with the pregnant wife, and informed him that he better get inside and get me off to the hospital.


With 2nd pregnancy, I was in hospital for 2 months prior to scheduled C-section at 34 weeks. I was not on bed rest. They would not let me volunteer at hospital or leave the grounds. But they had a beautiful courtyard that I visited daily for hours. At the time I thought it was torture. If I'd only knew!

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Always. I was on active duty with my first and worked every day up until I went into labor, two weeks late. I had quit jogging in my seventh month, though.


Number two, I was out and about also, and in fact didn't come into the hospital until I was about to push. The doctor I ended up with was surprised and asked if the labor had been quick. I told him no, that I had just been busy. She was born in the middle of the afternoon, and I had things to do that day.


My third was a 'surprise' (we weren't trying or not trying) during nursing school. He was due in February, and if I missed three days of clinical I would have to repeat the year. Well, I sure wasn't going to do that. I missed ONE clinical day, the day he was actually born ( a Monday) and was at clinical the Friday before and the Wednesday after.


Number five was a home birth, and I was actually IN labor but moving slowly so Dh and I went for a long walk, about sixteen hours after my water had broken. We did make it back to the house before I had to push.


Actually, since by the time I was nine months with all of them I was soooo ready to deliver that I tended to spend a lot of time at malls and department stores walking, walking, walking and we ate out a lot at restaurants with spicy foods, to try and get things moving (among other things :)). I can't imagine lying around at home, I would have gone nuts.

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When I was 37 weeks pregnant with my fourth child I had a regular OB appointment and was told I was 4cm dialated. I was told to take it easy and any contractions would mean I needed to head to the hospital ASAP. My OB was afraid I would give birth in Walmart! Well, I had things to do and 3 little children to take care of. I went to Bible Study, the mall, etc. I ended up giving birth the next day and not in Walmart!!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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