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Who's tired?

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I'm extremely tired. My kids go to bed in 15 min! Yay! Then I can go to bed!!!!!


Okay, I just realized you are about two hours behind me in time zones. For a minute I was thinking your kids' bedtime is midnight. I was also thinking, "No wonder she's tired!":lol:

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Okay, I just realized you are about two hours behind me in time zones. For a minute I was thinking your kids' bedtime is midnight. I was also thinking, "No wonder she's tired!":lol:


:D No - 10 pm. I've been getting up and taking dh to work every morning early now that we are down to only one car. Tomorrow I have no doctor's appointments or kid activities so I get to sleep in!

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me...I'm tired...I need to go to bed, but honestly, I've had two hairy days and winding down has been more difficult these last two nights. I am of the type that unless I'm falling asleep sitting here, I will have a hard time falling asleep if I go to bed not tired enough to just crash. I've always been like that. I fidgit a lot too once I lay down...it can be so aggravating :glare:

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I am whooped to pieces. Whooped. I feel like I could go to bed for three days and never wake up.


The kid knows how to operate the toaster. She'll be fine. :D


Me!! I am beyond tired. Sleep does not fix it. Exercise does not fix it. Cleaning my house doesn't fix it. Gardening has not fixed it...even fighting with dh is NOT fixing it and that ALWAYS works......



A three day nap in a hotel far, far away sounds really good.


I can't even fake being happy right now, and I am an expert actress.....

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I was just lamenting to dh how exhausted I feel today...I've been exhausted since our spring break was over! He said that all I needed was TeA...lots and lots of TeA. :lol:


Yup...that is dh's ideal cure for all that ails me...oxytocin and all...blah, blah, blah!! Maybe if he would put his **** ukulele away before 10pm....hmmmmmmm....seriously.:glare:

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Me!!! I gave the kids some allergy liquid last night. They've been suffering with it the past month and I've been fighting giving them meds. But we all need sleep so they were medicated. At least they all slept. But then they were all awake and staring at me at 4:30 this morning.

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I'm always tired, but thats just 'cause I have CFS :tongue_smilie:


I'm pretty much a wrung out exhausted wreck right now, I think I managed to give myself food poisoning :ack2: (good job, go me!) I'm pretty much just a broken shell, and I would be in bed...but unfortunately I don't have the energy quite yet to get up to go there....so for the moment at least, I am stuck sitting on this chair with the netbook, groaning and clicking. :crying: sad panda is me :(

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I was just lamenting to dh how exhausted I feel today...I've been exhausted since our spring break was over! He said that all I needed was TeA...lots and lots of TeA. :lol:


Not what you want to hear - but I sleep much better after a nice hot cup of TeA! :lol: Maybe your dh is right!


I am exhausted. My 6 yo dd has awakened nearly every night with bad dreams. Last night she must have been REALLY tired, because she wet the bed! She never does that. But, I was up and then stayed awake for two hours tossing and turning.


Has anyone done melatonin for a 6 yo?

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Ugh. Me.


I've got this NASTY head cold - I feel like my nose can just launch right off my face, with all the pressure up there. My dh and I are playing an Easter gig this weekend, so I'm praying he doesn't get it.


Woke up at 3, tossed and turned til 5, then got up. Something tells me that today I will a) take a nap and b) not teach my piano student.

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I'm always tired, but thats just 'cause I have CFS :tongue_smilie:


I'm pretty much a wrung out exhausted wreck right now, I think I managed to give myself food poisoning :ack2: (good job, go me!) I'm pretty much just a broken shell, and I would be in bed...but unfortunately I don't have the energy quite yet to get up to go there....so for the moment at least, I am stuck sitting on this chair with the netbook, groaning and clicking. :crying: sad panda is me :(




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Me too - my 4yo is hyped up on high doses of prednisone day and night. I can't wait for this two month trial to be over (unless the side effects of the next drug are worse :tongue_smilie:)


Plus there have been 18 break-ins in the last week in a half in our town and the next town over - many of those have been at night with the people home. I sleep on the couch mostly (dh snores) so if they break in, it's me and them, baby. :svengo: So I sit up at night, worrying.


I've declared a long spring break, at least.

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Me too. :seeya:


I feel tired and exhausted most of the time. When I get up in the morning, I feel like it's 10 pm and I could go to sleep for 8 hours.


I do have low vitamin D. But, I don't think the D I'm taking is helping much. Although.....that could be because my D Rx has expired :lol: (I'll have to just pick some up myself). But....even when I was taking it, I didn't really notice any difference. :closedeyes:

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We all need to give up wheat and have our thyroids checked.....



WAIT!!!!! I did all that....







I still feel like cr@p........:001_huh:


I gave up wheat. Didn't make one dang bit of difference. I went back on wheat. Didn't make one dang bit of difference either. I stayed on the wheat because I'd rather save my energy by not having to cook differently.;)


As of last night I have C diff. Having to run to the bathroom and having the shakes all night didn't help my energy level today.

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This whole past week I have moaned to DH about being SO exhausted. Barely able to stay awake. Needing naps. Feeling worn out.


Went to the doctor today. Ear infection, sinus infection, and start of an upper respiratory infection. Huh. Guess it isn't laziness after all. :001_huh:

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Me!! I've been tired for a month. DD had an operation on her leg and has had an 8am physical therapy session 3 times a week ever since. Other kids have been seeing different doctors and specialist 1-2 times a week for their own issues. We have morning sports some days, evening sports some days, homeschooling, 2 weeks of kids vomiting one at a time, holiday preparations, DH started a new job and can't take time off, and we have to super clean the house to prepare for grandparents to babysit for 2 weeks while we take DD for another surgery. I don't want a vacation. I want everyone else to go on a vacation and leave me home alone to sleep for a week. And DH says he's tired and has been going to bed early....:glare: That makes me more tired.

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ME!! I let my children's schedules get crowded, for the next two weeks (and the week previous to this one) I am/have been run ragged. Being an introvert, and having a genetic predisposition to being a hermit, this is really mentally stressing me out. I look forward to the day when we go back to ONE activity at a time. I hope I remember how tired and crabby I currently am the next time I'm tempted to let them "do it all".

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