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What to do with two dozen eggs?

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Somebody gave me two dozen "home grown" fresh eggs. We're not an egg eating family. That's not to say we don't like eggs; we're just not in the habit of using them.


What do I do with them?


I need ideas that use up a lot of eggs pretty quickly. (I have a small family with small appetites.)


Thanks in advance!!

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Dye them for Easter! And then make deviled eggs and take them to church or share them w/ neighbors and family.


Or, make quiche for dinner one night.(that should use at least 6) Make a pound cake.(another 6) Breakfast casserole w/ hash browns, sausage or bacon, cheese, and at least another 6 eggs. Refrigerate the rest.

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Our family loves to make quiche with cheese, broccoli, onions.

We'll have this for dinner and serve with a salad.


The other thing that you can make is chicken and dumplings.

I make my dumplings using beaten eggs, a little bit of water and some flour,

then drop them into boiling chicken stock by the teaspoonful, cook for about 10 minutes and they're ready to serve. My dumplings are thicker as opposed to light and fluffy. You could make some with baking powder to make them fluffier, but we prefer the thicker kind.


Another thing we do with eggs that's very reasonable and filling to feed our family and friends is make egg and sausage burritos. You can use ground turkey or pork sausage (1# goes a long way with this recipe). Fry up the sausage and add a few eggs to the mix adding them to a flour tortilla with some cheese or hot sauce. My kids have always loved this for a nice warm and quick meal for me to make them.


Hope that helps.

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I'm going to watch this thread. We've been getting 2 dozen eggs a day. We can't give them away fast enough.


We have a huge market where I live (small town) for eggs. I sell our extras for $3.00/dozen. Is that an option for you? Not to people you know, necessarily, but in other ways. I do my advertising on Facebook, though, so not sure if that's not an option for you.

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We have a huge market where I live (small town) for eggs. I sell our extras for $3.00/dozen. Is that an option for you? Not to people you know, necessarily, but in other ways. I do my advertising on Facebook, though, so not sure if that's not an option for you.


My Dh does sell some at work. I've given away maybe 25-30 dozen in the last three weeks. I've used them in my cooking, and I still have 6-8 dozen in my refrigeration that I've accumulated in the past 4 days. I'll take some to AWANAS tomorrow night. Whatever I have in the refrigerator at the time, I'll take to my MIL when we go for Easter. We are moving in a couple months so I don't want to try marketing them. Even if we were staying, though, I would have a hard time selling them. I enjoy giving them away as long as I see people before the eggs take over my refrigerator.

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My Dh does sell some at work. I've given away maybe 25-30 dozen in the last three weeks. I've used them in my cooking, and I still have 6-8 dozen in my refrigeration that I've accumulated in the past 4 days. I'll take some to AWANAS tomorrow night. Whatever I have in the refrigerator at the time, I'll take to my MIL when we go for Easter. We are moving in a couple months so I don't want to try marketing them. Even if we were staying, though, I would have a hard time selling them. I enjoy giving them away as long as I see people before the eggs take over my refrigerator.


I wish I lived next door to you. :001_smile: We have 14 chickens and still don't get enough eggs for the all of us (nine).

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Do you dye Easter eggs?


I'm going to watch this thread. We've been getting 2 dozen eggs a day. We can't give them away fast enough.


I think that's how I got these. We went to see a horse, and the sweet lady told me she was going to send me home with some eggs, and how many did I want -- one, two, three, or four? I'm thinking one, two, three, or four eggs. But, no, she meant DOZENS. :lol:


I guess I'm lucky she didn't send me home with kittens.

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My Dh does sell some at work. I've given away maybe 25-30 dozen in the last three weeks. I've used them in my cooking, and I still have 6-8 dozen in my refrigeration that I've accumulated in the past 4 days. I'll take some to AWANAS tomorrow night. Whatever I have in the refrigerator at the time, I'll take to my MIL when we go for Easter. We are moving in a couple months so I don't want to try marketing them. Even if we were staying, though, I would have a hard time selling them. I enjoy giving them away as long as I see people before the eggs take over my refrigerator.


Is there a local food bank you can donate to? Our church has one, and there have been occasions where we'd have eggs given to us to give to families. We'll cut the crates in half and each family gets 6 eggs until they are all gone. They are so grateful!

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I think that's how I got these. We went to see a horse, and the sweet lady told me she was going to send me home with some eggs, and how many did I want -- one, two, three, or four? I'm thinking one, two, three, or four eggs. But, no, she meant DOZENS. :lol:


I guess I'm lucky she didn't send me home with kittens.


:lol: I do give several dozen at a time to one friend with only two kids. I wonder now if that is a good idea. Like a PP said, fresh eggs will last a long time.


My kids are getting tired of scrambled eggs, but they still love breakfast pizza.

Edited by Meriwether
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I just bought 4 dozen eggs a few days ago, because they were on sale for $0.77 a dozen, plus I had coupons. (Yep, I had coupons for eggs. :D Got them at the Incredible Egg page on fb.) So I got four dozen eggs for $1.98.


I bought two loaves of day old bread at Meijer when I bought the eggs. I sliced the bread, and today I'm gonna make a huge batch of french toast and put it in the freezer. I think it'll probably take about two dozen eggs. The bread is a bit dry now, so it'll soak up a LOT of the egg mixture. Which is a great way for me to get protien into my boys at breakfast. So to make about 30 slices of french toast, it will have cost me $1 for eggs, $2 for bread, and then whatever it would be for the bit of milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Not bad!

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Is there a local food bank you can donate to? Our church has one, and there have been occasions where we'd have eggs given to us to give to families. We'll cut the crates in half and each family gets 6 eggs until they are all gone. They are so grateful!
Not within an hour.


I wish I lived next door to you. :001_smile: We have 14 chickens and still don't get enough eggs for the all of us (nine).

I wish you did, too.:001_smile:

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Do you dye Easter eggs?


I'm going to watch this thread. We've been getting 2 dozen eggs a day. We can't give them away fast enough.


We're getting about 14 or more a day. Luckily our first customer has found us two more customers and she tells them the price she insists on paying - $4 a dozen. :D We also trade a dozen a week for a small discount from the kids' music teacher. We still have an excess though. Thank goodness for friends and family who don't mind me piling them up with free eggs!

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I wish I lived next door to you. :001_smile: We have 14 chickens and still don't get enough eggs for the all of us (nine).


Do you have fancies or the production layers? We have a mix and although the production hens aren't quite as pretty I LOVE those girls. The fancies give us eggs when they feel like it, the production queens pump them out almost every day.

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Breakfast burritos!! They are a dinner-time staple in our household. Ours are pretty simple and by no means authentic! Scramble up a dozen eggs, add whatever already cooked meat you'd like (bacon, ham, sausage, or even skip out on the meat). Heat this until the eggs are pretty much done, then add in a cup of salsa. Scoop about a 1/2 c of the egg mixture into each tortilla (we use whole-wheat) and you'll get about 8 burritos -- fold them up and place them on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for about 7-10 minutes until nice a warm.

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You can also freeze them for future baking needs. Break them in groups of 2 or singles and scramble them up. Put them in sealable plastic bags and lay them flat in your freezer (if you can). Or you can scramble them (uncooked) and put each scrambled egg in an ice cube tray to freeze. Then pop them out when frozen and put into baggies. Frozen scrambled eggs will last up to a year in the freezer if sealed properly.

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Just ran across a site with directions for freezing and using the frozen eggs:



Those of you drowning in eggs might like it. :) I have trouble keeping eggs in the house because the boys know how to fix them themselves!


Now that sambal looks interesting. Don't think my gang would eat eggs that way, but I love learning about foods of different cultures. Thanks for sharing!!

Edited by Tina
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