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Vent! Fragile baby animals as prizes for children

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My church had a spring festival today. We arrived late and as I was walking in I heard what sounded like baby chicks cheeping. As we were walking around I noticed a baby chick in a insect carrier on a table at a vendor. I looked at it more closely and the vendor explained that her dd had won it as a prize earlier. She (the mother) did not want to keep the chick because their cats would almost certainly kill it sooner or later. Since I already had some chicks at home I reluctantly agreed to take it so now I have another chick that I will have to carefully integrate with the ones I already have.


Now for the vent, why would someone think that it is a good idea to give baby animals as prizes at a 6 hour long festival during the heat of the day? for children?


I will acknowledge that I do live in a rural area but most people do not have chickens and would not know how to care for a chick. Also by the time the festival is over the local feed stores will be closed. I feel sorry for the chicks that will probably die and the children who will be upset when their chick dies.:crying:


I am venting here in part so I don't say something very undiplomatic tomorrow.

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I totally agree with the above posters. It's thoughtless and inhumane, and I think it teaches a that it's ok to be careless with life. I even hate it when they do that with goldfish. It makes no sense as a prize, because no one is prepared at home to take in the new pet, and so it almost always dies quickly, which just reinforces the idea of a live creature as an expendable plaything. Someone needs to say something to them.

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wow, that is so thoughtless and cruel. We have a small flock, were first time hen/chick owners- after the initial 6, we wanted another of a certain kind so dh picked one up at the feed store -it chirped/cried non-stop. Chickens need to be in a flock, I think it is so cruel to just give one away, by itself.


-we ended up going back to the store that evening and getting a friend for the chick.


could you talk to the organizers or call the humane society and complain?

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baby chickens can't speak for themselves. If they could, I am sure they would strive to strike the right diplomatic tone.


I would just complain and not worry about whether people like it. You don't have to be accusatory or demeaning, just say that you want to bring a problem to their attention and that you hope they will consider putting an end to the practice.

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wow, that is so thoughtless and cruel. We have a small flock, were first time hen/chick owners- after the initial 6, we wanted another of a certain kind so dh picked one up at the feed store -it chirped/cried non-stop. Chickens need to be in a flock, I think it is so cruel to just give one away, by itself.


-we ended up going back to the store that evening and getting a friend for the chick.


could you talk to the organizers or call the humane society and complain?


I currently have four other chicks but they are several weeks older and when I brought one in it ignored the new chick which is at least better than attacking it. I tried to go to the feed store after I left the festival with the chick but it was closed by the time I arrived. Unfortunately the feed store will not reopen until Monday.

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When we recently bought our chicks at the feed store I was shocked when the owner told me that "Grandmas" come in all the time and buy chicks as toys for their grand kids. "Last as long as a $2 toy from Walmart." :001_huh:


My mother told me that dyed chicks were given away by shoe stores when she was a child. Parents would buy new shoes for their children's Easter outfits and be given a free chick. However, I was rather surprised to a similiar practice still occuring today.

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When we recently bought our chicks at the feed store I was shocked when the owner told me that "Grandmas" come in all the time and buy chicks as toys for their grand kids. "Last as long as a $2 toy from Walmart." :001_huh:


My mother told me that dyed chicks were given away by shoe stores when she was a child. Parents would buy new shoes for their children's Easter outfits and be given a free chick. However, I was rather surprised to a similiar practice still occuring today.


My mom said it was common for kids to get bunnies and chicks for Easter when she was young (late 50s, early 60s) without the resources to care for them. We used to talk about how cruel and wrong this was.

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Now for the vent, why would someone think that it is a good idea to give baby animals as prizes at a 6 hour long festival during the heat of the day? for children?




When I have asked this question, the response I have received is "because it is our biggest money maker of the festival" At one of our local festivals, kids play a game and win a fish in a plastic bag. Then they can use some of their coupons to go to another booth and buy a fish bowl and even another booth to buy fish food.


I have also had my children receive fish as birthday party favors--I wasn't happy about that either.

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When I have asked this question, the response I have received is "because it is our biggest money maker of the festival" At one of our local festivals, kids play a game and win a fish in a plastic bag. Then they can use some of their coupons to go to another booth and buy a fish bowl and even another booth to buy fish food.


I have also had my children receive fish as birthday party favors--I wasn't happy about that either.


Re: the fish thing... I'm shocked they don't know that a bowl and some food is still not enough to keep fish alive in general. Yes, a goldfish or betta can possibly survive those conditions, but there's a lot of know-how missing about how to clean the bowl/water, that a conditioner will be needed before putting chlorinated water in the bowl or you'll kill them anyway, and so on. People just make me shake my head.

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Just returned from our church's Spring Celebration for the kids. We took some of our Polish chickens and a big, fluffy blue Cochin hen for the petting zoo. I was astounded at how well they all behaved. The roosters, expecially, were the stars of the show, and other than crowing loudly during the prayer, they exhibited perfect manners. We held them in our arms and allowed the children to pet them if they wished and to to touch their feet to see how warm they were. Each of our chickens had a number of mandatory breaks where they had time out in their large cages to scratch around for corn or rest.


There were also rabbits and kittens that could be petted and quail and ducklings to see. The kittens were exhibited by the local Humane Society, which used the opportunity to talk about how those particular kittens were rescued from a dumpster. Three of the four found new families (who followed standard HS adoption procedures). The rabbits and other animals were all exhibited by their owners, and while some were for sale, none were awarded as prizes.


I have always thought live animal prizes are a terrible "gift". Unfair to the animals, unfair to the parents, and often traumatic for the children. I would follow up on what happens with a few that were awarded and then write a letter to the prize organizer and copy it to the event leadership.

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Thank you everyone for the response. I was surprised and felt that the chicks were a very inappropriate "prize" but I was not as sure of my position IYKWIM until I read all of these responses.


Our chick is with my other 4 for the night. She (I really, really hope it is a she)has not been bullied by the bigger older chicks but they are ignoring her. Dd and I have been carrying her around alot to keep her from being lonely so she may become a pet(all my chickens are tame but this one may be more of a pet than the others). I will probably be trying to determine what breed she is tomorrow.

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At one of our local festivals, kids play a game and win a fish in a plastic bag.
Oh my gosh!!!! You just reminded me of an awesome childhood memory. One of our chain grocery stores used to do Kids Week during the summer, and you could go around the store and play games, and the prize was always, always a goldfish in a bag. :001_wub: It was so much fun. They usually didn't live long, but we had a couple that would make it for a couple of weeks. I forgot all about that until you said that. We used to do that every year!


I think a goldfish is different than a chick, even tho in theory it shouldn't be :tongue_smilie: And I'm with everyone else on the chick as a prize thing. Wowzers.

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My ds won a rabbit one time when we were visiting a small town's holiday festivities. Not a little bunny...but a huge rabbit. Umm...as I was asking what in the world we were going to do with it, a kind lady said they'd take it. I was relieved...but later found out they raise them to eat them. :001_huh:

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I have always thought live animal prizes are a terrible "gift". Unfair to the animals, unfair to the parents, and often traumatic for the children. I would follow up on what happens with a few that were awarded and then write a letter to the prize organizer and copy it to the event leadership.



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I grew up in rural Italy and giving away live prizes at tombolas was the norm. Imagine my parents' joy when I came back home with a young PIG one day.:lol:

(My parents were far from being farmers!)


Some neighbor was most delighted to take over...and my parents were delighted at the end of the year, when the sausages started to arrive...:tongue_smilie:

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This thread has brought back memories for me. At my elementary school's fall party I won a goldfish in a bag. That fish lived for 3-4 years. I loved having him.




Ours always lived long lives too. We ended up putting in a pond in our front yard for ours because they had gotten so big. I even took a couple to college with me, but those may have been from the state fair instead of the ice cream social.


I personally would be equipped for my child to come home with just about any sort of creature, but if I wasn't I would be just as willing to say we weren't going to play the game. It seems like the game wouldn't be as popular and would have no reason to use live animals as prizes if parents would say no to animals they can't care for.

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As a parent why not just say no to your kid when they want to play a game where a live animal that you aren't prepared to deal with is the prize? Oh yea, I forgot most parents won't say no to their kids.




I'd definitely say "no" to my kids, but this sounds like a situation where I'd also assume it was fine to let my kids go off with their friends and play at a fairly young age. So, I might not even know to tell them not to play that game, KWIM? I do think giving animals as prizes is a bad idea. Most people who want animals get them after doing the research they need to make themselves and the animal work in their home.

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I also hate when someone gives a child an animal for birthday or Christmas WITHOUT asking the parents first. Once my ds received a hermit crab for his birthday from a very extended family member. Now none of us wanted a hermit crab, we have 8 cats and did not need a hermit crab. But we could not bring ourselves to put in out back in the meadows where it probably would have become the next meal for a eggert or heron. So we kept if for months until one day, a good friend who is a nurse at a primary school in a poorer district in Philly, was over and she said how she would love to have a hermit crab in her office at school to show the children and teach them how to help care for it. She left our house with crab, cage, food and instruction booklet. By the way, the person who had given us the crab has never once asked us about it.


I am surprised that a church would give away live animals as prizes nowadays, they should know better.

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