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Gluten Free Snacks?

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I need some ideas/recipes for gluten free snacks that don't break the bank and that will fill them up. I keep fruit, cheese sticks, popcorn and hard boiled eggs on hand. Before we went gluten free, they had goldfish crackers, Quaker granola bars, and oatmeal cookies.


I've got two that don't like peanut butter, a couple that don't like cheese sticks, a few who don't like hard boiled eggs, and one who doesn't like anything :tongue_smilie:.


They really like one homemade bar I make (it has oats and Pamela's baking mix, and is more like a cookie than the granola bar it claims to be), but it's kind of expensive to make, and between breakfast and a snack, they can eat almost an entire pan (and that's with a doubled recipe). I do make a snack mix using chex, and they like that. I've made Fruity Pebble bars and rice krispie bars with added protein powder, and they like those.


They're all eating more these days, and I'm running out of ideas. Help?

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My boys' favorite snack is hummus with pretty much anything. They love hummus. They eat it with carrot sticks, cucumber, tortilla chips, and such.


Chips and salsa. You can make the salsa or buy it. I buy it cause I'm lazy. ;) For some reason my boys love blue corn chips with salsa. I think it's the color combo.


Do they eat some sort of nut butter with fruit? The protein will fill them up more than just eating fruit alone. Almond butter and Sun butter are favorites here. They are more expensive then peanut butter, but I have a peanut allergic ds. You could alternate between peanut butter and other nut butters so they don't get bored. Sun butter is actually not a nut butter as it's made from sunflowers. It's yummy. Also, Nutella is GF. :D


How about cheese cubes instead of cheese sticks? By cheese sticks do you mean string cheese? One of my kids doesn't like that kind of cheese, but he'll eat sharp cheddar cheese cubes or slices.


Cottage cheese plain or with fruit.


Yogurt or kefir? My boys love those. Sometimes they add a bit of GF granola.


Nuts? I try to have a bowl of nuts on the table as often as possible.

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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I make coconut flour pancakes in large quantities and they keep well for a few days. They can put jam on them if desired.

Basic recipe:

1/4 c coconut flour

6 eggs

4 TBSP. butter

1/4 tsp salt

(optional: add-ins like chocloate chips, blueberries, canned pumpkin, cinnamon, etc. If using something like canned pumpkin about 2 TBSP will be enough. In my view the more chocolate chips the better!)

I get Tropical Traditions organic coconut flour from Amazon.

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If you're looking for prepackaged...I LOVE Pirate's Booty and so do my kids (who are not GF, just me!). Also, popcorn that you can cook and store in ziploc bags to go and Cinnamon Chex (nearly all of the Chex cereals are gf, except wheat and one other.). I mostly snack on fruit and veggies, but if I need something to take in the car, it's usually one of these. For a treat I buy some of the Enjoy Life snickerdoodles....YUM, but I don't get them often. Also, Enjoy Life is supposed to be coming out with a cracker/chip product soon...it hasn't made it this far south yet, but maybe it's already at your store.

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:auto: We're in the same boat.


Would you mind sharing that bar recipe? Sounds like a winner.




1.5 cups quick oats

1.5 cups baking mix (I use Pamela's now, I used to use Bisquick)

1 cup brown sugar

1 stick butter (I melt it, though the recipe called for softened originally-but my boys like them with it melted)

1 egg

Chocolate chips


Stir the dry ingredients together. Add the butter and egg, stir until completely mixed (it will be like a cookie dough). Press into a 9 X 13 pan and sprinkle with chocolate chips (I think the recipe originally called for a 1/2 cup stirred in, but my boys like just a few pressed into the top). Bake for 15 minutes at 350*.


I double the recipe and bake it in the Pampered Chef Large Bar Pan.

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1.5 cups quick oats

1.5 cups baking mix (I use Pamela's now, I used to use Bisquick)

1 cup brown sugar

1 stick butter (I melt it, though the recipe called for softened originally-but my boys like them with it melted)

1 egg

Chocolate chips



Do you know that Bisquick makes a GF one? We love it.

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Tortilla chips

the fake pirate booty from Trader Joe's

potato chips



peanut butter

deli meat


chex (or the knock-off rice bitz from Kroger; the corn one has gluten)


I have a coconut flour muffin that I make in the microwave, too...sometimes with shredded cheese....they can either snack on those, or I use them to make little pizzas or for sandwich bread

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peanut butter and honey mixed together, oh so yummy.


"PB on a Spoon" is one of our favorite snacks! (I guess that doesn't help the PB haters, though.)


I like the pancake idea - freeze a bunch and warm up later.


I have a recipe for gf pancakes using almond flour:


Almond Pancakes

3 ripe bananas, mashed

3 eggs, lightly beaten

1/2C almond flour

1/4 tsp baking soda

dash salt

1/2 tsp vanilla (opt.)

1/2C fresh or frozen berries (opt)


Mix all ingredients. Cook over medium-high heat. They won't "bubble" like traditional pancakes, so flip them over carefully when there is a nice golden brown crust on the bottom. Serves 3.

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Are you looking to replace previous favorites? If so, these could be a good substitute for the oatmeal raisin cookies.

http:// http://kellycouch.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/amazing-almond-cran-walnut-cookies/'>http://kellycouch.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/amazing-almond-cran-walnut-cookies/"]http:// http://kellycouch.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/amazing-almond-cran-walnut-cookies/

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Having small kids to snack up is a challenge and I have already written down the coconut pancake recipe! I love that idea of having 'cold ones' on hand for a quick snack!! :001_smile:

1. We do hummus LOTS with fresh cut veggies like peppers, broccoli, celery, apple slices.... Hummus is also pretty cheap when homemade, too!! So these other 'treats' are more special that I listed!

2. Another 'dipper' is to use Almond Butter or Cashew Butter! If there are no existing allergies then these are wonderful to have on hand!!

3. Some of the new 'chips' that are out are great! Like Real Deal Veggie Chips; Way Better Snacks 'Simply Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips & Simply Beyond Black Bean Tortilla Chips

4. Gluten Free pretzel sticks

5. Kinnikinnick S'Moreables - Graham Style Crackers (yum!..and with some almond butter on top? AAUGH!!)

6 Kinnikinnick Animal Cookies

7. Gluten Free Jerky (sometimes you can find this stuff on sale!)

8. Think Thin bars...comes in various flavors

9. Gluten Free Bulk Cereal (has sugar in them..but some are lower and the 'crunch' sound is fulfilling ...one can add raisins; dairy free/vegan choc chips to it, etc..

10. Gluten free pepperoni

11. Raw cheese slices for those who 'need' that dairy!

12. homemade juice popsicles for warmer weather

Sorry long!

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Meatballs? My girls love meatballs for a snack - yes, we're weird. You can use rice crispies instead of the breadcrumbs in any recipe you already have. I used this recipe as a base last week, but changed for the things I have on hand.


I make a loaf or two of gf bread every week for snacking with butter or butter jelly.


Trail mix or nuts.


Cookies - they eat cookies, homemade ones which they make themselves at least once a week.


My youngest has two breakfasts everyday - usually grits and eggs with a breakfast sausage for one breakfast then pancakes for second breakfast. I add an extra egg, some ground flax and a couple of spoons of yogurt to her second-breakfast pancakes to make them a little heartier. Adding meat to breakfast seems to help hold her appetite for longer.


Other than that - they eat the usual stuff that you've already mentioned. But with all those boys, I focus on more meat or eggs and protein. My ds had a fierce appetite for meat from the time he was 9 or 10 until he quit growing. It wasn't uncommon for him to eat a pound of bacon and a dozen eggs for a late night snack.

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Meatballs? My girls love meatballs for a snack - yes, we're weird. You can use rice crispies instead of the breadcrumbs in any recipe you already have. I used this recipe as a base last week, but changed for the things I have on hand.


I make a loaf or two of gf bread every week for snacking with butter or butter jelly.


Trail mix or nuts.


Cookies - they eat cookies, homemade ones which they make themselves at least once a week.


My youngest has two breakfasts everyday - usually grits and eggs with a breakfast sausage for one breakfast then pancakes for second breakfast. I add an extra egg, some ground flax and a couple of spoons of yogurt to her second-breakfast pancakes to make them a little heartier. Adding meat to breakfast seems to help hold her appetite for longer.


Other than that - they eat the usual stuff that you've already mentioned. But with all those boys, I focus on more meat or eggs and protein. My ds had a fierce appetite for meat from the time he was 9 or 10 until he quit growing. It wasn't uncommon for him to eat a pound of bacon and a dozen eggs for a late night snack.




Do your girls have any favorite cookie recipes they'd like to share?

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I use the Joyful Abode chewy granola bar recipe, substituting desiccated coconut (not the sweetened, shredded kind, the fine, dry, unsweetened kind for macaroons) for the wheat germ. (She also has a grain free recipe that's really good)


We also do hummus (or black bean dip, or salsa, or egg salad, or whatever) and tortilla chips, nuts, fruit, etc. Nut thins are awesome with cheese, or almond butter and jam (we have a peanut allergic one who is fine with other nuts). Popcorn with Parmesan and pepper is a favorite.


I'm a huge fan of Glutino pretzels, but they're kind of spendy.

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Some of the Nature Valley Granola bars are GF.

Cookies: (choco chip) http://www.landolakes.com/recipe/1470/chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies-gluten-free-recipe, or

flourless peanut butter cookies: 1 cp brown sugar (or a bit less, these are really sweet), 1 cp peanut butter, 1 cup raisins, choc chips, or nuts, 1 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1 egg. Double the batch, as this recipe doesn't make a lot. I've also added oatmeal, and they taste great, but I used too much, and batter can get stiff. Bake at 325- take out before they start to brown (about 9 minutes maybe @ 325)


ETA: use the mini choc chips w/ the peanut butter cookies, otherwise the dough kind of falls apart while you are trying to make balls! And you don't flatten these like you do the old peanut butter cookies.

Edited by Unicorn
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I love this blog, with lots of fun gf recipes: All About Home

You must try the Black Bean Brownies:

2c black beans, cooked

1/4c organic cocoa powder

4T flax mixed with 3/4c warm water/rice milk or 4 eggs

1 1/2 T vanilla

2-3T fine coffee granules

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1c raw honey

1/2 c coconut oil, melted

1/2c chocolate/carob chips

1c nut of choice, chopped (optional)


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8X8 baking dish. Combine first 7 ingredients in the blender/Vita-mix. Blend well until kind of soupy. Pour into a bowl and mix in chocolate/carob chips and nuts if not allergic. Mix well and pour into baking dish. Bake for 35-45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Seriously they are good, its weird.


and the Homemade Candy Bars:

1c peanut/almond/sunflower butter

2/3c raw honey

1/2c coconut oil

2c oats

1c dark chocolate chips

coconut to sprinkle on top


Melt the nut/seed butter, honey and coconut oil together in a saucepan. Remove from heat and stir together with oats and chocolate chips. The chocolate chips will melt, you want this to happen. Spread evenly into a 7X11 or 8X8 " pan and sprinkle the desired amount of coconut on top. Place in refrigerator and restrain yourself from eating them until they are cooled and hard. Then make a latte or cup of coffee, get yourself a cooled "candy bar", grab a good book and enjoy your quiet time! Try not to get chocolatey finger prints in your book. ;) Enjoy!



and the SunButter Cookies:

1c sunflower butter

3/4c sucanat

1 large egg

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. Redmond's real salt

1/2c organic dark chocolate chips


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cream the sunflower butter and sucanat together. Add the egg, salt and baking soda, mix well. Stir in the chocolate chips by hand. Drop by the spoonful onto parchment paper and bake for approx. 11-13 mins. We like ours a little gooey and soft so we get them out at 11 mins. :) These go fantastic with a tall glass of iced coconut milk or better yet an iced coffee!! :)

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Random - thank you for posting these! I am going to make some tonight! A question though - do you really need to use raw honey? We have some we use to eat raw and in tea, but it's so expensive I hate to use a cup of it in baking. Will the recipe work just as well with pasteurized, liquid honey? Thanks!

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I just made some apricot tea square the other day from the Almond Flour Cookbook. These turned out really nice and have no added sugar and are GFCFSF.


1 cup dried apricots (needs to be the soft moist kind)

1 cup of shredded (not sweetened) coconut, toasted

2 cups blanched almond flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp baking soda

1 large egg 1

1 tbsp vanilla extract


Blend everything in the food processor, bake in a prepared pan for 20-23 minutes at 350 degrees.

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I have a coconut flour muffin that I make in the microwave, too...sometimes with shredded cheese....they can either snack on those, or I use them to make little pizzas or for sandwich bread


Can you share this recipe? I just bought a bulk order of coconut flour and would love a quick microwave muffin recipe!

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Can you share this recipe? I just bought a bulk order of coconut flour and would love a quick microwave muffin recipe!


sure...I kind of made it up, though I'm sure it was subconsciously inspired by a lot of recipes I've seen online...


1 tbsp butter

1 egg

1/2 tsp baking powder

pinch of salt

1 heaping tbsp coconut flour

1/4 cup grated cheddar cheese (or so)


Spray a ramekin (or you could probably use a small mug) with cooking spray. Melt butter. Mix together butter and egg in a small mixing bowl. Add dry ingredients and whisk until the lumps are gone. Add cheese and mix. Spoon into ramekin and cook in microwave for about one minute.


Cheese is optional, and if you need dairy free I'm sure any kind of oil would work in place of the butter. Or you could add in other things to flavor it with. It does have a pretty strong coconut flour taste, which I don't mind, but I was pretty pleasantly surprised when ALL THREE of the kids liked it!

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