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Spring Cleaning Challenge-2012

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Hi all,


I want to deep clean my house. I mean intellectually I want it. However, my will power is sagging. So I thought maybe if I found some support, someone else who is sick of their dirty and cluttered house but needs encouragement, accountability and support too, in order to get off their doofus and actually do it (like me!) that would really help me.


So I'm thinking of starting today. I'm pledging at least 30 minutes a day (more if I can) to spring cleaning. This is over and above the usual maintenance, daily type cleaning, that goes on just to keep one's nose above water. I don't care if I do three 10 minute increments or one 30 minutes shot or really delve into something for a couple of hours. The point is to do it every day for at least 30 minutes from now until Passover/Easter - 4/7. That's 23 days of spring cleaning. Sundays may be excepted (though I often do my best cleaning on Sundays!)


Anyone want to join me in this endeavor??? Today's goal for me is to clean out my kitchen pantry which is waaaayyyy overdue for that. So I guess what folks should do in this challenge is to state your goal for the day and then come back and share if you got it done.


Any takers?

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Well, I posted my message, got off the laptop, put on the timer for 20 minutes and just cleaned 2.5 shelves in the pantry. It was scary! Lots of stuff that expired LAST YEAR! I don't know why I felt I needed six canisters of baking powder. And the sweet potato that had grown incredibily long tentacles way back of the bottom shelf was pretty weird looking. My 13 year old was simultaneously freaked out and awed. LOL.


Anyway, gotta run 16 yo to his Shakespeare class. Then I can come home and do ten more minutes!


Please, please join (can you hear me wimpering?).

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Well, I posted my message, got off the laptop, put on the timer for 20 minutes and just cleaned 2.5 shelves in the pantry. It was scary! Lots of stuff that expired LAST YEAR! I don't know why I felt I needed six canisters of baking powder. And the sweet potato that had grown incredibily long tentacles way back of the bottom shelf was pretty weird looking. My 13 year old was simultaneously freaked out and awed. LOL.


Anyway, gotta run 16 yo to his Shakespeare class. Then I can come home and do ten more minutes!


Please, please join (can you hear me wimpering?).



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I'm in.


I spent some time tidying my closets, but now...the true horror....the basement. At least it's been tidied up, but I opened two boxes last night and nearly fainted at what was inside. Those are going next!


And I am happy to report that I have now shredded my phone bills for 2004-2006.

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Can I get credit for something I did this week? Went through kiddos clothes. Anything that didn't fit went directly into 2 boxes. Save for next in line and out of here. The save box went straight to attic, the out of here box I took with me to a homeschool event this week. I let the mom's go thru and pick out what they wanted. Almost everything is gone from box :hurray:. I have 1 more mom I am going to let go through the box. Whatever she doesn't take I am sending to Goodwill.

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And I am happy to report that I have now shredded my phone bills for 2004-2006.


:lol::lol: I bet I can beat that: I have bills from before my "baby" was born that need shredding! (He turns 17 in Aug, btw. ;) )


I'm in. Are we reporting back each day on this thread?

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I am in. I already have a prioritized list but I am not starting today. High pain day that has left me propped on the couch with pain pills and ice packs. Hoping for energy to do more tomorrow. My problem is that it I will work really hard on a day that I am feeling half way decent and then it takes a week to recover. Plus I am kind of stalling a bit because we are doing a major redecoration of our room at the end of April and I know a lot of it will get done then. The rest of the house is pretty decluttered and just needs a deep spring clean.

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I accept your challenge!


We are basically moving in 4 days. I say basically moving because we are having the floors redone in hard wood on Tuesday. Second floor (4 bedrooms) and main floor (living/dining room and family room). Everything has to be taken down to the basement. Not the furniture itself, they will move that around, but nothing can be on floor or shelves or under the beds, etc.


Today the kitchen is being redone in tile, so I'm stuck entering & exiting the house via the living room window and eating peanut butter & chocolate chips. I have done a little book sorting. But tomorrow the spring cleaning will begin!

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I am in.


First I need to just get the daily grind done.


Do you want to start a social group or something? Threads get lost here so quickly.


I will wipe up some dirty walls I have been ignoring for a while. I will do this tonight. The sad thing is it will take about 5 mins. I will also wipe up some other dusty spots and a couple cobwebs.


Magic eraser is my friend.

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Do you think a social group would work better?


I didn't get to my next ten minutes of spring cleaning because I realized I had never done the breakfast dishes! So I did them and then threw on a load of dishtowels, then it was time to head out again to pick 16 yo and hit Target because suddenly everyone needed new underwear, socks and shorts (including moi!). However, because I had done that 20 minutes in the pantry, I was able to move some stuff that had been cluttering up the kitchen island for months into the pantry! Wow! You can actually see see the countertop now! It's white, it turns out. LOL! I'd forgotten.


I think folks could include any spring cleaning done this week!


I'd be happy to start a social group if people think it would be easier to post there and keep up with the thread.

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I'm in!

A half- filled glass bottle of soy sauce fell out of the refrigerator door this morning and sent glass and soy sauce across the kitchen floor. While on my hands and knees cleaning up the mess, I noticed all the kick panels (is that what they're called?) on my appliances were distugsting. After the kitchen was glass and soy sauce free, I spent the next 20-30 minutes cleaning the bases and kick panels of all my cabinets and appliances.

I think I am going to focus on 1 room at a time above my daily work.


I easily blow 20-30 minutes a day on nonsense that I can redirect toward a cleaner house:001_smile:.

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Ooh! Ooh! The stars are aligning in my favor! I just noticed a post at Simple Mom on organizing the pantry! Hey, maybe we can post before and after pictures here too! Here's the link to Simple Mom:http://simplemom.net/the-pantry-organized-before-and-after-photos/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+simplemom+%28Simple+Mom%29

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Ooh! Ooh! The stars are aligning in my favor! I just noticed a post at Simple Mom on organizing the pantry! Hey, maybe we can post before and after pictures here too! Here's the link to Simple Mom:http://simplemom.net/the-pantry-organized-before-and-after-photos/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+simplemom+%28Simple+Mom%29




Her house looks really clean compared to mine - her clutter and mess is what mine looks like AFTER I've cleaned :lol: So I'm thinking - no before photos from me :blush:


I'll join though -we have rental house inspection next week :glare: so I have to clean whether I want to or not.


Today I'll be weeding the yard :001_unsure:

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I would love to join in! My house needs it. I started really weeding out last week so this is perfect for me. I won't be able to go straight through until the 7th though because we'll be out of town for a week but I will do all the other days (minus a day or two for packing). I actually took before and after pictures of my pantry but I am a little embarrassed to post the before ones. Maybe when I finish the top shelf I'll feel good enough to do that. Will there be a social group or do we post on here?

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I really want to join in. It's hanging over me. My windows need cleaning, my bathroom has a thick layer of dust over stuff that we don't use regularly, my kitchen cupboards are a mess, I don't know when I last cleaned under ds's bed, the ceiling fans need cleaning before we ever turn them on this summer and too many other things to list here.


Count me in! How does it work. I NEED the accountability. 30 minutes a day for me. If I miss a day, do we make it up the next day? How will we keep this post available?

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I am IN! My house desperately needs an overhaul. I can commit to 30 minutes a day through Easter (although I may need to go past that date into May). Hopefully, some days I will be on a roll and extend the time... Each room needs to be decluttered, cleaned and reorganized. I'm reading Simplicity Parenting and we just have too much of everything. Goodwill is going to love me!

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I'm in. I've been at it off and on for a week and a half. So far, I've done my file cabinet, the computer desk, the bathroom cabinets, one closet, the kids clothes. The two hot spots I've been dreading: my sewing/ craft area and the school area. I also have some mega shredding to do. Last week I dug a pit in the garden and burned a pile of check stubs from before 2004.

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I decided that I needed to get to my 30 minutes of cleaning this morning before the kids woke up so as to not be distracted. Today, I washed all the cabinets in my kitchen. Inside and out ( I have a small kitchen). Also, when I went to open the pantry door, the knob was covered in something sticky! So I also wiped down every door and knob in the house. (only 8 doors, not that big a deal).


Tomorrow I have decided to conquer our dreaded "junk drawer". Send a search party if you don't hear from me in a couple of days!:001_smile:


Happy cleaning!

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Wow! You ladies are rocking!


Today I plan to do my usual 1 hour blessing of main living areas, something I try to do every weekend if I get a chance. That's just tidying up and spot cleaning so I consider it maintenance and not spring cleaning.


But I also hope to tackle the dining room. The last time my dining room table was cleared off was for Christmas dinner! We always eat at the kitchen table unless it's a big holiday. So at some point today I plan to spend at least 30 minutes sorting through old mail, half started art projects, etc that are cluttering up not only the table but the credenza and the filing cabinet also in there. And on top of that one corner of the room has a bunch of books I inherited from my aunt who recently was getting rid of a lot of her books so she could move into an assisted living place. So I have to figure out what to do with them.


I think I spent a total of 45 or 50 minutes working on my pantry yesterday and now I keep going over and opening the door to see how clean it is! I can't believe I built up a mental block for months and months about cleaning it out! What is wrong with me?????? Alas, I've been like this all my life. But then when I get around to actually doing whatever task it is I've built up so much dread over, I find it wasn't nearly as awful as I'd thought it would be. I am my own worst enemy!


Anyway, please post what you hope to accomplish today and then report back after you've accomplished it!


Thank you so much, ladies, for participating. It really makes me feel lighter about it (instead of dreary which is my usualy M.O.).

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Ooh, I want to join! I'm on a major re-organizing and de-cluttering spree. Today I'm attempting to rearrange the house. My goal is to tackle my room today (which will be moving upstairs to the bonus room area (long story) and bring the bonus area downstairs/along with the home school stuff. Thanks for the inspiration!


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I'm going to start in the kitchen. It needs a major overhaul. Ds has a thing about eating all of what he likes. So his OT suggested containers in the fridge and cabinets for each day of the week. I have to set this up and clean the fingerprints (the kids are due for some work, so they may be cleaning fingerprints). And someone will be cleaning the staircase wall :scared:.

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I'm planning on tackling my bedroom closet today. I have a lot of my two year olds clothes in storage there, so those will have to be sorted out and summer ones put out. If I have will and time yet maybe some of my bedroom walls. Everything gets washed down except for the rough ceilings!

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I am so in!!


I spent about 3 hours organizing/cleaning my kid's room this past week, and the other night my DH and I spent about an hour in the kitchen- SO i have been in spring cleaning mode here-full swing!!


I am not comfortable doing "before" pictures because it looks like a hurricane/tornado came through. A couple days ago my kids got into the paper towels and unravelled two full rolls of paper towel so we have a STACK of paper towel. ... My goal today is to attack the paper clutter. Staples is free shredding 5lbs of paper by 3/31 so I am going to go through all my old bills and get rid of those.



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I'm in.


Last Monday I deep cleaned my bedroom. We have high shelves that have only been cleaned once before in the 9 years we've been here. :ack2:


I started our office area a few days ago, affectionately called the Black Hole. I will continue to work on that now.

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I did what I said I would do. I cleaned up some messes that I have been ignoring for weeks.


Today I will clean up a half unpacked suitcase that has been sitting in a corner for a while. I don't even know when it was put there or what is in it. It got shoved in a corner and I have been watching people work around it for weeks, waiting for ...dh?... to pick it up. I guess it's going to be me.

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I'm in! I started about a week and a half ago with the deep cleaning, but lost my motivation. Today, I really need to focus on catching up the laundry.


Both of my older children are wearing their last clean pair of underwear.:glare:


I've tried flylady in the past, but she is way too intense for me. lol I have been following the guidelines in http://31daystoclean.com/

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Does garden clean up count?


I definitely want to do a big spring clean inside as well. We just spent a week visiting my FIL and seeing all his cluttered has scared me straight! We have to stay on top of things. Can't wait for a DIL to come and haul off van fulls of stuff to Goodwill!

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So far today, I've taken down the Christmas lights from the porch (and put them away! :) ), tidied the porch, and taken 4 bags of trash from the porch and front yard to the garbage cans. That was 40 min. worth. Tonight, I will be boxing up all the Christmas books and music and put that away.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Whoa. Not only did I do my assigned job, but I also made some major progress on our horrible bathroom closet shelves. I cannot stress how horrible it is. I told my dh we needed to clean it out last year and his response was, "Why? We did a great job cleaning it out just before ds2 was born." I pointed out he was born in 2005. Since then we have just tossed stuff in there to be dealt with 'later'. It's not perfect or even clean, but it is much, much better!

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Reporting back.


I spent about 2 hours cleaning the office area. I actually made headway!

I filled our outside garbage can and the paper recycle bin.


Rearranged homeschool supplies and filled a bag of books to go to Goodwill.

Next is to tackle the arts / crafts monster in there. I have no idea where to put any of it.

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Oh my. You all sound like you are doing wonderful things! I spent a little time just tidying, but then for some reason I started researching law schools for my dd at college. She wants to go. Somehow that sucked several hours away! Lol! The internet is a dangerous place! And then I had to go visit my aunt at her new apt. and then stop at the store. Sooooo, now it is 5:30 here and I'm going to make a cup of tea and get to the dining room! The day just flew by!

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Reporting back from yesterday (couldn't find the post last night)


Spent 1 hour weeding the yard and then quit when my asthma got the better of me.


I also washed all the crayon scribble off the walls as a bonus task :D


Today the plan is to declutter the playroom :001_huh: Should take all of about ALL DAY :glare:

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I'm sooo proud of myself. Thanks to whoever started this post, I cleaned out our closet today! It was a major job. It didn't even have walk in space left=( The worst area of my house is now clean with boxes of stuff in storage for my upcoming garage sale, bags of sorted clothes to give away and my 2 yr olds summer clothes ready to put on hangers. I have only about a third of the stuff left in there, nicely organized!!!


Next is our bedroom, walls, desk! and everything on them that needs washing and sorting. I'm so glad to do this before our garage sale.


I'm very happy and so is dh!

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Cleaned out the playroom - that was not fun :glare:


As a bonus I cleaned out DD's room as well and stripped her bed and changed over her quilt cover.


Today my plan is


Wash down all the walls


Wash down the kitchen cabinets


Clean up the back patio

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Can't find the other thread. Did anyone get naything done today. I know it took me over 30 minutes, probably close to 2 hours, but I got our bedroom done! Walls and wall hangings, ceiling fan and desk all cleaned. My dh said it looks great.

Thanks for the challenge! Tomorrow I want to tackle the bathroom cabinets.

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