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8yo ds (ok, and dh, lol) are curious how many digits of pi you or your dc know.

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Zee has memorized, as of today, 83 digits of pi. He started memorizing them before we even 'discovered' that today is pi day. He's been working on it for, oh, probably a month now.


Just curious how many you/your dh/your dc know. He's quite proud. I think he could use his crazy good memorization skills for nobler things, but eh. What do I know. :D The boy likes math. :tongue_smilie:

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Ds has it to 8 decimal places as of today. Dh knows more than that, and I fall to 3rd with 5.


Well, I just read my original post again, and am glad that I'm well known enough on the board not to be suspected of being a troll (given what's gone on today, LOL).


Dh was astounded that ds was able to memorize that many. He said it must be a record or something. :D I doubted it, but it really is funny to listen to him recite them all.

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There was a boy on 60 Minutes recently -- it was a fantastic story -- anyway he rattles off the digits of pi at the beginning of the interview.



Check this out!


Or this 11 year old Florida girl who recited 607 digits!


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Zee has memorized, as of today, 83 digits of pi. He started memorizing them before we even 'discovered' that today is pi day. He's been working on it for, oh, probably a month now.


Just curious how many you/your dh/your dc know. He's quite proud. I think he could use his crazy good memorization skills for nobler things, but eh. What do I know. :D The boy likes math. :tongue_smilie:


Um, that is crazy impressive. I asked ds12 and he said, 'um, 3.' LOL I told him your son has 83 digits memorized and he said, 'well, that is depressing.'

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My dd13 likes pi and can recite the number out about 50 digits.


DH says he used to know it out to about 100 places but is sure he wouldn't be able to recite that much anymore


Personally, I know 3.14 and have never seen a need for knowing more. :)



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I surprised myself by remembering 3.14. Really. If you knew me and my mathematical shortcomings you would be patting me on the back :D


DS16 knew it to 8 digits and then said he has other things to worry about :lol:


Me too and I'm with your ds16. :D

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Or the MIT Cheer:


e to the x, dy/dx

e to the x dx

cosine, secant, tangent, sine



That's the Rice University Cheer! And the only reason I know five digits...


No, no, no, people--that's the RPI cheer. Except it has 2 more lines:


square root, cube root, log of pi

disintegrate them RPI!


And like you all, it's the only reason I know five digits. :D

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