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Could use some good thoughts this morning.

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Dh had a super, duper important job interview last Thursday. We're talking dream job right now. Government job with bells and whistles and *gasp* benefits. They only interviewed 5 people. That's a 20% chance!! I've been feeling really positive about it and very hopeful (without trying to be too hopeful, IYKWIM).

This morning I woke to a gloomy day with a full day of work ahead of me (cleaning 2 houses, neither of them my own :glare:). I open my eyes and realize I've got conjuncitivitis in one. It happens. I just look as terrible as I feel this morning. I'm not positive and hopeful, and I know I need to be.

So could y'all say a prayer, send a vibe, think good thoughts in our direction today? I truly believe in the power of positive thought and prayer and maybe you guys could boost my spirits a bit. I would sure appreciate it.

We should know by this Thursday. I've got a lot on my shoulders right now. His last paycheck was less than $300 for 2 weeks' work. The joy of piece work with no pieces. We have to figure out living arrangements for my disabled BIL because my MIL no longer wants that responsibility. My dad is sick again. My boys are sick again.

On a positive note, my little man turned 9 on Saturday and we always take a week off for the boys' birthdays. So, no school this week. At least I got that going for me. :tongue_smilie:

Thanks for listening/reading. Thanks in advance for the positive thoughts and prayers. I'll be away from the computer most of the day. But the Hive does amazing things. I hope...I hope....I hope....

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Dh had a super, duper important job interview last Thursday. We're talking dream job right now. Government job with bells and whistles and *gasp* benefits. They only interviewed 5 people. That's a 20% chance!! I've been feeling really positive about it and very hopeful (without trying to be too hopeful, IYKWIM).

This morning I woke to a gloomy day with a full day of work ahead of me (cleaning 2 houses, neither of them my own :glare:). I open my eyes and realize I've got conjuncitivitis in one. It happens. I just look as terrible as I feel this morning. I'm not positive and hopeful, and I know I need to be.

So could y'all say a prayer, send a vibe, think good thoughts in our direction today? I truly believe in the power of positive thought and prayer and maybe you guys could boost my spirits a bit. I would sure appreciate it.

We should know by this Thursday. I've got a lot on my shoulders right now. His last paycheck was less than $300 for 2 weeks' work. The joy of piece work with no pieces. We have to figure out living arrangements for my disabled BIL because my MIL no longer wants that responsibility. My dad is sick again. My boys are sick again.

On a positive note, my little man turned 9 on Saturday and we always take a week off for the boys' birthdays. So, no school this week. At least I got that going for me. :tongue_smilie:

Thanks for listening/reading. Thanks in advance for the positive thoughts and prayers. I'll be away from the computer most of the day. But the Hive does amazing things. I hope...I hope....I hope....


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry for all that you're going through. I am praying for you and will continue to pray for you and your family. Please update us and let us know when he gets the job on Thursday so we can celebrate with you. :)

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Thanks, all! I just saw people posted. Here's an update: There's no update.

We haven't received a "thanks anyway" in the mail, so that's good. My dh's friend works in the same department and said the office hasn't hired anyone else. I guess they doubled his work load on Tuesday and dh's friend flipped out saying they needed to hire dh. I don't know if that helped or hurt. :)

Anyway, I cleaned 4 houses in 3 days. I've got to clean my non-profit trailer today and do some paperwork. Then we get to see Blue Man Group tonight and I have a much needed day off tomorrow (which I will spend cleaning my own house.)

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers. I am humbled that I remain in your thoughts and hope to post good news soon!

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