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Have you ever been a recipient of a boardie's act of kindness?

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Yes! I'm new to this board and new to the community where I live. We've been here six months, and I haven't connected with any homeschoolers in the area. I found someone who said she lived in our city, and she emailed me a list of resources and offered to introduce me to a couple people! :) :001_wub:

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When I first posted (to the old board) Rhea helped me with questions I had about using a virtual school....she specifically found out how MY state runs it from a friend of hers who works for K12. That was so encouraging to me back when I was so new to hs'ling.


I've asked questions over the years about various cities I was going to be visiting and received soooo much info that has helped so much.


One time I asked if anyone was familiar with the Houston area because I was trying to track down my long lost sister and I wanted to know what the neighborhood was like where she lived....I had this irrational fear that I would find my sister living in a crack house or something :glare:. Several posters answered me in pms and assured me she lived in a nice neighborhood. Shortly thereafter I re-connected with my sister--she loves that story of me thinking she might live in a crack house.


This board really is great.

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Oh, yes. I have received hand me down clothes, brand new clothes, curriculum, the list goes on. I have been so extremely blessed by so many people I've never even met IRL. I will never forget when another boardie sent me a letter and a hundred dollar bill floated out when I opened it. We were going through such a hard time, and I will never forget that, or any of the kindness shown to my family. I am sad that many of my online friends are no longer here on this forum anymore. But I still love those of you that are!

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Last summer, after my leukemia diagnosis, the Raleigh area boardies got together at a restaurant, but I was still too weak to go. They took up a collection and sent me flowers. :001_smile:


Someone sent me a copy of The Latin Centered Curriculum for free.


I received many prayers and words of encouragement after my diagnosis last summer and after my sister died in 2005.

Edited by LizzyBee
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A few years ago I asked for help photoshopping a picture. It was of my grandma with "Santa" and we wanted to use that photo for her Christmas card. There was another family member in the background that we wanted to take out.


Crissy offered to help me. I had no idea at the time she offered that I was actually getting the help of a professional.


She did a beautiful job and that picture was a hit with everyone who received it for Christmas. That happened to be my beautiful grandma's last Christmas.


I am still so thankful for that act of kindness from Crissy! Thank you again, Crissy!:)


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Yes. When my son who can't even support himself had a dd some people here on the board gave me baby items and clothes for my gdd. Also when the city where he lived got hit by a major tornado someone drove around trying to find him for me.


I have also tried to help others whenever I can. I have sent boxes full of curriculum, clothes and toys to people who needed them and contributed to group help for certain causes.


Some people have made themselves available to help me through times of trouble and I have tried to do the same when I can. This board is one of the best support groups I have ever seen.

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:iagree: I have enjoyed reading all the stories! Makes me :D. Also makes me jealous no one is near enough to me to hang out with! (I think. Not really sure. lol)


Where in NC are you? Send me a pm - maybe I'm nearby!


Yes, I have. Nakia took my son's wedding pictures for a song. :001_smile: She is a sweetheart. There have been many other acts of kindness shown to me by people on this board. There are so many dear people on here.

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True kindness, love, support, concern, and advice at some of my darkest moments.


It's a beautiful thing to know that there are so many people to pray and walk with me through tough times. I've never started a please pray for me thread (I don't think), but when I see them and the love expressed, I get a very... reassuring feeling that you all are here for me if I need it. :001_wub:

The world doesn't feel quite so lonely. :001_smile:

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Where in NC are you? Send me a pm - maybe I'm nearby!


Yes, I have. Nakia took my son's wedding pictures for a song. :001_smile: She is a sweetheart. There have been many other acts of kindness shown to me by people on this board. There are so many dear people on here.


Pm'd you



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I think I want to add that I've received a lot of wonderful support here -- not just physical acts. I have several people to thank for helping me out of the elementary years curriculum fiasco and helping me see what would be best for my son. I've received loads of help for the middle years. I'm too scared to hit the high school boards yet, but that's because I'm in denial (lalalalalala) over my son's too-fast growing up.


And then... amidst the crap that is my life, I've received notes out of the blue that were pure decency and honest concern. That meant a lot, and will always mean a lot to me. You people know who you are. ;) So thank you. :grouphug:

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