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What books have made you a better teacher?


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The Well-Trained Mind keeps me focused and on track, so that is the first one that comes to mind. I re-read it every year.

Sacred Parenting made me a better teacher because it made me a better Mom and the two are so intertwined that there was naturally a cross-over.

I also really liked For the Children's Sake.

Oh, awesome read: I Saw the Angel in the Marble. Wonderfully inspiring AND practical.

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The Bible. :001_smile:

When I feel frazzled, feel like I need to buy yet another resource, wondering if I'm screwing up my kids, feel isolated, under appreciated, etc. etc. I find peace after reading this book and praying for direction. In small ways I see my plans come together, I receive confirmation that I am doing the right thing, my kids say "mom thanks for stepping up to homeschool us," it just suddenly all comes together.

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Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why American Children Feel Good About Themselves but Can't Read, Write or Add by Charles J. Sykes. I read it when my oldest was just a baby, and since then, it's been one of my motivational books. The author is not a homeschool advocate, and it's not a homeschool book, but rather a summary of education policy over the last 50 years or so. He extrapolates where current educational models are taking us.


Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss. This is my favorite homeschooling book. Inspirational, warm, thoughtful and practical.

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This is more parenting, but it's helped me in teaching my kids, too:

How to Really Love Your Child by Ross Campbell



Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics by Liping Ma

The Writer's Jungle by Julie Bogart


Sorry, O/T: This is the cutest username I've seen in a long time! Welcome to the boards, EllaMinnowPea.


:iagree:I loved that book, and I was totally jealous when I noticed your user name. Why couldn't I have been so creative? ;)

Edited by bonniebeth4
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Mindset by Carol Dweck. It changed the way I talk to my kids about effort and success.

I like this one as well. I bought it a few months ago to help me with my perfectionistic eldest son. I have always tried to focus on effort vs. being correct, etc. but this book has really given me other things to consider and discuss with him. The other interesting thing is that I really learned a lot about myself while reading this, when I bought it to "help" DS1.

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Hold on To Your Kids made me a better parent, which was the first step in being a better teacher to them.


Teach Like Your Hairs on Fire offered good, practical advice from a professional who really pushes his kids.


Marva Collins Way--she is a forerunner to Esquith. She inspires me to inundate my kids with more information so they can make more connections. She also inspired me to make sure my kids come to the school table/couch dressed nicely with clean faces and combed hair.


Norms and Nobility helped me see what an education should be in its ideal form.


More and more instead of reading for entertainment, I'm reading to prepare myself to educate my kids. I want more information in my brain! This is a good one to use as a guide for self-education.

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In all honesty, reading this site these last few months has had THE biggest influence on me! Truly.


I've been just a lurker for most of my time, but I have read so many posts, followed a million links, and just soaked in the wisdom here. I feel I am a better homeschooler for having joined and listened in here.



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The Bible. :001_smile:

When I feel frazzled, feel like I need to buy yet another resource, wondering if I'm screwing up my kids, feel isolated, under appreciated, etc. etc. I find peace after reading this book and praying for direction. In small ways I see my plans come together, I receive confirmation that I am doing the right thing, my kids say "mom thanks for stepping up to homeschool us," it just suddenly all comes together.

Love this! I feel and have felt all of these things throughout the year. Many times I wonder who I can talk to/post on forum that will understand this feeling. I need to pray and open the word more when I feel this way. Thanks for the reminder.


When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today.



I'm still working on it! Currently focusing on this area and re-reading the above book.

I have not heard of this book but I will put in on my reading list.


The Seven Laws of Teaching is the only book I've ever read that is truly about how to teach.


I also second How to Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire. It's great to see someone else excited about teaching children, and he has some great specific ideas.


Love The Seven Laws of Teaching. Also interested in How to Teach Like Your Hairs on Fire. Sounds scary, at least the vision in my mind of someone's hair on fire attempting to teach a lesson.:lol:

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The Well-Educated Mind definitely inspired me to look to my own education, and fill the gaps, and that has made me a better teacher and our home a place where learning is honored.


Math Power: How to Help Your Child Love Math Even if You Don't, by Patricia Clark Kentschaft, helped me tremendously in understanding math learning and how to support it.

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Several of the books listed by PPs have really helped me. Someone already mentioned The Writer's Jungle--I'm reading that one right now, only halfway through it but I can tell already it will help me a lot. Also, the first, wordy chapters in BFSU vol 1, if you can make it through them, have some good stuff and helped consolidate my amorphous thoughts about how I wanted to do science with my kids.


A few more that made a big difference for me and some specific issues in our family:

Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students by Christine Fonesca

Raising Freethinkers by Dale McGowan

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In their own way by armstorng

teach your own all 3 by holt

Charlotte mason companion by andreola


I love reading many books based o education, but these were my favorites. I never read for the children's sake, but I am going to have to purchase that now that I see it seems to be many people's favorites.

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In all honesty, reading this site these last few months has had THE biggest influence on me! Truly.


I've been just a lurker for most of my time, but I have read so many posts, followed a million links, and just soaked in the wisdom here. I feel I am a better homeschooler for having joined and listened in here.





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Several of the books listed by PPs have really helped me. Someone already mentioned The Writer's Jungle--I'm reading that one right now, only halfway through it but I can tell already it will help me a lot. Also, the first, wordy chapters in BFSU vol 1, if you can make it through them, have some good stuff and helped consolidate my amorphous thoughts about how I wanted to do science with my kids.


A few more that made a big difference for me and some specific issues in our family:

Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students by Christine Fonesca

Raising Freethinkers by Dale McGowan


THANKS I hgave several of her books on my list now -- that may be the touch stone i have been needing with my 2 E impossible child. :)

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