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Would you let your kids see this movie?

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We watched this the other night. My intention was to watch it with my older dd. Out of boredom, my 13yods also watched it. To my surprise, he absolutely loved it and said he'd like to watch more movies like this.


This is my video game playing, Zelda loving, Lego building boy. Although I never watch movies, I was sick, and we'd watched 127 Hours together earlier in the day. (There were a few scenes, along with language, that made me uncomfortable during that movie.) Ds preferred The Help; I'm still surprised. :confused:


There was a lot of blood in the miscarriage bathroom scene, but it was over quickly. We'd talked about miscarriages earlier in the day because of a book we're reading.


He was fascinated to see the racism, to see what things were like 50 years ago. This is something he's only seen in the context of Alex Haley's Roots, I guess. He even commented that, while he's heard about segregation, it was impacting to see it rather than just read or talk about it.

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We are going to be doing 20th cent next year, so I thought about incorporating this movie. I think I am going to watch it once more (saw it in theaters) before deciding, but I'm leaning towards letting her see it. She has already seen Places in The Heart, and I am going to preview The Long Walk Home, also. She'll be 12.5 by the time we get to it.

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I would let my kids. The only reason we would not watch a PG-13 movie is because of overtly sexual content. Was there any here? I can't remember.


Another movie that is rated PG (but not PG-13) that I feel is very similar in nature but an EXCELLENT movie is The Long Walk Home. It has Woopie Goldberg and Sissy Spacek and we all love it.


Just another idea for those of you who want a similar theme but not the PG-13.



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