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This is the grossest thing that has ever happened to me.

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So, like four days ago, I noticed that the toilet was clogged. I told the kids not to use it. We live right down the block from a public indoor space that has toilets (part of the government complex, a kind of cross between a mall and a museum) and we've just been using their bathrooms. The first day, someone used the toilet anyway, so I put duct tape across the lid and wrote on it "don't use me." Meantime, I called my landlord, and Roto Rooter, and my landlord, and Roto Rooter. FINALLY today someone is coming to deal with it. They'll be here in about half an hour. So I go in there and un-duct-tape it and. . . whoa. Someone has been sneaking in there and using it anyway. It is FULL. Like piled up.


So . . . what do I do? Can I let the Roto Rooter guy deal with this or do I need to go run and buy a bucket of acid to dissolve it or . . . ? Please tell me I don't have to bail it.

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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Call RotoRooter, tell them about the duct tape and pile, and that you would like to take care of it BEFORE they come, but aren't sure what to do--or how. Then have the rogue dumper :D do whatever the answer is, or at least participate as much as possible. I know for one of mine, just being in the room would be offensive enough to his nose;).

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Call RotoRooter, tell them about the duct tape and pile, and that you would like to take care of it BEFORE they come, but aren't sure what to do--or how. Then have the rogue dumper :D do whatever the answer is, or at least participate as much as possible. I know for one of mine, just being in the room would be offensive enough to his nose;).
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You have to bail. Think about it...Any tool they put in the bowl will displace some water which will then overflow. No chemical is going to eat through that in a reasonable amount of time. At least a some has to be bailed for the Rotorooter person to do their job and it shouldn't be up to them to have to deal with the bailing.


Sorry. :(

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The guy showed up before I got through to their office. He said, "Nah, I'm used to stuff like that." Then he quoted me $175 for it. I told him my landlord is such a slowpoke about paperwork that he'd have to come back tomorrow, and we scheduled an appointment. Then, as he was going out the door, he turned suddenly around and said, "But to be honest... do you have a boyfriend? He could do it himself one-two-three with a $10 toilet auger," and smiled and left.


Sexism aside, that was truly awesome of him, and I would like to call his office to say, "Your tech Dwight is truly awesome. Reward him." Only if I explain how he is awesome, he might be in trouble for losing business for his company. WWYD?

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I'd see if Dwight wants to make 20.00 bucks this evening. 10.00, you buy the auger, pay him 20.00 to take care of the mess. Probably borderline ethical. Maybe you could barter, does he like goldfish crackers?


In lieu of that I'd go buy the auger, tell the kids to gather round and hand it to the offending child. Tell them it's a plumbing unit study.

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I'd see if Dwight wants to make 20.00 bucks this evening. 10.00, you buy the auger, pay him 20.00 to take care of the mess. Probably borderline ethical. Maybe you could barter, does he like goldfish crackers?


You know, eldest kidlet had just come home from the corner cafe (where he went to, um, well, to poop) saying, "He gave me extra fudge!" (people throw free stuff at this gorgeous polite kid) and I almost offered the guy some, but then I realized a guy who looks at poo all day probably doesn't want to eat fudge.

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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You know, eldest kidlet had just come home from the corner cafe (where he went to, um, well to poop) saying, "He gave me extra fudge!" (people throw free stuff at this gorgeous polite kid) and I almost offered the guy some, but then I realized a guy who looks at poo all day probably doesn't want to eat fudge.


:lol: :lol:

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This thread has me :lol:


We had two out-take water pipes break under our house this summer. The workers spent one day tunneling to the sight. (Thankfully, both breaks were within a few feet of the edge of the house, so they could tunnel instead of jack hammering through our foundation as originally thought. :001_huh:)

The workers left that first day and said they would be back the next morning to start working, but it was fine to use the plumbing on that side of the house as usual.

Second day, workers come to fix the pipes. They came up to the door to tell me we could still use the plumbing and they would knock on the door and let me know when to stop running water or, um, flushing.

They never came back to the door and it never crossed my mind... I went into the kitchen to make lunch and was running water at the sink.

Knock on door. Oops. Answer door, guy says, "Hey, we forgot to tell you not to use the plumbing."

I follow him outside to talk to the workers and get an update when I remember: Oh, no. My DS is in the bathroom doing his business! :eek:

I run inside, screaming, "Don't flush!"

Caught him just in time. Though I really wish I hadn't have. :tongue_smilie:

The plumbers ran into a problem and they couldn't get the pipes fixed until the next day so we couldn't flush overnight. :eek:

It was awful.

Truly awful.


Anyway. So BTDT with a full toilet that can't be flushed. :ack2:

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Because today wasn't gross enough, shortly after I posted my 9yo projectile vomited in three different directions in the living room. I am going to be disinfecting things neurotically for weeks.

What is it with kids?

It is a good thing they are so darn cute most of the time, because "stuff" like this is just :ack2:

Surely we didn't do gross stuff like this when we were kids, did we?!


DS had roto virus when he was a year old. It was the first time we had ever used a babysitter for a date night. We picked him up and was driving home after when he had projectile vomit all over the inside of my truck.

I remember standing inside the shower, trying to clean DS and myself, and I asked my DH, "Did you lock my truck, honey?"

His response: If anyone wants to steal the truck right now, they are more than welcome to have it. :tongue_smilie:


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So, like four days ago, I noticed that the toilet was clogged. I told the kids not to use it. We live right down the block from a public indoor space that has toilets (part of the government complex, a kind of cross between a mall and a museum) and we've just been using their bathrooms. The first day, someone used the toilet anyway, so I put duct tape across the lid and wrote on it "don't use me." Meantime, I called my landlord, and Roto Rooter, and my landlord, and Roto Rooter. FINALLY today someone is coming to deal with it. They'll be here in about half an hour. So I go in there and un-duct-tape it and. . . whoa. Someone has been sneaking in there and using it anyway. It is FULL. Like piled up.


So . . . what do I do? Can I let the Roto Rooter guy deal with this or do I need to go run and buy a bucket of acid to dissolve it or . . . ? Please tell me I don't have to bail it.


I'd be calling in the kids to find out who did it, give them some rubber gloves and let them tackle it with supervision...

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Oh my.


This reminds me of the time we were closing up the family's lake house for the Fall/Winter. We had to turn off all water from the city's main line. Drain the water heater, drain all faucets, flush the toilets one LAST time and then pour antifreeze into all of the drains and toilets.


Someone (I'm not saying who... ;)) went #1 in the potty after the antifreeze was poured in and everyone was outside ready to go. Let's say, the return back in the spring was not pleasant to the senses. :lol:


And yes, that $10 gizmo for the toilet has bailed us out of many a toilet disasters... kids and too much TP or doody. Blech. :eek:

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I'd see if Dwight wants to make 20.00 bucks this evening. 10.00, you buy the auger, pay him 20.00 to take care of the mess. Probably borderline ethical. Maybe you could barter, does he like goldfish crackers?


In lieu of that I'd go buy the auger, tell the kids to gather round and hand it to the offending child. Tell them it's a plumbing unit study.


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You know, eldest kidlet had just come home from the corner cafe (where he went to, um, well, to poop) saying, "He gave me extra fudge!" (people throw free stuff at this gorgeous polite kid) and I almost offered the guy some, but then I realized a guy who looks at poo all day probably doesn't want to eat fudge.


You know what I got to spend today doing? Dd has a spider bite that has abcessed and developed MRSA. So, after taking her to the Dr this morning he informed that I get to spend the weekend lancing the wound and squeezing out the pus. :ack2:



....I had no idea her little body could hold that much pus. :001_huh:



I have just finished dinner, so I think it is time to go check the wound!!!!


I wish they made little owie augers! ;)

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You don't need a boyfriend to use an auger. I really stink at doing handyman jobs, but managed to successfully use an auger. Try it!


It's tempting to use my vulva as an excuse for not doing this -- really I'd take any excuse and that one seems as random as any other I could come up with -- but my dad and my love are both out of town, and my brother would see right through the "but I'm just a girl who can't deal with tools!" excuse and say something like, "Haha, nice try." So yeah, I'm either gonna get the landlord to do this or do it myself.

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It's tempting to use my vulva as an excuse for not doing this -- really I'd take any excuse and that one seems as random as any other I could come up with -- but my dad and my love are both out of town, and my brother would see right through the "but I'm just a girl who can't deal with tools!" excuse and say something like, "Haha, nice try." So yeah, I'm either gonna get the landlord to do this or do it myself.


All that aside (yes, I could do it) I think it'd be worth $175 to have someone else do it. I would definitely throw up doing it. And you clearly don't need more of that. Oh, my. :grouphug: but this is making me laugh too.

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Call RotoRooter, tell them about the duct tape and pile, and that you would like to take care of it BEFORE they come, but aren't sure what to do--or how. Then have the rogue dumper :D do whatever the answer is, or at least participate as much as possible. I know for one of mine, just being in the room would be offensive enough to his nose;).



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So, like four days ago, I noticed that the toilet was clogged. I told the kids not to use it. We live right down the block from a public indoor space that has toilets (part of the government complex, a kind of cross between a mall and a museum) and we've just been using their bathrooms. The first day, someone used the toilet anyway, so I put duct tape across the lid and wrote on it "don't use me." Meantime, I called my landlord, and Roto Rooter, and my landlord, and Roto Rooter. FINALLY today someone is coming to deal with it. They'll be here in about half an hour. So I go in there and un-duct-tape it and. . . whoa. Someone has been sneaking in there and using it anyway. It is FULL. Like piled up.




Hmmm, last Saturday night we had some threads on here discussing a Phantom Pooper, theorizing maybe it was all one person doing all the phantom poops everywhere in North America. Maybe this person (gender not yet established) has struck your house?


Okay, I now have a mental image of the Monty Python Spanish Inquisition sketch, but yelling "NOBODY EXPECTS THE PHANTOM POOPER!" I think I need to log off for the night.

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