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Baby carrier advice needed!

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I'm so lost in the sea of baby carriers! I have a moby wrap and I liked it when they were small and I used a cheapo infantino carrier once at Disney but it hurt my back. I have been looking at mei tai, baby hawk, ergo, bjorn, among others and I just can't decide. So if you had one you loved or hated tell me why. Also if you used a moby for larger babies how did you figure it out?

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I have used a few different types. Out of the ones you mentioned I used an ergo and a babyhawk mei tei.


They were both great.


The ergo is really easy to use and I found it comfortable.


The babyhawk Mei tei was also comfortable and easy but I just got slightly annoyed by trailing fabric as it is super muddy here. I believe they now do a hybrid type one called an oh snap.


It could be worth tracking down a company that you can do a trial from. Many will hire you a sling for two weeks so you can decide. It's definitely worth hiring and trying as some people find different slings more comfy than others, I have a long body and can't wear some slings but there is nothing really wrong with the slings that I can't wear they just don't fit me well.


Here is one place that does hire and this place does a trial hire of the ergo and babyhawk.

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I had an Ergo and loved it. Super easy to use and very comfortable. When my son got too tall for it, I got a Boba which I liked as well. If you prefer a wrap, you can use a woven wrap for older babies and toddlers.


Great advice already given about finding a place where you can do a trial period to help you decide. Have fun shopping!

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I have an ergo and while it got use, I have a long torso, Dh has a long torso and so do my kiddos. I found the back was too short for them and they could throw me off balance. I loved my 4th Generation Beco carrier because of the longer back. I am dreaming of a Boba 3G. It has everything I liked about the Beco and then some.


Good luck finding what you love.

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After they're able to hold up their heads, I've always used the Original Hip Hammock (9 years now). If I had a newborn again, I would get this Scootababy hip carrier instead because it has more (hip) padding and a more comfortable shoulder strap. The hip hammock is great but after a few hours of carrying a 25+lb toddler, my shoulder muscles get worn out. I love hip carriers though, because the baby doesn't have to be right in front of me, although I can swing the baby to my front if I choose to. I can even scoot the baby to the back of my hip and bend over without them flopping out or cook at the stove without worrying they're going to grab something dangerous.`I couldn't have dealt with my kids without my hip carrier, it's been the most useful baby item for me.

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I use a Kangaroo Karrier when my babies are tiny or for quick carries when they're bigger. For longer carrying periods, I've found a mei tai to be most comfortable. I can haul a two year old for a couple hour long hike in a mei tai and not have back problems.

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love my beco butterfly. The best thing about it is that you can take it off and switch who is carrying without taking the baby out of the carrier. It is great for long days at places because we can switch who is carrying the baby without having to have a place to set him down. It also makes it a lot easier to swing them onto your back.


I can carry my 25lb toddler around for hours without it hurting my back.

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I love the babyhawk until you switch to back carry, then it was a bit hard on my back and I switched to a Babies Beyond Borders half buckle. It has a padded waistbelt that transfers the weight to your hips, but long ties like a mei tai on the top for adjustability. I'm short and none of the buckle carriers fit me right, so I need the straps. Otherwise I would have gotten an Oh Snap I think.

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I have an Ergo and a sling but I'm transitioning to a woven wrap. While the Ergo met our needs from 6mo on, an average 2yo is just too long for it to be comfortable and keep them from arching back during their naps. I'm hoping the wrap will give us more versatility but I'm keeping Beco and Boba at the front of my mind for other possibilities.


I generally will not buy something that is sold at TRU/Walmart/Target. The Bjorn and the Snuggli are horrible for little ones (imagine being pushed forward on your crotch all day) and Infantino is infamous for their death sling. They are not companies that market to babywearing. They are companies that are just looking for your money. Britax, while making awesome carseats, has recently dabbled in the babywearing market to make their own monstrosity that is certainly not worth the price tag they put on it.


I like my Ergo. I like being able to strap it on and go for long hikes. It's just not working for us the way it should be anymore and we're going to need something for another two years to help us navigate the ancient roads and museums here in Italy.

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I bought a Boba G2 this past summer to use on a trip. It was great - we carried our 36lb, 2.5yodd in it for hours at a time. We even used it with my 5yo on occassion. Very comfortable, good support, folds up compactly. It has detachable "foot rests" which the Ergo does not have and we rarely used, and otherwise is very similar to the Ergo.

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I like my woven wrap for the newborn/infant stage and I use an Ergo for my toddlers.


I find the back carry very comfortable whether I am hiking or just doing dishes. My current little one is around 25 lbs. He's tall and thin. My last babywear passenger was in the Ergo until he was 3+ and he is built a bit heavier than his brother.

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I have a Moby Wrap (Moby D, so it has some woven not stretchy cloth in the middle) and an Ergo. I did use the Moby with my current 3yo until she was about 18 months old. I just wore her front facing. I bought an Ergo when my fourth was 10 months and will definitely be using that with older babies now. I wore him on my front and on my back until he was around 21 months (by then it didn't fit me anymore due to pregnancy).

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I think I have used nearly every baby carrier out there, lol. I love the Moby for the itty bitty phase, but find it uncomfortable around 20lbs. For my kids that's about 6mo, so they have good head control by then and back carries become easier. I like woven wraps, but find them challenging when I'm somewhere like the mall with an uncooperative kid or three...it just takes too long.


I prefer the Beco over the Ergo because it is so much taller. My kids are TALL, and the Beco doesn't come high enough on their backs. I also like MeiTai's. I can wear my 3.5yo (40lbs) in either of those for an hour or so without discomfort. I can wear one of my twins (14mo, 30lbs) all day if they'd let me. The Beco is nice because you can put the kid inside the carrier on your front before you flip it to your back, but I do find it takes longer to get on than the MeiTai because of that. My DW can't do a MeiTai without help (can't reach behind her back to pass the straps behind baby) so the Beco is ideal for her.

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I have borrowed a Mobi and my baby almost fell out! I thought I followed the instructions! SO, that scared me into giving it back.

I have bought so many slings, and was given a home ade may wrap ( baby hated it), I think she was too big and just did not like the restrictions.

The one I MISS and may buy again is Baby Bjorn. I mostly use them for hiking, shopping, and such.

I do have a friend who knows more about wraps and she has a FB page. Natural Moms of Owensboro. I will ask her what she thinks is the best.;)

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I have the baby bjorn sport and the ergo. I prefer the ergo, but I dont use it when they are tiny. I use the bjorn until they are able to sit in the ergo correctly. The ergo feels better on my back when they are heavier, but the bjorn is ok until they are about 12 lbs or so.


I am short waisted and both fit me well. DH is long waisted and the ergo fits him better than the bjorn. The back support creeps up on his back with the bjorn.

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We used a kangaroo korner pouch sling when they were little, and as they got bigger (a year or so) I liked the Ergo (I have the classic old-style). I don't really like the Ergo until they're very head confident, and its hard to get them on your back without help (their help or another adult).


I was going to make myself a mei tai (one of the terms for a common East Asian apron-shaped back carrier) but never got around to it.


Both of these were so helpful dh immediately bought his sister a pouch, bought us an extra pouch, and won't let me sell or donate either the pouch or the ergo. They are usually out on loan.

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I liked my Babyhawk Mei Tei, but for under 6-9 months. Ergo is a great carrier that works through all ages, though I like my Beco Gemini better than my ergo. Still, either would be just fine. It is a bit more streamlined and has more carry options. I would look on craigslist and see what you can find second-hand at a great price. Often people will buy an expensive carrier and not use it. Many of the carriers are very similiar and price would definitely sway me.

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I would recommend a mei tai. I guess anyone that has wide enough straps to cover your shoulders. I LOVED mine!!! I cant imagine living without one with babies. I used mine forever. I think it is worth the investment. I think there are many to choose from but you have to read the reviews and make sure you have someone who sews nice and secure...then just go for color :001_smile:


Ergo didnt really work for me...I am a bit short and I didnt find it comfy. I had a ellaroo wrap which was great but it is a ton of fabric. I didnt like bjorn at all.


I dont like pouch slings at all either. They are ok with an infant but they become hard on your neck and shoulder really fast. (just my little opinion)


I had a sling for my infant and used it to about 22 lbs and then I added the mei tai. You can use the mei tai for an infant it just isnt the easiest to nurse in. I agree with you...lots of options out there! Good luck!!

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I love the ergo I have. I bought it used from my sister and it is very comfortable. It has been awhile since I used it since my youngest is 2 but he would still fit in it. I didn't have it with my other kids so I don't know how it would work for large kids. My youngest is tiny and nothing like my two older kids size wise.

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I second the recommendation for thebabywearer.com What works best for you will depend on a lot of things like your size, your baby's size, where you tend to feel soreness first, how easy/quick you require it to be to put on, and other stuff. They can help you out and know all the cool new brands. I'd also recommend finding a local babywearing group if you can. The moms there are usually happy to let you try on their stuff and help you figure out if you're doing it right.


I can't use an ergo because it doesn't fit and I never could get a ring sling to work. I loved my simple pouch, but my baby was only 18lbs at 2yrs, so that's not a lot of strain on my neck. I loved the moby for little babies but it was just too much fabric to take outside of the house often and screams- look at me babywearing!- IMO. I preferred more discreet carriers. I put my 25lbs 3yr old in it when my youngest was an infant and she fit but it tended to become too loose and I was constantly adjusting. I didn't feel safe with a stretchy wrap and an older child. I also really liked my mei tai. It was custom made with straps that could be thin or wide depending on what I wanted. I preferred it for longer trips once baby was about 4mos old. For quick trips, however, I really preferred the pouch until DD refused to go in it anymore. It was so much faster and easier to put on- no hanging fabric- and it took longer than a quick trip into the store to get sore. With a pouch, you have to be very careful about sizing. Also, when my older girl was in the carriers (foot problems, so she couldn't walk well for a while), I could do it in the pouch but not the mei tai. I'm short and with the mei tai, she was taking up too much of my body space on my back and I couldn't see over her head on my front. I could have learned to do the mei tai on the hip but it was too complicated for me to want to mess with. With DD on my hip in the pouch, she was more out of my way and it was easier for me to see and move and pop her in and out.

Edited by Paige
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I have and like a variety of carriers, at different ages and stages, and for different things.


-Moby -- newborns. Nice and poppable. Not the most supportive after a while, for me. I use mine only occasionally with my 18-pound 6-month-old, only when I want to pre-tie it and pop him in during rainy weather.


-Woven wrap (Storchenwiege, BBSlen, Didymos) -- expensive, but beautiful, and very supportive. Really great for a slightly older baby for long periods of time. I use mine frequently around the house, front and back carries, and for long wearing times out of the house. Less poppable for the most secure carry, but it's worth the extra time to tie it for the comfort. (If we're doing several quick errands, sometimes I'll just hold the baby instead of messing with the wrap.) Great for sun protection for the baby, though they can be warm.


-Ergo -- I like it for back carries sometimes when the baby hits about 17 pounds and can splay the legs. Quick, no bulk, no ties, has a hood that comes up for sleeping. Dads often like these. If you're short, it can be hard to get it tight enough on the arms; you need to wear it very low on the hips. I don't care for the Ergo for front carries, but I like it for hiking, airports, places where I don't want stuff dragging on the ground or getting caught, and when I need quick. A wrap wrapped well is more comfortable for me, but the Ergo is pleasantly reasonable.


-Ring Sling -- great for nursing in public, newborns, quick errands, short carries with toddlers. Hurts my back with bigger babies/toddlers after very long. Can put it on one-handed. SleepingBaby is a great brand.


-Mei tai, like Kozy -- (Kozy is owned by a very sweet homeschooling mama.) I really love my Kozy and would recommend it. For me, personally, it's not really the best of any of my carriers for any one thing -- it's not as cool for hot weather as a ring sling but not as hot as a woven wrap. Not as fast as a sling or Ergo but faster than a wrap. Not as comfortable as a good wrap job but more comfortable than a ring sling. Not my favorite for a back carry but makes a comfortable front carry. Love the pocket -- great for when I just need to bring keys and library card. If I was going to recommend just one to meet the most needs (wow, that would be so hard), I think this would be it.

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  • 5 months later...



Moby worked for us during the first 3 months. Then my New Native Pouch. Recently we've moved to a mei tai. But now he's going more to my hip, so I'm considering a hip carrier. I saw someone mention scootababy and hip hammock (not the Playtex one.) I don't have a ring sling. Any other brands or ideas for a good hip carrier? Ds is 8 mon and probably about 17-18lbs.

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