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Serious flooding going on here!

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We are in the Pacific Northwest. All around us people are getting lots of snow, but we're in the valley and it's flooding! We live out in the country and have a field in front of our house and a long driveway. We couldn't see the entrance to our driveway a couple hours ago except for two huge rocks on either side. There are huge ditches on either side of the rocks. That was two hours ago, and it's been raining solidly since then. It was one big lake from the main road (water lapping on the edges) to halfway up our field!


In town, a car was swept away from a grocery store parking lot into a creek. A man and child were rescued, but they are still searching for the second child.


The weather forecast says rain for the next two days. Ugh.

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I have relatives in the Pac NW and we are watching your weather. I'm very concerned about all the snow and now all the RAIN that is forecast over the next few days with warming temps. That will be a LOT of water looking for a place to go!


Concerned about all of you. Be safe and if you think you need to get out, do it while you can SAFELY! Please know prayers are being said on your behalf.



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We can't get out of our driveway. Luckily our house is on higher ground, though we're at the bottom of a large hill and we have a waterfall going under our house (no basement, just the foundation). It is still raining.


Yikes! Keep us posted.


My mom was evacuated from her apt in the NW some years ago when the town was flooding. Of course she could have left on her own sooner, but we won't go there. :tongue_smilie:

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We can't get out of our driveway. Luckily our house is on higher ground, though we're at the bottom of a large hill and we have a waterfall going under our house (no basement, just the foundation). It is still raining.


Can you redirect that water around your house in any way? Water will take the path of least resistance. Even digging a different path for it away from the house may help a bit.


Praying the second child is safe and found quickly and also for the safety of you and everyone else. :grouphug:

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My poor, homeschooled boys who don't get to go to school today. :lol: Thought you all might enjoy the picture of our DRIVEWAY. (Our house is up much further, but we do have a nice waterfall running under it from huge hill behind us. :tongue_smilie: ) I wonder if the pizza guy would deliver to a canoe. (We are safe and dry and have lots of food. I'll only cry if our power goes out.)


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We are flooded up here too. I am quite a bit northwest of you, also in the country. Fortunately, we are also on higher ground, but there are lots of people who have homes built on a floodplain in our nearby town. A few years ago it was devastated. I am hoping it wont get that bad again for these people. We live on a dead end road that feeds onto 4 roads that all flood. I can see from my window that one has already gone under. But we have lots and lots of food due to stock piling for the coming baby. So we will be fine even if the exits all flood over.


We are praying for all those in the path of all this water and for the family that lost that child in the car. I read this morning that they found the body:crying:.

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We are in the Willamette Valley too.


Our backyard has flooded for the first time in years. The patio was under water yesterday and eventually flowed through the garage and down the driveway. DH came home and dug some trenches to increase the flow of water. Years ago DH put in a drainage system but apparently the pipes are filled with dirt.


I've learned a lesson. Not mowing or raking the leaves in the fall can slow down the water flow and increase the chance of flooding. Some lessons are learned the hard way.

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I wanted to post a few thoughts.


Our city flooded a couple of years ago, and there were a few things I wished someone had recommended.


First...One of the first things to go if the flood is major is clean water.


Laundry...get it done.

Save / store more than you think is necessary for at least a week.

Shower, wash your hair and even the dog.

Do all the dishes. (Have disposable on hand)

Get hand sanitizers

Check you home and basement for seepage even if you aren't directly in the path.

Check your sump pump and power source

Stock up on groceries, paper products and batteries


(Most distressing for me...potty plans for toilets.)


If you know someone with a well or have one, that's a blessing. They may need to be monitored, but at least you'll have water to use.


Don't count on the local authorities to accurately predict or react to the rising water...

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Hi, friend! Been thinkin' about you. Now you have an inkling of my reality; as you know, we have flooding at least once a year. Might have some this weekend, in fact, though it won't be the extreme we sometimes experience. Our primary problem thus far was frigid cold accompanied by the blizzard-quality Fraser Valley outflow winds. We didn't have nearly as much snow as some areas, and escaped yesterday's ice storm. Should see some freezing rain today before we get the real stuff and then...looks like the end of the month could bring another "weather event". Luvverly. Stay safe and warm and dry, Heidi.

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Hi, friend! Been thinkin' about you. Now you have an inkling of my reality; as you know, we have flooding at least once a year. Might have some this weekend, in fact, though it won't be the extreme we sometimes experience. Our primary problem thus far was frigid cold accompanied by the blizzard-quality Fraser Valley outflow winds. We didn't have nearly as much snow as some areas, and escaped yesterday's ice storm. Should see some freezing rain today before we get the real stuff and then...looks like the end of the month could bring another "weather event". Luvverly. Stay safe and warm and dry, Heidi.


Actually, I was thinking about you and your regular flooding this past week! And also the crazy snow and ice that have hit Washington. I'll be praying that the end of the month storm passes by you without too much damage.

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