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first grade ??

momma aimee

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I'm planning first. We will probably drop FIAR and AAS and add these things one-by-one this spring.


Language Arts: FLL, WWE, and HTTS

Reading: Sonlight's Readers 2 and 3, whatever read-alouds I pick

Math: SM, Miquon, some MEP

History: SOTW 1 + AG

Science: RSO Life (I THINK. I may go BFSU.)

Art and Music: As laid out in the Core Knowledge books

Logic: Lollipop Logic and whatever else I grab when we finish that one (We don't do this frequently.)

Fitness: Swim/Gymnastics (depending on the season)

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Anyone have a blog link to theri first grade plans? Or care to quickly list out what you are / or did use? :001_huh:


I am plotting and planning first grade and looking for quides and so on -- just to see "where the track it" so I stay on it.



You can check out my newer blog. I have a first and second grader and did a post on their days and curriculum. Feel free to pm me if I can help at all - I am new to this.

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For dd this year:


R&S Math 1 - 5x/week

OPG - 3x/week

ETC - 5x/week

Reading Practice- 5x/week (We started the year with really simple readers like BOB books and Itty Bitty Phonics and have just started CLP 1st Grade Nature Reader)


FLL 1 - 3x/week

WWE 1 - 4x/week

SOTW 3 - 2x/week

Harcort Science 1 - 2x/week (sometimes more, as this is what she asks to do when she has extra time)

Bible - 1 or 2x/week


This is my ideal schedule that happens when all is going smoothly. On weeks that are not so great, we make sure we get the first four things done and the rest is treated as gravy. :) Age-wise, dd is technically kindergarten (turned 6 recently) so I figure we have 2 years to get all this done.

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I'll have my last 1st grader next year. Here is his plan:


Saxon math 2

Life of Fred Apples

Life of Fred Butterflies


Apologia Zoology 1 (Birds and Insects)

Burgess Bird Book

Fabre's Insect Book


Galore Park Junior History 1

+ supplemental literature


Hooked on Phonics Levels 3-5

Hooked on Phonics Big Book Grade 2

Pentime Handwriting Level 1B

Typing Instructor for Kids

Literature Read Alouds


Phonics of Drawing






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I'll have a first grader for the second time next year. Here are my plans:


Language Arts: AAS 1, HWT 1, practice reading simple books to me

Narration and drawing pictures with Bible stories

Copywork and very simple grammar with fairy tales


Math: Miquon and MEP 1/2


History: read-aloud American history biographies


Science: nature studies


Faith formation: various sources

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I'll have a 1st grader next year. here is my plan so far:



Different read aloud's of my choosing

History: SOTW1 w/AG

Science: SL science and interest led

Bible-AWANA and daily devotionals

Portuguese: Salpicos

Math: RS B, MM


Haven't picked anything for art or music yet


PE is soccer.

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My 1st grader is doing:


Singapore Math 1B-2A (30 min daily)

Journal (10 min, 2x per wk)

Copywork (10 min, 2x per wk)

Independent writing using the writing process (20 min, 3x per wk)

Sonlight 2-Inter Rdrs (15-30 min daily)

Sonlight Core 2/C Read-Alouds (20 min daily)

Sonlight Core 2/C History (20 min, 2x per wk)

WTM-style science (20 min, 2x per wk)

L'art de Dire French (20 min, daily)

Drawing with Children (30 min, once a wk)


We no longer use a reading/phonics curriculum, because he reads well now. He also takes gymnastics and plays seasonal soccer/t-ball.

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thanks everyone


Maybe I am not planning enough ....





I think if you have the basics being taught Reading, Writing (meaning copywork), and Math, then you're planning enough. You truly don't really need more than that for 1st grade. Build a solid foundation in the early years and you will reap the rewards in the later ones. In 1st grade science and history are just the icing on the cake.

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I have two 6 year old sons who would be in K in public school. However, the way their birthdays fall, they are really old enough to be 1st graders this semester so we have just recently upped our time/subjects from our K level to our 1st grade level. We are currently schooling 4 days a week, with co-op (P.E. and choir) on the 5th day, year round, taking off when we need to.


-- Leading Little Ones to God + scripture memory

-- Math Mammoth 1A

-- Ordinary Parents Guide for Teaching Reading (OPGTR -almost finished - we'll replace this with ETC, used for spelling, and Wordly Wise for Vocab)

-- First Language Lessons 1

-- Writing With Ease 1 (they do this in manuscript)

-- Handwriting Without Tears Cursive

-- Reading aloud to me from Pathway readers

-- I read aloud to them from something fun (current selection is Little Pilgram's Progress)

-- Tapestry of Grace Year 1 History, Literature and Geography (MonWed and sometimes a weekend project)

-- NOEO Biology 1 (TuTh)

-- Usborne Art Treasury (we do this on weekends)

-- Music - one son is taking violin lessons and has almost daily practice; the other may start piano soon.


We normally start around 9:00ish, take a 20 to 30 minute break mid-way through and finish around 11:30 or noon, depending on whether or not we do a science experiment or a history/geography project. Also, I read their Bible aloud to them before bedtime, along with books they choose. When they get into bed, they read to themselves until they are ready to turn out their bedside lamp and go to sleep.


Something that has been great to help with the transition from K to 1st:

I created a decorated (with stickers and markers), laminated index card with the name of each subject. They are attached with velcro to a long strap (it is a luggage strap). For now, we all agree (and sometimes negotiate) the order in which we will do our subjects (with guidelines from me - don't want too many writing subjects jumbled up together) before we start our lessons.


The strap and cards have helped tremendously with the transition from K to 1st and adding more subjects/time. We have just started doing all of the 1st grade subjects over the past two weeks. For now, the up front discussion/negotiation really helps with getting their buy-in on the work we will do for the day. It really helps to set their expectations with what we will do before they are finished with school for the day.


I also created a small pocket that is velcro'd to the bottom of the strap. When we finish each subject, one of the boys gets to pull the card off the strap and put it in the pocket. They really like this!


Sorry this is so long but I thought this might be of help to others.:001_smile:

Edited by Lea in OK
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Well my dd is kinda off on her years. She started K at 4.75, so we started 1st right before she turned 6 in Oct. Right now she is doing HOD Beyond(4 days a week), SM 1a/1b, ARFH 1, Phonics Pathways(she is on page 101), Reading Pathways, ETC 2/3, R&S GHI series, CLP phonics readers(she is 3/4 of the way through book 3), she will start HOD Emergent readers when she finishes those. She also does Spanish daily with ds and we are using Salsa and El Espanol Facil Junior. We also do weekly nature, composer, and artists study with a variety of resources. Dd will continue with these until she finishes probably next fall.

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I didn't take the time to read through all the posts first, yeah, I'm lazy. Anyway dd is in 1st this year and here's what we're doing:


Math- Singapore then Math Mammoth (switched halfway, both good)

Science- Elemental Science (I'd pick something else)

History- Story of the World vol. 1, (must get activity guide!! life saver)

Grammar- First Language Lessons (dd loves this)

Spelling- All About Spelling (also excellent for beginners)

Writing- various copywork and Dance Mat Typing

Reading- Charlotte's Web, James & the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and now Harry Potter. Varies she reads aloud, give a narration or answers comprehension questions I made up. Finishing up OPGTR, but it takes about 30 seconds a lesson, she knows it.

Piano lessons

PE/swim classes

Art classes

and b/c we don't want to be unsocialized, lol, Girl Scouts (not really school, but great for social skills and community service).

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thanks everyone


Maybe I am not planning enough ....






I planned too much ... we've simplified dramatically to keep the household happy, with a Very Engaged toddler. At the moment we're reading, writing, math, with some books & lots of Library Video stuff for sci and history (the Schlessinger Company). Here's a rundown and a rough schedule. We have no regular science, history, music, or foreign language but we hit language & math from several directions. We don't always do everything, for sure; occasionally we do a bit after DH comes home; and I feel like we are pounding in the basics, but it seems to be working.


AM after breakfast, fairly independent work:

Getty-Dubay Italics, or

Wheeler's Elementary Speller (on days he has spelling copywork, and sometimes dictation, it counts as handwriting, too)

math facts (trying Xtra Math and Reflex online, but may cut back to worksheets ... also math Wrap-Ups for all facts and the multiplication CD)

Sonlight readers (many are historical, so that's a bit of History content)


sometime during the morning: MathUSee or MEP math, whichever is most independent that day.


during lunch or a snack: poetry, currently Lobel's Mother Goose.


after lunch, while baby is in bath (and we are nearby :)) or while baby is with his grandmother, we do two of these three:


Free and Treadwell readers for supervised reading practice

often 2-4 multiple-digit math problems, done together


while I settle baby for nap:

WWE copywork, some math problems, or a video


during baby's nap:

MathUSee or MEP Math (recently added to the mix)

Life of Fred on Fridays

anything extra, hip-hop class, homeschool playgroup


early evening:

Ed Emberley art books some nights, or painting


before bed:

Read-Alouds 30 min/5x week, largely from Sonlight


here are our favorite videos right now:

How The Universe Works DVDs

Schlessinger Company All About the Solar System series

" All About Ancients series (ancient Mesopotamia, etc.)

" All About Government

-- when time permits, he gets to watch one of those while I put the baby to bed, before we do his read-alouds.


in the car:

memory work, as seems useful/necessary

various math

various music exposure: classical, folk, foreign-language.


when we have time:

Apologia Astronomy, from my old-earth perspective ;)

Zaccaro's Primary Challenge Math


we abandoned:

Getting Started with Latin

All About Spelling (he started hating it)

Phonics Pathways (ditto)


Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (irked me)

Growing With Grammar


and I'm doing my best to incorporate:

beginning recorder

KISS grammar

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Haven't completely decided on what we are doing for 1st next year but here is my plan thus far...


Math: Some combination of RS, Singapore, and Miquon (not sure how I will do this, I may end up dropping one)

Language Arts: AAS or PR (maybe a combination), FLL, and WWE

Reading: Not sure, probably whatever books she picks or I pick (My goal is to work her into chapter books)

History: TOG

Science: RSO Life

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: We are going to study about different instruments using the book Those Amazing Musical Instruments as well as continue working on becoming more consistent with practicing her violin and piano. I think the consistency is something I need to work on more than my Dd :lol:.

Foreign Language: Try and take advantage of my bro who recently lived in Mexico for two years and have him help me start teaching them Spanish!


Probably not much help.

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My first grader is cruising right along this year.


Reading: finishing Phonics Pathways and reading to me a variety of books 5x week


Workbooks 3x week: HWT, ETC, SW, Phonics Plaid level A


Worksheets 2x week: Daily Geography Practice, Visual Perceptual Skill Building Book, Language Smarts, GWG, Mathematical Reasoning, Dot tracing, mind benders


Math 4x week: Saxon


Grammar/writing 4x week: FLL and WWE


History: SOTW (random times)


Science: random, plus monthly animal class


outside activities: karate, gymnastics, swimming, skating, piano (plus practice with Dad), pottery, and paper mache

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Math: We have settled on Rod and Staff


Bible- VOS Child's Story Bible


Her reading to me: CLP Nature Reader, McGuffey ( bk 2 of original) , or Reading Literature bk 2.


Copywork: This can be as simple as using Pentime or it can be a passage that I have picked up from poetry, KJV, or something we have been learning about in FIAR. Day before yesterday she wrote about Daniel Boone. Sometimes I have her illustrate her work and sometimes she colors the pic in Pentime.


We bounce between FIAR vol 4 with GtG when we cover other countries --to-- Old Fashioned Education. FIAR covers all subjects, and when using OFE we add some AO flair. Here is what that looks like (none of which are all done in one day):


History: two Eggleston history readers (and we have finished 2 of the 3 CLP history readers that are scheduled in HOD Beyond. It won't talk long at all to read the 3rd) As you can see we don't take the CM approach when it comes to reading. I don't just read very small snippits and allow digestion. Yet my dd has an impeccable memory of the things we read about.


Science: Among the ____ People with the Comstrock Handbook for deeper studies. Loose nature studies as we live in the woods and it is pretty much a daily thing for us. Yesterday we saw a Titmouse. Cold as it was we had one lone titmouse singing for us as we raked leaves. It was beautiful, and and nice change from the common halks flying over head looking for deer scraps.


Me reading to her: Beatrix Potter book, Fairy Tales, Baily books, Aesop, R L Stevenson.





I agree with the others that all you REALLY need is reading, writing and math. We do the above cuz we love it and we can. On days when I am strapped we do copywork, math, reading, and Bible. If I am not able to help her at all on that day and have to leave her with her dad I make sure she has her math page and copywork.

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My first grader last year used:



Apples and Pears

Sonlight readers

Literature Pockets: Caldecott Winners

Moving Beyond the Page: Matter and Movement

McRuffy Color Math

IEW Poetry

some classes outside the home, some things I put together myself


My first grader next year will likely use a lot of the same things. Change McRuffy Color Math to Singapore, add in Nature Portfolio...

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Susie, what are the Baily books? :bigear:


First let me correct myself. I misspelled the poor guys name. Arthur Scott Bailey wrote a lot of animal books that are similar in style to those of Thornton Burgess. Bailey's books are titled The Tale of ___ ___. We finished The Tale of Betsy Butterfly and will move on to another soon. You will find Daddy Longlegs, Jolly Robbin, Old Mr. Crow, Snowball Lamb and many others. I just typed in Arthur Scott Bailey in the search at manybooks.net and downloaded them all to my hard drive and backup USB. When we want one I print it up, but you can also down load them to a e-reader. They are short reads and generally consist of 40 pages more or less.

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