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It's recently been brought to my attention that most people can watch TV/movies without the subtitles on. Am I a total weirdo? I have a hard time catching all the words.


This is especially frustrating as I got a copy of the IEW DVDs and they don't have subtitles. I have NO IDEA what he is saying! :lol:


And yes, I'm now contemplating visiting an audiologist or whatever for a hearing screening.:001_huh:

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Interestingly enough, I have a hard time hearing the words when I have just my TV speakers on, when I use the stereo surround speakers and can move the music and other background noise to different speakers, I can catch every word. I now can watch British television and actually HEAR the words!!!



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My hearing is fine, but I still really like closed captioning! I have it on whenever possible. I am just a more visual person, and if I only hear the dialogue I don't catch half of it, or remember it. If I read the captions, I follow everything much better.


I wish I could have closed captioning for regular life, lol!

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I wish I could have closed captioning for regular life, lol!


Hey, I can do that! LOL. That's my job -- captioning real-time events over the internet (I do it for hard of hearing people, but I'm not prejudiced ~ I could do it for you, too!). ;)


Get your laptop or other small internet device out, Skype me, and we'll be off and running! :D

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We watch with the subtitles on all the time. Partially because DH has some hearing loss in one ear and likes the volume up higher than is comfortable for me. Partially because we have the (only) T.V. and all our computers (including the one with the big monitor we use to stream Netflix) in one public room, so there is often more than one show going on at a time.

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My hearing is fine, but I still really like closed captioning! I have it on whenever possible. I am just a more visual person, and if I only hear the dialogue I don't catch half of it, or remember it. If I read the captions, I follow everything much better.




I wish I could have closed captioning for regular life, lol!


:iagree: :iagree:


Sometimes I prefer reading someone's blog to actually talking to her -- I catch more of what she's saying! :lol:

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We started using subtitles when DD7 was a baby, so as not to disturb her sleep (she wasn't a great sleeper, and she slept in the room directly above where the TV was.) It got to be a habit, but I have to say that I'd have missed some subtleties when watching LOST in particular without the subtitles.

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My hearing is fine, but I still really like closed captioning! I have it on whenever possible. I am just a more visual person, and if I only hear the dialogue I don't catch half of it, or remember it. If I read the captions, I follow everything much better.


I wish I could have closed captioning for regular life, lol!


This is me to.

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It's recently been brought to my attention that most people can watch TV/movies without the subtitles on. Am I a total weirdo? I have a hard time catching all the words.


This is especially frustrating as I got a copy of the IEW DVDs and they don't have subtitles. I have NO IDEA what he is saying! :lol:


And yes, I'm now contemplating visiting an audiologist or whatever for a hearing screening.:001_huh:

No! You are not a weirdo! The music is too freaking LOUD on almost every show to hear the words.


And this isn't new. I can hear shows at a very low level if there isn't any music, but once the music swells up so you can't understand the words, I'm done. I haven't been to the theater forever for a variety of reasons, but one is that I can stop and start a movie whenever I want, turn it up and down, and use subtitles.


One of my favorite series ever, "Band of Brothers", inexplicably (since older people are likely to watch it) has no subtitles. To catch various scenes, I had to rewind and turn off the sound so the words would pop up. Ridiculous.

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We used to Always watch movies with the subtitles on.


And then I got annoyed, because I realized that I was reading the entire move - and that it wasn't very relaxing.


So now we don't use subtitles at all. We've tried a few times, and I absolutely can't stand seeing the words. It's weird. :glare:

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Oh, no, can I ask what? That makes me Afraid!:001_huh:


Dh has a benign brain tumor pressing on the cochlear nerve (the surgery may not be so benign, but we're lucky because it hopefully will be less-bad in terms of possible side effects on the cranial nerves than surgery to remove some of the other types of benign tumors in this particular area, the cerebellopontine angle). The MRI was ordered after the hearing people noted a particular pattern on the hearing test in that ear. Originally, we thought his slowly progressive hearing loss had something to do with his years in the army, but that turns out not to be the case.

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Dh has a benign brain tumor pressing on the cochlear nerve (the surgery may not be so benign, but we're lucky because it hopefully will be less-bad in terms of possible side effects on the cranial nerves than surgery to remove some of the other types of benign tumors in this particular area, the cerebellopontine angle). The MRI was ordered after the hearing people noted a particular pattern on the hearing test in that ear. Originally, we thought his slowly progressive hearing loss had something to do with his years in the army, but that turns out not to be the case.


Yikes! I hope that everything goes well! How scary. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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