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If you had a feeling about the gender of your baby while pregnant...

If you had a gender "feeling" were you right?  

  1. 1. If you had a gender "feeling" were you right?

    • I felt I knew the gender of my baby (one or more times) and I was right.
    • I felt I knew the gender of my baby (one or more times) and I was wrong.
    • I felt I knew the gender of my baby (more than once) and was right sometimes and wrong sometimes.
    • I never had a feeling about the gender of my baby.

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I was right with all three of mine. I've never had any ultrasounds. The first time I wanted a boy, but started feeling like she was a girl somewhere near the end of the 2nd trimester. I was convinced DS1 was a boy pretty much from the beginning (even though I wanted a girl). I wanted a girl with DS2 too but I started feeling like he was a boy somewhere in the 2nd trimester, although I kept trying to convince myself he was a girl for a while.


For me any pregnancy dream I've had that included baby's gender was right. I only had girl baby dreams with DD, and only boy baby dreams with DS1 (including a dream where I had triplets born days apart and I was SO disappointed when the last one was born and they were all boys--I was rather disappointed when he proved to be a boy too even though I was expecting it). I only had one gender dream with DS2, shortly before he was born, and yup, it was a boy dream. I didn't base what I thought the gender would be on the dreams, though.

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With my first 5, I knew they were boys. I really was hoping the third one was a girl, but it was a boy. The sixth baby I knew she was a girl but I was like "Nah, 5 boys, my body likes carrying boys, it can't be a girl". I love her to pieces. Now I'm having crazy dreams that I am pregnant with twins...or is it triplets...and they are all boys. Let's hope those dreams are just dreams. :lol:

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I was certain that number 4 was a boy. With my first two pregnancies, both girls, I was sick as a dog, tired, grouchy. With the third, a boy, I felt great throughout. With 4 I felt fabulous, full of energy. I was so surprised when the ultrasound showed girl. Not upset, just surprised because I was so certain that she was a he.

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I have been wrong almost every time, except for my DS, and that was only because the U/S technician was very sure he was a boy. (BTW, the other two ultrasounds we had were wrong...they both said boy, and we have two girls!).


This time around, I feel like this is a boy. He kicks the heck out of me, just like DS did, and I just have that feeling.


.....so it'll probably turn out to be a girl. :lol:

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Yes- with DD, I felt so strongly that she was a girl (and didn't have an ultrasound until 32 weeks) that my friends/family threw me a shower w/ a girl theme- LOL. Guess they know me pretty well and trust my gut :) .


With DS, I felt strongly as well- but was so sick that I didn't care as much- LOL

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I was right all four times. With my fourth (a son), I was told it was a girl after my first sono. I asked for another at my next appt. because I really thought it was a boy, and they said girl again. Still disbelieving, I asked them to try again at my next appt., and was told it STILL was a girl. I told her I really thought it was wrong, so she sent me in that afternoon for a higher tech one and they said the same thing..."girl." My sweet husband, who heard all of these confirmations from different doctors but knows me well agreed to a 3D-type ultrasound from one of those specialty places. I think I was the only one that was NOT shocked when we saw his little boy parts ;)


On a side note, I am so glad I was persistent and trusted my feeling, because my daughter was heartbroken that she was getting a third brother and not a sister, so it took the remainder of the pregnancy for her to come around to the idea. Imagine if I took their word(s) for it...

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I was absolutely certain that my first was a girl and that she had brown hair and blue eyes. I just *knew* it. I knew her name years before she was even conceived. There was just never any question. When the baby was born and lying on my chest, DH and I were cooing and everything, and several minutes later, the midwife said, "So, Mom and Dad, what kind did you get?" It hadn't even occurred to us to check, because I was so convinced it was a girl. And indeed it was a girl, and she has brown hair and blue eyes. (We hadn't really decided on a boy's name.)


With our second, I had no feeling either way, and we had a boy's name picked out but couldn't decide on a girl's name.


I had that same strong feeling about my third baby. Very sure it was a girl. When DH caught the baby, and I sat up enough to take the baby, I said, with great surprise, "and it's a boy!" DH said, "it's a boy!" DD, who was watching, said, "it's a BOY??" LOL. (We hadn't decided on any names; I had a girl's name that I liked, but DH wasn't quite sold on it yet, and we never had agreed on a boy's name. It ended up taking us five days to name him, and the name we chose wasn't even on any of our short lists, but it's so perfectly his name.)


I didn't have a feeling either way about the fourth. (And that time, we still didn't settle on a girl's name -- I kept waffling between a couple of them -- but we had the boy's name tentatively chosen by about 20 weeks.)

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I thought #1 and #2 were boys, they were.

I thought #4 was a boy, she wasn't. Can't really remember with the others.


After having 3 boys and 3 girls and then another boy I was able to differentiate how boys and girls affect me physically. Some of the symptoms with the girls I attributed to advanced maternal age. LOL!!


Turns out it was just the girls. If I had #8, I think I would know. But that's not intuition really.


I'm not really intuitive that way.

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For myself, it was always whichever name choice felt really correct. We didn't learn the gender, but in each case, the name that really resonated with me, that had a strong sense of certainty, was the gender of the baby. Of course, I couldn't notice this until after I had them. Now I look back at the opposite-gender names that didn't turn into my kids and think, "What was I thinking? That's not a cute name!" :D

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With my first daughter, I knew she was a girl before we found out she really was a girl. :Angel_anim: :001_wub:


But with my second pregnancy, there was a point when I told my husband, doctor, and parents, "I am having twins." I knew this with absolute certainty. No one believed I knew what I was talking about.


Because of my age, there were many ultrasounds. At one ultrasound, I saw two blips on the screen. I told the doctor, "I see two! I see two!" So he moved the probe to another area, and then looked at the screen. "Huh, I don't see two," he said. "Maybe it was your bladder?"


"Yeah, my bladder has a heartbeat." :tongue_smilie:


About a month later, we went in for another ultrasound, this time to the Maternal-Fetal Health part of the hospital. When the twins showed up on the screen, my husband asked the technician, "Do you have that screen on mirror-image?"


She said, "Doesn't your doctor know you're having twins?"


Ahem, people. I rest my case. :toetap05:

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I attended a women's spiritual retreat while pregnant with my first, before finding out the gender. There were praise dancers, one of which was named Jessica. I had a 'revelation' of sorts that I would have a girl and name her Jessica, and she would dance. I got two out of three, although she does dance, she doesn't formally praise dance.


I didn't even know I was preggers with my middle child until I was 19 weeks, so I didn't even get a chance to predict his gender. And I had no idea about my youngest. That reminds me, he just turned 4 yesterday so I need to change my sig!

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