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What font do you prefer to read/type in?

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Just kidding. Really.


I know most people loathe Comic Sans, but I transcribe for a living (real-time, for someone else to read while I'm typing) and the studies the company did when developing this software showed that Comic Sans is one of the easiest on the eyes for intensive reading like in the situation I'm in at work.


I like whatever I'm typing in now. Oh, look, it's Verdana. :001_smile:

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I know most people loathe Comic Sans, but I transcribe for a living (real-time, for someone else to read while I'm typing) and the studies the company did when developing this software showed that Comic Sans is one of the easiest on the eyes for intensive reading like in the situation I'm in at work.


I like whatever I'm typing in now. Oh, look, it's Verdana. :001_smile:


I find it to be the best choice for tiny print on computer screens (hence its use in my sig).

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Desktop publisher/page layout geek here. :D


A serif font. Serifs are those little swoopy blurps at the ends of letters in fonts like Times New Roman. The default font here (Verdana) is a sans-serif font.


Studies have shown that it is easier to read a serif font.


In general, I'm not fond of sans-serif fonts because most of them don't have true italics. You can skew them in your word processor so they sort of look like italics, but they aren't really. Also, with most of them you can't tell the difference between an upper-case i and a lower-case l. Very confusing.


If I'm doing something that might be shared with another computer, I'll just go with Times New Roman (which has both bold and italics faces) for the body, and Arial bold for headers, because most computers have those. If it's something I'm printing/publishing, I like Goudy Old Style, although Giovanni is nice (I like its italics face).


With Times New Roman/Goudy/Giovanni, I usually go with about 11 points (11 points in those is different than 11 points in, say, Mistral or Papyrus).

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