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December Crafters Update!

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Did you all get your Christmas gifts completed, or are you like me and still working on them? :001_huh:


I have absolutely nothing to show for myself, I'm afraid. I forgot to take a picture of the finished Christmas tree cross stitch and my mother has sent it off to be framed so can't send me a pic either. (I don't know why she didn't follow my advice and hang it on a piece of dowel, but hey, it's hers now, she can do as she likes!)


I finished enough of ds' quilt that I could give it to him in one piece and without pins, but I haven't finished. I daresay it'll take me until Easter at the rate I'm going at, but he's only three so not offended. :rolleyes:


I have not yet finished my 2011 knitting challenge, but it's only 13.30, so there is still time before the year ends! :leaving:



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I was making a scarf for myself. I have all the pieces knitted now all I have to do is sew them together. It is a scarf that looks like a chain with links - maroon and grey to match my maroon winter coat.


I am starting on a scarf for my DD. I was about half way done with it before, but I decided I didn't like the stitch I was using and unravelled it. I'm notorious for that. I keep changing my mind.


I bought to Christmas craft books on sale 50% off. So I've been enjoying looking at all the fun things I could be making for Christmas next year. :)

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Oh, I didn't know WTM had a crafter's thread... cool!


Almost none of my Christmas weaving projects were completed. I was able to finish a 2 scarf project but it ate up a lot of time as I was using a new-2-me table loom. I've currently got a Christmas present for my godmother on the loom. My plan is to be done by Sunday. Christmas season doesn't end until next week so I've got time - right?? :D

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I did finish up 3 pairs of PJ's for my DD and DILs plus two King capes with crowns for my grandsons.

I am now working on a pink afghan for the new grandbaby our oldest son and his wife are expecting late next month.

It's been really crazy busy, but I stuck to my goal of not buying any fabric and sewing up what I had.

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My Christmas stuff was done, except for a throw for DD8 that I am doing in afghan stitch. It is almost done but I'm a bit burnt out on it so .....And my shawl that I am making for ME is still sitting in my project basket.


This past week or so I am on a dishcloth crocheting binge. I decided I needed new dishcloths, and I saw some really pretty ones I liked at our local Markethouse made by a local crocheter so I figured I would make a few. I got some nice cotton yarn and I've been using a different pattern for each one. I have five so far and one on the hook.


Of course, trying out the new dishcloth patterns got me thinking....hmm....pretty......wonder what kind of jewelry type stuff I could make with that stitch in a finer thread? So I had to get some finer thread in black and try out a few 'steampunk' type bracelets for me and some of the daughters. They look pretty cool. Now I NEED smaller crochet hooks and .....well, you know how that goes.

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Hi :)


I managed to finish some things for Christmas. A felt playhouse cover for the card table for dd 3, a hat with Mario for ds 10, and a scarf with attached mittens for dd 11, and rice bags for everyone. I also made dh a hat he's been bugging me about (not complaining, happy he finally wanted me to make him something). :)


I started a hat for my sister. I want to make dd 3 a hat and mitten set with rainbow colors, but I'm in no hurry and haven't yet decided exactly how I want it to look. Dd 3 got some calico critters for Christmas and I want to make some clothes for the ridiculously adorable little things. I just started planning/researching/scratching my head over that today.

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I am on the very last bit of home stretch to finish my epic Aran sweater, Alice Starmore's "St. Brigid." It's absolutely COVERED with cabling, braids and Celtic knots, and is a large tunic style sweater. It's taken me months, and my goal was to finish it before the New Year. If I really set my mind to it, I believe I can get it done tomorrow. Oh, there will be pictures!


Whew....then it's on to something else...maybe a mohair sweater; I picked up some gorgeous mohair at the Webs blowout sale on Monday.


I'm enjoying reading about all the WTM Crafters!



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I made felted bags for 2 nieces. They seemed to be happy with them.


In Oct. I asked my nephew if he'd like a new hat. He did, so we discussed color & style. I think that it turned out pretty nice. It fit him really well.


The Christmas stocking that I knit in November was such a hit that it looks like I'll have orders for 3-4 more next year. Yay!









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I only got one thing done: my son's ood ski mask. A friend took his picture and gave him the red eyes.




My daughter's poncho didn't get done in time. She get it for her birthday in two weeks.


I also pulled out an old project...just a huge square a red single crochet...and started on it again. It'll become a spiderman blanket for his bed. We stopped at the store to get blue yarn and my two year old insisted on buying yarn for a blanket for her. So we got some yarn to start hers. I tried working on DS's blanket but she wanted me to start hers. Guess she's excited about it.


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I finished a couple of quickie projects, and I have one giant Incomplete.


All the projects came from links on these monthly craft threads, so thank you Hive Crafters for the ideas!


Grandbaby turns 3 today, and she is getting a new copy of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and some felt playthings to go with it. (She had a boardbook copy, but it had an unfortunate accident during potty training and her mama felt better tossing it than cleaning it up. :tongue_smilie:) The mouse hand puppet was purchased, of course, and hopefully Babe isn't frightened off my his rat-like appearance.


I made another book/felt toy set for her Christmas gift, based on Pinkalicious. Not my favorite book, but Babe checked it out of the library so many times I figured she might want her own copy. The felt cupcakes were fun to make, and this kit, also, has several purchased items included.


My incomplete project is one of those ticker-tape quilts. LOVE the look, but oh my heck what was I thinking?! I can barely sew, all the experienced quilt bloggers warned to make one of these in doll-size only, but NO - I just had to try a queen size! Of course it doesn't fit through my machine. I have set it aside for now until I decide how to repurpose the materials.


Anyway, I'm not a big crafter but I love looking at and hearing about all your projects so thank you for sharing. Will try to do attachments in case anyone wants to copy what I've already gleaned from others. ETA: The last photo is a ticker-tape quilt in its infant stages. Sometimes I don't think past choosing colors! LOL




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In Oct. I asked my nephew if he'd like a new hat. He did, so we discussed color & style. I think that it turned out pretty nice. It fit him really well.



Applause all around but I especially like that hat! Brava!


My greatest Christmas triumph was hearing my nephew's wife say "I love your homemade gifts!" Thoughtful and artistic girl that she is, she gave us a watercolor rendition of one of my husband's photographs.


Progress has been on the cartridge rib socks that I started last October, as though there have been no distractions since then... One sock is complete, the second begun. What I particularly love is the "eye of partridge" stitch on the heel. I can't help think of the Witches Song from MacBeth.


Another photo is forthcoming. I am having trouble loading it--too large of a file I think.


Happy Crafting to all in the New Year! Keep up the good work and thanks for the inspiration!

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Looking back, I got more accomplished this month than I thought!


I did two toddler hats and a scarf for gifts. I also did a baby blanket (NICU bound), a small afghan for the couch, and a cowl. Had to go back and remove the fringe from the afghan though, as it split apart and turned fluffy. Just did a simple border on that.







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How do you post just thumbnails instead of regular images? :tongue_smilie:


Go to a reply box, then scroll past it. You'll see a button indicating "manage attachments" which allows you to upload photos as thumbnails.


Jane (who cannot believe that she is giving tech advice to anyone!)

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I accomplished some small things and a long neglected robe for my niece (she's 4...so it quite small on dd8 who is modeling it for me). There are some hair things for dd, an ornament she made (we made some too, but I didn't want to post a bunch of the same owl ornaments...just imagine different colors) and a journal for dd (the one shown was for a friend the month before. Dd's is the same, save for the name and the color of embroidery. I hope these pictures turn up well...this is my first time posting images here. :tongue_smilie:


I have another pic or two in the next post.






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My incomplete project is one of those ticker-tape quilts. LOVE the look, but oh my heck what was I thinking?! I can barely sew, all the experienced quilt bloggers warned to make one of these in doll-size only, but NO - I just had to try a queen size! Of course it doesn't fit through my machine. I have set it aside for now until I decide how to repurpose the materials.



I'm making one that's about 2/3 the size of a single that thankfully does fit through my machine! Queen size sure is adventurous!!!



Well I got my last knitted square finally finished at twenty to midnight. Onto 2012's challenge!

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Adding my other photo which gives me an opportunity to bump this thread.


The tunic was a gift for a niece, sewn from a piece of vintage fabric. I used the Schoolhouse Tunic pattern from Sew Liberated. Great pattern with clear instructions. It would be a good project for a beginner.


The bag was a quicky that I stitched as an alternative to gift wrap. The tutorial for the bag is a freebie from Sew Mama Sew (here).


Speaking of Sew Mama Sew (for which I receive no financial benefit!), I just ordered some Voile that is "PFD", i.e. Prepared For Dying, untreated with chemicals. Looks like fabric painting is among my new craft challenges for 2012.


Happy New Year my fellow Craftsters!



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I'm late, I know....


Three of them are curtains I made from thrift-store-found cotton sheets. I knitted and stuffed the ball for some baby twins in my life, and I crocheted, sequined, and stuffed the cupcakes for my daughter.


p.s. I am sorry the curtains are sideways - I don't know how to turn the pictures.

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one more post...


I crocheted, blanket-stitched, and stuffed the blocks for the twins. I am working on a crocheted shawl with these motifs. You can't see it here, but the yarn is a beautiful, shiny purple cotton that a friend gave me a few years ago. I finally dared to use it when I saw the pattern for the shawl!

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You can't see it here, but the yarn is a beautiful, shiny purple cotton that a friend gave me a few years ago. I finally dared to use it when I saw the pattern for the shawl!


Colleen--that lace pattern is just gorgeous!


Good work all around girlfriend.



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Great work, Colleen!


I just loooovveee lace!




Colleen--that lace pattern is just gorgeous!


Good work all around girlfriend.






I love looking at people's pictures here.


I'm also working on a Christmas tree skirt project. I found a round, red, cotton tablecloth at the thrift store. I cut a circle out of the middle, and cut a slit from the edge to the circle. Then I bound the circle and hemmed the slit. Then I blanket-stitched, with green yarn, the outer circle edge. Now I am embroidering a simple flower design that I drew three times on the surface of the skirt. It's very relaxing.

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My greatest Christmas triumph was hearing my nephew's wife say "I love your homemade gifts!"


That is such a nice thing to hear, isn't it?



I also did a baby blanket (NICU bound), a small afghan for the couch, and a cowl.



What is the pattern you used for that first blanket? My next project is going to be a baby blanket for our grandson, who is due next month. I can't decide if I want to knit or crochet one.


and a journal for dd (the one shown was for a friend the month before.


Love the journal cover!


I am working on a crocheted shawl with these motifs.


What a beautiful motif! The shawl I made is an all-purpose one. I'd like to make a dressy one when I get a chance. One with a pretty motif.

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Ok, I looked at all the pics in this thread but didn't read anything.


I want you all to know I'm depressed now. I totally WANT to be a crafter and an artist!!!


I'm trying to crochet again (can do chains like nobody's business!) and am trying someone who can give me some dichroic glass classes.


Great job, everyone!!!

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Ooh, I love that shawl. It looks like it would stay on easily. I have a triangular one that I crocheted with a purple homespun that I get a lot of complements on but I rarely wear it because you have to hold it or it falls off too easily.

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Ooh, I love that shawl. It looks like it would stay on easily. I have a triangular one that I crocheted with a purple homespun that I get a lot of complements on but I rarely wear it because you have to hold it or it falls off too easily.


It does stay on easily. It's basically a rectangle. I want to make a triangle shawl, but if they don't stay on it would be annoying.

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