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It's time for a "post a pic of your puppy" thread

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Oh, Nakia, he is DARLING!!!!


Here's our Frodo...


So cute!!!


I would love to add my new puppy to the cuteness...but I can't figure out how to include a picture. I am on my IPhone. Help:-)!


I don't know how to help you! I'm sure someone does though.

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Diesel is adorable! Love the sweater.


With what type of toys is he able to play? I'm trying to find some things for Little Bean, but everything is huge for a 1 lb. dog. She wants to play (she loves attacking her shadow) but I know that the chewing stage is coming and want to be prepared. I've never had a chihuahua until now and I'm clueless.

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Love all these puppy pictures! Ours isn't little...or cute, like most of the others. We have a soft spot for big dogs, and this one's ugly.


We got this five-month old mastiff mix puppy from the pound; he had such a bad case of demodectic mange and multiple infections that they weren't sure they'd be able to find a home for him, with all the care he needs.


My son named him Eddie, after a friend of his at daycare :)


He was left tied to the front door of the pound in mid-November.



We got him two weeks later, in the end of November.



This is a couple weeks ago at the top of the stairs, exhausted from playing with his full-grown redbone coonhound sister, Reba.




He's now six months old and 75 lbs, doing much better although he's still pink and mostly naked of fur. It'll be months before we find out what he's really going to look like, but we don't care. He's a perfect addition to our crew and we love him completely!


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Wow, that is awesome! He already looks so much better. It's amazing what some love and care can do for them.




Love all these puppy pictures! Ours isn't little...or cute, like most of the others. We have a soft spot for big dogs, and this one's ugly.


We got this five-month old mastiff mix puppy from the pound; he had such a bad case of demodectic mange and multiple infections that they weren't sure they'd be able to find a home for him, with all the care he needs.


My son named him Eddie, after a friend of his at daycare :)


He was left tied to the front door of the pound in mid-November.



We got him two weeks later, in the end of November.



This is a couple weeks ago at the top of the stairs, exhausted from playing with his full-grown redbone coonhound sister, Reba.




He's now six months old and 75 lbs, doing much better although he's still pink and mostly naked of fur. It'll be months before we find out what he's really going to look like, but we don't care. He's a perfect addition to our crew and we love him completely!


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All these puppies are so adorable! Here is our new puppy, Tillie. I'm completely enamored!


Oh.My.Word. Precious!


Here is our new puppy. Her name is Clementine. She is a 9 week old Standard Poodle Puppy. We got her on Friday.




Sweet love!



Love all these puppy pictures! Ours isn't little...or cute, like most of the others. We have a soft spot for big dogs, and this one's ugly.



I agree that you are a saint. Love, love, love the picture of him sacked out on the stairs!


TN Mama....


What kind of dog do you have?


Looks exactly like mine....he's a mutt.


Ours is a mutt, also. We adopted him in July. The foster mom said that his siblings looked like they had corgi (almost all short legged). Roscoe's ears can look a bit corgi when they stand up, which is almost never. Maybe some lab... maybe some shepherd... we don't know, but we sure do love him. He is almost 8 months old. About 40 lbs.


I swear, I didn't want a dog. We got him because my girls have asked for a dog since they could talk and they are old enough to help take care of one now. And I'm totally in love. He is MY puppy. :D

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You guys are NOT helping my puppy fever. I'm drooling over German Shepherd puppy photos on Craigslist and the internet...I know I have puppy fever bad because I was in the doctor's office and got all mushy over the photo of a perky little Maltese on a calendar.


Is there a vacine for puppy fever?

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I just love all the pictures. I don't have a puppy - I have an old dog named Fluffy. But everyone always thinks he is a puppy because he is a miniature poodle.


Anyway- our house is almost completely organized. When it is, in about a month most likely, I will be looking for a new kitty to join our almost eleven year old cat and a new dog to join our 11 or 12 year old dog. Youngest dd will be getting hamsters too. So then we will end up with 2 hermit crabs, 2 hamsters, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and many fish.

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I love all these cute puppy pics!!!


Karen, your family is precious and Jake is very blessed!


Oh goodness, they are ADORABLE! What type of dog is Diesel? I WANT ONE OF HIM!!!! (Okay, I have a dog, but still!)


Diesel is a Yorkshire Terrier. :D

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Love all these puppy pictures! Ours isn't little...or cute, like most of the others. We have a soft spot for big dogs, and this one's ugly.


We got this five-month old mastiff mix puppy from the pound; he had such a bad case of demodectic mange and multiple infections that they weren't sure they'd be able to find a home for him, with all the care he needs.


My son named him Eddie, after a friend of his at daycare :)


He was left tied to the front door of the pound in mid-November.



We got him two weeks later, in the end of November.



This is a couple weeks ago at the top of the stairs, exhausted from playing with his full-grown redbone coonhound sister, Reba.




He's now six months old and 75 lbs, doing much better although he's still pink and mostly naked of fur. It'll be months before we find out what he's really going to look like, but we don't care. He's a perfect addition to our crew and we love him completely!



You have a pink dog!


What a lucky puppy! He's so sweet looking.

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You guys are NOT helping my puppy fever. I'm drooling over German Shepherd puppy photos on Craigslist and the internet...I know I have puppy fever bad because I was in the doctor's office and got all mushy over the photo of a perky little Maltese on a calendar.


Is there a vacine for puppy fever?


You know you gotta have one. :D




See how content that kid looks? German Shepherd are the best dogs. :thumbup1:

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