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I ran a half marathon!!!


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Gratz! :party::party:


I am only up to 10K, but half marathon is my goal for 2012. Actually, I have only run an "official" 5K, I run 10K once or twice a week as a "long" run. I'm not sure what actual races I will run next year. If I break 30 minutes at the summer 5K (I was at 30:23.8 at the winter one last weekend) then I may do the local 10K instead of 5K next December. On the other hand, the 10K was far more competitive than the 5K this year.

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:party: Those are so much fun! Your time is awesome! I ran my half in 2010. I started to get bored about 7 miles in and ran the last half much faster than the first half. Energy-wise, I could have done the full, but I think I would have been distracted around mile 15.


Seriously, that is a huge accomplishment. I recommend a large bottle of Ibuprofen and a long, hot bath.



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That's wonderful! How long have you been running? I need to set some goals for the new year!

I actually just started running this year! But I've been a religious exercizer for almost a decade now, so I already had a bit of endurance under my belt. It was actually at the end of a one hour Zumba class, when I saw that I was the only one who still had an abundance of energy to burn at the end, that gave me the idea that maybe I could run (I always quit before because I would get side-aches and be gasping for breath well before the first mile was done). I decided to try running the loop trail that's near my house (just under 4 miles), and could not only do it, but enjoyed it! I was SO surprised!


Now you're just showing off! ;)


That's pretty darn amazing. Can you move now?

LOL, ya, I can move. I've been doing 7-9 mile runs weekly for the past couple of months, so my body's used to it. (not that I wasn't *tired* at the end, just not exhausted, ya know?) I probably could have kept running longer, except I reeeeally had to get to a bathroom. :tongue_smilie:



Several people are saying my time was really fast! Was it really? I was running solo (just running until the GPS said I'd covered 13.1 miles), so I have no other times to compare mine to.

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New Year's Resolution 2011 officially complete! :D

Distance: 13.1 miles

Time: 2:05'46"

Pace: 9'35"/mile



[/horn tootin']



Congratulations! That's a fantastic time. I used to run halfs and full marathons, but not for years. That's a huge accomplishment so good for you! :D

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Just curious, how far would you run normally? I usually run 5 km every other day. I'm just wondering how often you would actually run a similar distance prior to the race?

I don't know. Really. I just kind of winged my training (which I'm sure would annoy most serious runners. :lol: ). I run to run. If I'm limited on time I run shorter distances; if I have more time I run longer. I actually didn't run much at all the week before I ran the half, just an 8 mile run the previous Sunday, and I think one other shorter run on a treadmill sometime during the week, but I was doing Zumba and Jillian Micheals DVD's (45 min-60 min duration) the other days, so quiet a bit of cardio. I usually run on a treadmill at the gym 1-2 times a week, averaging about 4.5 miles at a go (depending on how fast I set the treadmill for. somedays I run slower but do lots of hills, other days I run faster but keep it at just one elevation). Sundays are when I do long runs on the trail by my house, and I do two laps, which is just under 8 miles (sometimes running part of a third lap so I end on a nice, round number), and that is my most consistant time to run (I haaaaate running on a treadmill, but I LOVE running outdoors).


For me, the biggest thing that made this possible was my level of endurance. I already had some going into this, because of doing lots of cardio workout DVD's and Zumba classes. I know how to pace my breathing, I have strong leg muscles, and a strong core that helps me keep good form while I run. So it was a lot of non-running-specific training that helped me be able to run the half.

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Your time is fast! I ran my first HM (2 years ago) in 2:22, but I just chalked it up to being OLD. :O) My only goals were to run the whole thing without stopping and not be last ~ did both! Just started training for the San Diego HM (my second.)


I'll be anxious to hear about your experience with a full. I can't decide if I have it in me or not. :001_smile:


The best to you!


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