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1. Trip to Puerto Rico

2. Riding on a tube behind a really fast boat in Maryland

3. Having a profitable year in business after 5 or 6 years that were a terrible struggle just to stay in business

4. My new iPad

5. My dad miraculously surviving his heart attack despite being hard headed & not going to the doctor for a month after this symptoms started.

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1) Finally made peace with our new home in Florida.

2) Got a wonderful, amazing, awesome rescue pup who makes me smile every day.

3) Resumed practicing acupuncture after a long hiatus, and found a great place to work with hours any time I choose.

4) Found a hair color I like :D

5) Kids are doing great: happy, healthy, working hard and have lots of friends. I finally decided to put them in afterschool 2 days a week so I could work without stressing about childcare, and it's worked out better than I would have hoped.

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  • two bathrooms remodeled, including the jacuzzi tub that's been sitting in my garage for eight years is finally getting used.
  • laundry room floor replaced.
  • new baseboard/door molding and the last flush doors replaced. (yippie. I *really* like it. every time I see the baseboard, all I can think is how much I like it and feel peaceful because it reminds me of an aunts house I spent so much time in as a small child.)
  • jatoba floor installed in my bedroom. It's gorgeous.

2dd started pharm school

formal diagnosis for 3ds so we can get him in therapy

trip to oahu with 3ds - never been there before

Thanksgiving wasn't at my house :party: THAT is something to celebrate!

Edited by gardenmom5
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1. Tonight, I have beer. Good beer. Leinenkugel's. :D


2. Dd surpassed everyone's expectations this year.


3. Dh got a good job and we no longer have to worry about how to pay our rent.


4. I finally received the right diagnosis for my mental health issues and have made huge progress.


5. I have beer.

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1) we survived the earthquakes - it was a near thing in Feb, but all of those nearest and dearest to us made it out alive and all the things that so nearly 'could have been' weren't.

2)our home and property are undamaged

3) we've managed to get insurance for our building works and it's due to start SOON!

4) having DS assessed has answered some questions and opened some doors - and given us peace of mind

5) deciding to homeschool has taken a lot of pressure off

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Two shows I performed in:

A Tale of Two Cities (I played M. Gaspard and a revolutionary)

The Sound of Music (I was Sister Berthe, my ds was a Nazi)


Spending time with a group of Japanese teenagers affected by the tsunami. We went on several outings, including a two-day trip to the Grand Canyon and other locations. We made some new friends, learned some Japanese, and really enjoyed ourselves. We continue to keep in touch with some of them long-distance.


Our vacation in California was wonderful! We went snorkeling, went to the zoo, relaxed on the beach, ate good food, saw seals and sea lions.


There's been a lot of stress the second half of the year, so thanks for reminding me that there have been some great times, too.



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1. trip to Florida with DH, kids, sister and best friend and her family.

2. Hit 88lb weight loss with only 32 to go

3. our HS group has grown and I now have a few REAL friends

4. My entire family is healthy

5. we managed to pay our bills even though most of them are on credit cards...we wont lose our house this year :)

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1. The addition of our awesome, awesome puppy, and the WONDERFUL time of making memories on that special trip with dd. The blessing that we could visit our friends in OH on that trip.

2. Thankful for the wonderful friends I have. They are such a BLESSING to me!

3. After a horrendous start to 2011, we are thriving, happy, and we have more peace than we've had in YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! :hurray: Because of this, dh and I need to lower our blood pressure meds!!!!!

4. Ds19 appears to be making school a priority over his gf. At least his grades show that.

5. Dh still has a great job with great pay.


I have to add a 6th:


6. Thankful for our kitchen remodel and our HUGE island!!! We had 8 people working at it last night during our party!

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