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Left-handed or right-handed

Which are you?  

  1. 1. Which are you?

    • Left-handed
    • Right-handed
    • Ambidextrous
    • Other

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DH and I were talking about this today. He said that in the past, being left-handed was seen as a mark of the devil and that it still has a stigma attached to it. He told me that the word sinister is latin for left, and that dextrous has a past meaning of right. I've never heard of this before.


So, are you left-handed, right-handed, or ambidextrous, or other?

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The elementary school I went to would not allow me to be left-handed; I have no idea why, really. I have heard all of these things about left-handedness at some point and Wikipedia has an interesting entry on the relationship between left/right and word meanings.


At this point I am nearly completely ambidextrous, e.g., my handwriting is illegible no matter which hand I write with:D

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I'm the right handed daughter of a left handed mom.


I write right handed. I pretty much do everything else left handed if given the choice. This summer I rapelled off a cliff left handed. When they set me up for right handed it felt wrong, so we switched and it felt so much better.

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I believe I am naturally left handed or ambidextrous, but where I grew up I was not allowed to use my left hand for eating or writing, so I learned to do those with my right. (I can still write with my left, just not quite as easily). So I now consider myself ambidextrous since I can do most things with both hands fairly equally.

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Dh and I are right handed but DD is a lefty. And believe me, the anti-left handedness attitude is alive and well in India! Poor thing, it drives her crazy. It mostly comes up with religious rituals or when my in-laws are visiting. I think the schools are getting better at not forcing children to switch. Our favorite stop when we visit the US is the Lefty shop in SFO!

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My hubby, I and all of my girls are right handed. My oldest (son) is ambi. My SIL and the 18 year old's fiance' are both left handed. My grandson looks like he is going to be left handed. One of my brothers is left handed. I pay close attention and I have noticed that a lot of artist, musicians, actors and politicians are left handed.

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I'm left handed and actually had two different patrons at work today comment about it.


My dad is left handed.


My mom is right handed BUT believes she was forced to use her right hand as a young child (that stigma). She plays all sports, however, left handed. She was taught by her left handed brother, who was very ill as a child and probably given more grace with his left handedness.


I eat and write left handed. I play all sports right handed, and I cut right handed.


My sister is left handed.


I'm disappointed that neither of my kids is left handed.

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I'm right-handed. I can write legibly in print or cursive with my left hand as well, but it isn't comfortable. I can also mirror-write, but I need to concentrate to do it. My left leg is dominant. My right eye is dominant according to a recent thread here that may have involved cuisenaire rods?


My mother is left-handed. My oldest is left-handed. My middle child is probably right-handed. My 1 year old picks up crayons with a perfect pencil grip in his left hand and colors...so he might write with his left hand too.

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I'm the oddball who voted 'other.' I write with my left hand and have horrible handwriting with my right. I am a switch hitter in baseball and drove my father crazy when he tried to teach me to play golf by constantly switching sides. He never could figure out whether to get me left- or right-handed clubs and finally gave up. For the majority of sports, though, like bowling or fielding in baseball or tennis, I'm right-handed and have problems using my left. So really... it depends what I'm doing.

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A little of both (I voted ambidextrous, though that's not exactly it.) I write with my right hand, I eat with either (usually right, except for when I am using my spoon or sitting next to a lefty,) and I do everything else left-handed.


My dc are all over the place - one dd just like me, one dd so completely right-handed she can't do anything left-handed, and a ds who is usually a lefty but can switch in sports when he needs to. My artistic/musical dd is the righty. Dh is just plain old right-handed.

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