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When do you shower?

When do you shower?  

  1. 1. When do you shower?

    • First thing in the morning.
    • Right before bed.
    • A consistent time in the middle of the day.
    • A random time daily.
    • Other.

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How do you shower at night? I cannot go to bed with my hair wet! And even if I try to blow dry it, it still is a bit damp and I wake up with hair in every direction.


I have never understood how people can do it!



Shower at night, wash the hair in the morning in the kitchen. :-)

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I find I usually shower *just before* I towel off.




How do you shower at night? I cannot go to bed with my hair wet! And even if I try to blow dry it, it still is a bit damp and I wake up with hair in every direction.


I have never understood how people can do it!




:iagree: Then again, I have long, fluffy, curly hair, so you can have fun imagining what that might look like in the morning if I showered the night before! Plus, I find that if I go to bed with my hair even slightly damp, my head itches like crazy in the morning. What is that about?! I really need to shower and then fix my hair, then leave it that way for the rest of the day. I can't brush it or re-fix it if it gets squashed or frizzed, so that kind of rules out nighttime showers. Hats too.


My reality is "random times of day, just before I need to go somewhere or just before DH comes home if I don't want him to run screaming back to his car when he gets here." My ideal is "first thing in the morning," because boy, when I shower first thing, I get SO MUCH MORE done during the day! It's almost laughable--I'm like the Energizer bunny. I don't know why this is. Feeling itchy and icky and like I want to hide in the house really affects my productivity, I guess.

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Shower at night, wash the hair in the morning in the kitchen. :-)


See, this doesn't work for me. I have so much hair, and it's so long, that it takes just as long as a shower would to wash in the sink, and it doesn't work as well. Plus, then my shirt is wet, and I'm annoyed... I wish I could do it though!

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How do you shower at night? I cannot go to bed with my hair wet! And even if I try to blow dry it, it still is a bit damp and I wake up with hair in every direction.


I have never understood how people can do it!



Well, it feels gross to me to get into bed with the dirt of the day on my body.

In the morning if my hair looks wild, I use a spray bottle to wet it before styling.

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See, if I take my shower at night, I can get dressed right away in the morning, regardless of what the dc are doing.


I wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen. :-)




I get dressed like the firemen :) I have my clothes next to my bed ready to put on. I just never know what I'm going to awaken too.

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I don't shower every day. Sometimes it's in the evening, if I know I won't be on the ball enough to go through the ridiculous hair arranging program before I need to leave; other times it's in the morning.

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How do you shower at night? I cannot go to bed with my hair wet! And even if I try to blow dry it, it still is a bit damp and I wake up with hair in every direction.


I have never understood how people can do it!




I dry it if I shower at night. My hair will be in every direction whether I go to bed with it damp or not. Straightening iron is my best friend. We have long talks where I thank her for allowing me to live out of the 80's.


My hair is very bushy and thick. And dry. I don't wash it every day, in part because it would only get drier and in part because the whole Arranging of the Hair is such an ordeal, I cannot think of having to do that every day.

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See, this doesn't work for me. I have so much hair, and it's so long, that it takes just as long as a shower would to wash in the sink, and it doesn't work as well. Plus, then my shirt is wet, and I'm annoyed... I wish I could do it though!


I wet my hair in the sink when it was thigh length. I just used the basket side and not the disposal side. :ack2: I don't wash it every day, though. It's curly and dry. Since I started using Kiss My Face gel, I don't even have to wash the product out... It just seems to go away.

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I voted 'random time daily' but should have said other...


I do not shower everyday. No way! More like 2-4x a week (or more during the summer as needed due to running/sweating etc), plus I only wash my hair 1x a week. My skin & hair are better for it....actually I cannot fathom washing my hair everyday- I have very, very thick hair and it only starts behaving on day 3 after washing it- LOL


Here in CO the process of moisturizing after every shower (due to dry/arid climate) really discourages one from over-bathing- LOL

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I wet my hair in the sink when it was thigh length. I just used the basket side and not the disposal side. :ack2: I don't wash it every day, though. It's curly and dry. Since I started using Kiss My Face gel, I don't even have to wash the product out... It just seems to go away.


We don't have two sides, just the one main sink, where everything goes. :ack2: is right. It's also not that deep, and the faucet is low, so my head would be touching the bottom of the sink, my hair gets sucked down the drain, etc. I do wash mine every day or my scalp goes crazy. Plus, I don't have the "refresh and go" curly hair. It needs to be washed and fluffed again, or I start to look like a wet cat after awhile (no volume on top at all).


This whole conversation has started making me want to get my hair cut to shoulder length again!

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Right now in the evenings. Historically, in the morning (first thing).


Right now I have a 20 month old who cosleeps. I wake him up if I shower right away, and if he gets up, he'll wake the other kids.


So, for now (probably until DS2 moves into his own room), I have been showering in the evenings during the week and mornings on the weekend (when DH is available to deal with DS2).

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