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Spider Poll

What Should I do about the spider?  

  1. 1. What Should I do about the spider?

    • Throw a shoe at it and hope that kills it.
    • Wake my oldest son up to kill it.
    • Hope it goes away.
    • Call 911

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For Beansprouts.;)


What should I do about the spider that is just sitting on the floor. It is about 5 feet away from me and I am too askeered to move.


I got a size 10 right here, I'll take care of that for you.


But dangit would you PLEASE stop that gawdawful yelling???

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I get all my spiders with the long hose of vacuum and than change bag. If small I get them with paper plate.


Mind you if it has huge black bulbous end. Scream and run. In our old house we had a definite deadly spider in our garage, I never went in there again. Thank god, dh was home and killed it.Scary. I had heebie jeebies for a week.


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It's the man's job to kill the bugs. Even little men. But for heavens sake woman, if there's no man around, throw the shoe! Save yourself!!!




~Lisa of the new nasal piercing


GET OUT!!! Did you really do your nose? Oh, I am so jealous!


I am trapped on the couch and yougot a nose ring.:glare:



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Just get some tissue and pick up that spider and flush it. I'm not scared of spiders. I am scared of squishing things though. My spiders always drown. hehe


My God, woman! I have call 911 as a poll option. Do you honestly think that I am going to touch it?:lol:

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You are worrying me. Is it black. If not throw a book, I have lost many a book. One time I threw a brand new pack of computer paper at a big brown monster. My dh has gotten many a call at work for black spiders.


Nine times out of ten, false alarm.



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You are worrying me. Is it black. If not throw a book, I have lost many a book. One time I threw a brand new pack of computer paper at a big brown monster. My dh has gotten many a call at work for black spiders.


Nine times out of ten, false alarm.




No, it's brown. shudder My husband said he would spray before he left but he didn't. :glare:


I have seen these things in the garage before. My middle boy sprays them with WD-40.:lol:

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Hairspray. Doncha have some?

Spray it, spray it, spray it again. It'll die.

Umm, dishwasher detergent might work too, but I haven't tried that.


Umm, but that would me she'd have to get off the couch to get *to* the hairspray. Thus, be closer *shudder* to the spider. eeek.

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When I lived in Okinawa, we had a spider so big that I heard it climbing up the wall. I blasted that thing with about half a can of bug spray. Xh was at work and I sure wasn't going to sleep with that thing alive in the house.


My kids all love bugs. They will go dig in the dirt to find bugs. They will take pictures of bugs. Except spiders. My youngest saw a spider once and she started whimpering. It was just a little black run-of-the-mill spider, so I figured if I did nothing it would just go away, problem solved. But dd was really upset, so I told her that when Daddy came in from the garden he would get it. She put on her shoes and walked out to the garden to get him so he could kill the spider. He was her hero that day. :001_smile:

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HA!! I'll bet it was a nice-sized spider w/ stripes from head to ...abdomen :)


probably a basic wolf spider. They look big and scary, but are not dangerous. And yes, they EAT bugs! esp those nasty roaches... now THOSE you call 911 over.... but we keep the mighty spiders for hunting down the real villains.

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I have no idea where it came from, I just looked up and there it was in the floor a few feet from me. Everyone else is asleep so I jumped up and squashed him. Now I can't sleep because I am certain we have a house full of spiders that come out late at night and crawl all over us while we are sleeping. :eek:

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I have no idea where it came from, I just looked up and there it was in the floor a few feet from me. Everyone else is asleep so I jumped up and squashed him. Now I can't sleep because I am certain we have a house full of spiders that come out late at night and crawl all over us while we are sleeping. :eek:


Sorry! And you were so brave to kill the perpetrating arachnid!:001_smile:

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I have woken my husband up to kill big bugs in the house before. Luckily, he's such a hard sleeper he doesn't even remember it the next day.


When he's deployed I throw a shoe and pretend it killed it.


One of those giant flying roaches flew into my laundry room while I was taking trash out the other night. I promptly dropped a shoe on it and RAN the other way. The next day, my sweet baby boy brought me that D*#*M bug. Yes, I left the shoe sitting on top of it all night and into the next moring. I'd rather trip over the shoe than see the nasty smashed bug. See, it is a job for a man (or at least the almost 2 yo version of a man) to clean up nasty bugs!! I've been known to pay good money for one of my girls to pick up dead bugs.

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We have little lizards that eat the flying roaches. I've never *seen* a spider eat one, but anything that might kill those suckers has to be my friend. Any outside spider has a pass from me on the off chance that they might eat one. Inside, that's a different story. Raid was created for a very good reason.

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It's the man's job to kill the bugs. Even little men. But for heavens sake woman, if there's no man around, throw the shoe! Save yourself!!!




~Lisa of the new nasal piercing


Wow! You did it!! We need a picture, after all that waiting. We were here for you, now reward us, please! :D

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I voted wake up oldest son to kill it. Last week dc and I were on the back porch, I turned and came inside, and then they all started screaming "Tarantula, Tarantula!!" It was right under the back door. I locked the door, and told them they could come in when it was dead. Even the dog was afraid of this sucker- it was BIG! Shudder

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Ladies, ladies! Spiders are our friends! They eat mosquitoes. They write nice messages about runt piglets. We love spiders.


Our technique - OK, my technique, since my dw won't touch spiders either - is to wad up some tp, scoop up the spider, and escort it outdoors. For high-up spiders, I use a broom and try to be gentle.


I think I'm seeing a great business opportunity here... ;)

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Spiders may be useful, unless they give you a heart attack!!!


I scream for my spiderman, he's 10. Large hardback volumes, not antique ones, work great for introducing spiders to the after life.


We have wolf spiders, so they would eat tissues.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

None of the above. Take a good look. If it is not poisonous, let it go on its merry way. If it is poisonous take off your shoe and whack it. :-)

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Ladies, ladies! Spiders are our friends! They eat mosquitoes. They write nice messages about runt piglets. We love spiders.


Our technique - OK, my technique, since my dw won't touch spiders either - is to wad up some tp, scoop up the spider, and escort it outdoors. For high-up spiders, I use a broom and try to be gentle.


I think I'm seeing a great business opportunity here... ;)


Great, just great! Where were you at 1a.m. Plaid Dad??;)


Hmmm, a broom you say?:D

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Ladies, ladies! Spiders are our friends! They eat mosquitoes. They write nice messages about runt piglets. We love spiders.




DD6 thinks the same thing. She will shriek in sheer terror and come running when she sees a spider. Then, I have to sit and muster up my courage to get close enough to kill it so she can continue on with her day. That's when she'll start screaming again. No! Don't kill!! I like spiders! :001_huh: They eat the bad bugs Mommy. You can't kill it. :001_huh::blink:


I can't quite handle this. I can barely muster up the courage to throw an encyclopedia at one, let alone pick it up alive and move it! :tongue_smilie:

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Ladies, ladies! Spiders are our friends! They eat mosquitoes. They write nice messages about runt piglets. We love spiders.


Our technique - OK, my technique, since my dw won't touch spiders either - is to wad up some tp, scoop up the spider, and escort it outdoors. For high-up spiders, I use a broom and try to be gentle.


We are a "catch and release outside the home" as well. My boys would have a fit if I killed a spider. I would get the "necessary part of nature speech for sure." That said, I would have to argue that giant flying roaches are NOT a part of nature and should be killed immediately!



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Spiders may be useful, unless they give you a heart attack!!!


I scream for my spiderman, he's 10. Large hardback volumes, not antique ones, work great for introducing spiders to the after life.


We have wolf spiders, so they would eat tissues.


:eek: Oh God. The wolf spiders. We are just eat up with them around here too. They scare me to death. They get so honkin' big! One bit me on the toe when I was about 8 years old - now I'm just DONE with spiders. Don't want to see them, don't want to be in the same state with them. The only good spider to me is the one that is flat, dead, under the "T" World Book Encyclopedia.


My vote is to call 911... :D

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