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Spider Poll

What Should I do about the spider?  

  1. 1. What Should I do about the spider?

    • Throw a shoe at it and hope that kills it.
    • Wake my oldest son up to kill it.
    • Hope it goes away.
    • Call 911

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Spiders should die by drowning.


If my husband is home, he is very civilized and escorts the offending creature back to the outdoors.


If he is not home, I used to put a glass over them and let him deal with it when he got home. If they suffocated in the mean time {shrug}. But DH did not like that plan because 1. he said it was cruel for me to kill the poor spider so and 2. he does not like the idea of a glass holding a captive and probably ticked off spider, in case a curious crawler or a toddler would release Mr angry spider and then get bit. So he nixed that plan. To me, the crunch option is worse than the spider in my house to begin with!


So, I now put the glass over the spider, slide something flat beneath it, shudder, drop the spider in the toilet and flush.

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It depends on the day.


I have this lovely can of "Hot Shot Spider Killer" sitting next to me here, since I saw a spider on my desk a couple of weeks ago. It got away while I was going to get the can.


Sometimes I vacuum them up.


Other times my oldest son will squash them. I love testosterone!~ He isn't afraid at all!!


If dh his home, he will do the dirty deed.


For all other bugs, they either get vacuumed or caught in a glass and put outside. But I don't want a spider to jump on me, or find its way back into the house (they're smart, you know!).


It's a good thing that the myth about people eating spiders in their sleep is actually a myth, or I don't think I'd ever sleep again!

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<It's a good thing that the myth about people eating spiders in their sleep is actually a myth, or I don't think I'd ever sleep again!>


One horrible night, while peacefully sleeping, I felt something crawling on my eye. In my sleep (couldn't have done this while awake!), I picked it off my eye and threw it as hard as I could. Well, that woke me up. I turned on my light and investigated. I found spider parts on my bed and floor.


If I see a spider at night, I have to kill it, or I can't sleep. I've been known to haul out the vacuum at 1am to get one. A shoe just doesn't do the trick with those wolf spiders. I think one hissed at me once.


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What does it look like, before you call 911. Last wk. I called 211 , non emergency for a definite rattlesnake on my porch and noone would come.





Spiders? Meh.


But if had a FREAKING RATTLESNAKE ON MY BACK PORCH....I"d be calling 911, the State Police SWAT team, the National Guard and probably a medic to administer CPR because I'd very definitely be expecting to expire from fright right there on the spot.


Now I wil promptly begin to have nightmares for a week.


Astrid (the snake-wimp)

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Spiders? Meh.


But if had a FREAKING RATTLESNAKE ON MY BACK PORCH....I"d be calling 911, the State Police SWAT team, the National Guard and probably a medic to administer CPR because I'd very definitely be expecting to expire from fright right there on the spot.


Now I wil promptly begin to have nightmares for a week.


Astrid (the snake-wimp)


We had a snake in our garage last week. It wasn't a rattler, but is was mad. DH shooed it out with a broom handle, it was hissing and spitting at him. Ironically, ds and I followed him out in wonder and awe. Not scared of snakes, but I will scream at the slightest spider.

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But if had a FREAKING RATTLESNAKE ON MY BACK PORCH....I"d be calling 911, the State Police SWAT team, the National Guard


Actually you don't need any of these things...all that is required is a good shotgun. My MIL actually kills them with JUST A HOE! No kidding.



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Ironically, ds and I followed him out in wonder and awe. Not scared of snakes, but I will scream at the slightest spider.
I'm that way too! I never afraid of snakes, but I HATE spiders!


It was great the last year I taught: I had two boys that thought they were "THE" best at everything--looks, intelligence, you name it, they were best and coolest! Cooler than their teacher (me) even, most likely!


One day they came running in, all out of breath, scared to death! "There's a snake outside by the door!" I said "Really> Show me where it is!" So they went out into the hall and pointed, from 20 or 30 feet away, which door the snake was near. I opened the door and there it was curled up in a corner. I went over and picked it up (it was a racer, non-poisonous) and said, "Hey guys, wanna come see it?" They wouldn't come anywhere near! :lol:


The great thing was that after that, they had a lot more respect for me! :tongue_smilie: Now if it would've been a big spider? Yikes, I'd have stayed FAR away from the thing!

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You should have had an 'other' option. I like to grab hair spray or deodorant...or any other aerosol we have on hand and stun/freeze/encapsulate it from afar. I've even been known to use Lemon Pledge on the little scary creatures.

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I was too scared to call 911, it was a baby, it was coiled up outside and could not hear or see rattler. I went to comp. and pulled all kind of images. Suspected yes baby rattler, which is worse.


Since couldnt get county help, we live down street from a county park. I talked to the ranger and they came right over, two of them. Had a box and a little picker upper thing. But, before they picked it up, they poked it and took pictures. Weird. They picked it up and said yes definitely rattler, and a nice species, they said. I said take it away, take it away.


Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn, and yes I keep having nightmares. Mind you after that I had my husband tape up any cracks we had in windows or doors. We just moved here, but I am ready to move to again to a nice urban jungle.


Now my fear is since that was baby, where are the rest, I called a guy to see if he could check yard and get rid of ones he found , he said sure , 300.00. Scared to let kids out.



The saga continues. On a side note was the spider killed.



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This thread went from bad to worse. From spiders crawling on people's slumbering faces to Astrid and Elegant Loin's snakes. Spiders are bad enough but snakes? I can't even watch a National Geographic show about snakes.


It's a wonder I ever go outside!:lol:

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