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In 24 hours I'll be back home....

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Hooray! Welcome back! (Almost)! It must feel so exciting and odd all at the same time! What are you most looking forward to upon your return to the U.S., and what will you miss the most when you leave Germany?


I can't wait to see the beautiful flag of our country and fly it proudly at my door. I've missed doing that.


What I'll miss from Germany...my great German friends, the lovely wines and cheese and the view from my porch.

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I can't wait to see the beautiful flag of our country and fly it proudly at my door. I've missed doing that.


What I'll miss from Germany...my great German friends, the lovely wines and cheese and the view from my porch.


It's been over 2 years since we've been back and we've been in Guatemala now for 6 years. When we flew into the Chicago airport and I saw "Welcome to the United States of America" I literally cried.


I love our country! Be prepared for some major culture shock though. It's hard on our family when we go to places in the US to shop (and we have Wal-Mart and beautiful malls in the City here) and see the excessive amounts of stuff. It gets a tad overwhelming.


Are you going back to Germany?

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I can't wait to see the beautiful flag of our country and fly it proudly at my door. I've missed doing that.


What I'll miss from Germany...my great German friends, the lovely wines and cheese and the view from my porch.


You will also miss bakeries, schwimmbads, walkplatzes, restaurants, festivals, markets of all kinds and more! We miss so many things about Germany. :grouphug:


Be prepared for some major culture shock though. It's hard on our family when we go to places in the US to shop (and we have Wal-Mart and beautiful malls in the City here) and see the excessive amounts of stuff. It gets a tad overwhelming.


I agree. We are so spoiled for choice in the US, overwhelming is the only appropriate word. The first day we were back we went to WalMart because we were missing a kid toothbrush. The toothbrush aisle was mind-blowing. We had a serious case of sensory overload, lol!

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